Staying or Going... JetBlue edition

View Poll Results: Are you leaving JetBlue for another airline?
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Quote: now more than ever having multiple fleet types makes sense.

NK having 40 airplanes down on average
AK having to park all the max

multiple types is a hedge at this point.
while I do understand where you're coming from, it's still way out of the left field and absolutely falls under the category of wild speculation. one thing i do know is that whatever the coming years are to bring, it'll be interesting to watch it transpire. although, i think id rather do it from a far (i.e. DAL, AA, UAL)
Quote: I'll be honest, my intention was to have a career here. I have seniority and drive to work. There's currently a very real conversation happening in our home about starting over elsewhere.
Quote: Same here. After I got my JetBlue phase 2 email a decade ago, I told the family that "Daddy has gone to his last interview and I'm only keeping the suit for funerals."

Now about twice a week we talk about dusting off that suit.
Kind of in the same boat. I've got seniority and drive to work. Came with full intention of staying here. This has me feeling very uneasy, to the point where for the first time I've been here, I've considered putting apps out. I'm glad hes capped at 15% but based on his past I don't really see that stopping him as I see it more of a roadblock. I think in the end whatever his intentions may be he will get, 15% cap or not, what he wants.
Quote: Same here. After I got my JetBlue phase 2 email a decade ago, I told the family that "Daddy has gone to his last interview and I'm only keeping the suit for funerals."

Now about twice a week we talk about dusting off that suit.
Quote: I'm coming up on 3 years and wanted to retire here after getting hired. This place works well for my family. I'm 50/50 now, finding it hard to make a decision with so many unknowns and viariables (Insert larry david meme). I definitely want to see what is said during the investor presentation in May and hope for some more clarity. Still, even if they paint a pretty future for us its no guarantee of whats to come.

I ve noticed now collective forum guidance on "Certainly Staying" has gone up from over 2 years to now include 3 to 4.
I will point out that one constant I read on bith staying and going posts is: UNCERTAINTY. With Mr.Icahn's involvement announced earlier this week......that to me only increases the volumne of uncertaity.
In addition to, I challenge anyone to find a one time employee (need not be Aviaition) of any Company that Icahn has been associated with and says " Wow, I am so glad I stayed with _____ after Icahn. My career took such a great turn with_____ after Icahn came aboard."

Yes there is uncertanty. I thought Geraghty represents a lot of uncertainty. There is a chance Geraghty may turn the company around and grow like Kudzu and widebodies on-the-ready. But it is a slim chance and I think threr is a higher probababilty she leads to a bad outcome. Certainly now introduce Icahn.....I think those odds of a bad outcome go up exponentially.
So jetpilot I sympathyze with you as succes in all areas of life come down to: The Decisions you make when you are under the most pressure.
Not everyone gets them right.........thats why you get/will get/will not get paid the Big Bucks!!!

But I encourage you to do this: Picture yourself age are somewhere nice...healthy...enjoying your life.......are you saying "All this was possible because I had faith in that Icahn guy...I just knew it!!"
Quote: Kind of in the same boat. I've got seniority and drive to work. Came with full intention of staying here. This has me feeling very uneasy, to the point where for the first time I've been here, I've considered putting apps out. I'm glad hes capped at 15% but based on his past I don't really see that stopping him as I see it more of a roadblock. I think in the end whatever his intentions may be he will get, 15% cap or not, what he wants.

Same boat. What worries me is not only his involvement but how Mgmt has handled this. Stringing us along, the vetting process must’ve been short. Both have served at Xerox, which had a scandal and at an energy company facing corruption charges. Part of me says there’s nothing for him to sell to pay off debt as we aren’t in much debt but I’m sure he’ll find a way. His reputation is what makes me uneasy coupled with no plan B said yet. At this point I’m hoping for us to be sold to a bigger carrier where I’ll still be at the bottom but keep longevity. If the investor call in May is still shaky, I’ll call it quits and put apps out.
I ve noticed now collective forum guidance on "Certainly Staying" has gone up from over 2 years to now include 3 to 4.
I will point out that one constant I read on bith staying and going posts is: UNCERTAINTY. With Mr.Icahn's involvement announced earlier this week......that to me only increases the volumne of uncertaity.
In addition to, I challenge anyone to find a one time employee (need not be Aviaition) of any Company that Icahn has been associated with and says " Wow, I am so glad I stayed with _____ after Icahn. My career took such a great turn with_____ after Icahn came aboard."

Yes there is uncertanty. I thought Geraghty represents a lot of uncertainty. There is a chance Geraghty may turn the company around and grow like Kudzu and widebodies on-the-ready. But it is a slim chance and I think threr is a higher probababilty she leads to a bad outcome. Certainly now introduce Icahn.....I think those odds of a bad outcome go up exponentially.
So jetpilot I sympathyze with you as succes in all areas of life come down to: The Decisions you make when you are under the most pressure.
Not everyone gets them right.........thats why you get/will get/will not get paid the Big Bucks!!!

But I encourage you to do this: Picture yourself age are somewhere nice...healthy...enjoying your life.......are you saying "All this was possible because I had faith in that Icahn guy...I just knew it!!"
There would definitely be less uncertainty at some other places. If I stay, it wouldn't be because of faith in Icahn persay, but rather faith that with Icahn "shaking the tree," current leadership and board will collabrate to put us on some track for success long term, that includes something other than more DR turns.
Quote: Same boat. What worries me is not only his involvement but how Mgmt has handled this. Stringing us along, the vetting process must’ve been short. Both have served at Xerox, which had a scandal and at an energy company facing corruption charges. Part of me says there’s nothing for him to sell to pay off debt as we aren’t in much debt but I’m sure he’ll find a way. His reputation is what makes me uneasy coupled with no plan B said yet. At this point I’m hoping for us to be sold to a bigger carrier where I’ll still be at the bottom but keep longevity. If the investor call in May is still shaky, I’ll call it quits and put apps out.

The plan B one is another hot topic for me. Have heard constantly since Spirit was even a thought that a plan B was in place in case of an unsuccessful outcome. Fast forward to present time and still no mention of this plan B. Just a "we have one". More stringing along with they'll say more of what it is in May. Now throw the newest investor into the mix it seems more of there is no plan B. I'm doing the same thing. Let the dust settle and see what happens come May with the investor call and then it'll be decision time.
Quote: It still blows my mind that the judge/ruling is for "Anti-competitive" when all he did was literally create a mess of 2 airlines, with both airlines possibly being acquired or just gone. Absolutely nuts.
"To those dedicated customers of Spirit, this one’s for you"

This is not the kind of language expected to come down from the bench during an anti-trust, or any trial.
The judge is an idiot, and the defense failed to recognize that or educate him.
Personally I'm optimistic about the appeal, but I think some renegotiations are called for.
The landscape has changed and $3.8B is too much. If the appeal favors the defense, the surviving airline needs it's best shot at survival and growth considering the challenges ahead including P&W.
Quote: Same boat. What worries me is not only his involvement but how Mgmt has handled this. Stringing us along, the vetting process must’ve been short. Both have served at Xerox, which had a scandal and at an energy company facing corruption charges. Part of me says there’s nothing for him to sell to pay off debt as we aren’t in much debt but I’m sure he’ll find a way. His reputation is what makes me uneasy coupled with no plan B said yet. At this point I’m hoping for us to be sold to a bigger carrier where I’ll still be at the bottom but keep longevity. If the investor call in May is still shaky, I’ll call it quits and put apps out.
how in the world will you guys be allowed to be sold to a larger competitor now that precedent has been set by Judge Young?

It’s seems like the DOJ can block any future merger easily if they so choose
Quote: how in the world will you guys be allowed to be sold to a larger competitor now that precedent has been set by Judge Young?

It’s seems like the DOJ can block any future merger easily if they so choose

It’s never brought to court like several mergers of our pastime. Our last President, who’s the running favorite to be our next President, is the one who rubber stamped the NEA during the final months of his presidency.
Quote: how in the world will you guys be allowed to be sold to a larger competitor now that precedent has been set by Judge Young?

It’s seems like the DOJ can block any future merger easily if they so choose
Clearly past precedent wasn’t used in this. Going forward, I wouldn’t think his ignorant decision would be used as any basis for future M&A.
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