Dear MEC & LEC - Please vote this TA DOWN

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Quote: So not giving up something we already have is a win?
Did I say it was a win. Essentially I said we asked to lift the cap. The company asked for new hire relief. And then we each said Fock off.
Quote: I believe this 4 years of negotiations and the resulting TA are a microcosm of what has happened in our country the last 20 years. The continuous, un-ending, money grab from those on top taking from those below, even during times of record profits! Management already did this to all the other work groups, they have been bled dry and reached the lowest common denominator to meet the "maximum accepted level of service failures" (just look at how difficult it is to staff our night hub operations whenever there is a slight hiccup), now they are going after "efficiencies" and money from our part of the workforce pie. It's all about the profits for the shareholders. Long term value? Gone. Brand reputation above all else? Gone. Management bonuses and multimillionaires: multiplying as we speak. I suspect if the TA passes, we will have a few more tens of $millions handed out to those who helped craft this piece of work.

And a big 10-4 on that.

What goes on here is just a reflection of society in general. FedEx used to be sort of special, with PSP and the loyalty that the employees showed toward the Company.

Now, greed, deception, and apathy have taken over. The way the HKG folks were fired and their company emails that were scrubbed from the system, the way people fly disputed pairings and other trips during certain times. I cant wait until retirement.

Things are generally still pretty good but that is disappearing fast.
My question, to get A Plan improvements do you think we would have to give up money elsewhere? I do, and I don't think it is a good idea. Do we or don't we have one of the best A Plans in the industry?

I reject the notion that there is a pie of defined value, and we have to decide how to divide it up. In order to achieve gains in one place, we have to sacrifice gains in another.

Is that how FedEx approached the TNT deal? If the offer wasn't big enough, it would be rejected. It wasn't a matter of FedEx telling TNT they'd have to figure out how to divvy up the pie.

We deserve a bigger pie.

The question you need to be asking is what is the income replacement value of our A Plan, and how does that value change over time? What is clear to me, and should be clear to anyone, is that the value of our A Plan has diminished over time, and will continue to diminish over time. The more time, the larger the loss, and that's why this should be more of a young pilot concern than an old pilot concern. The pilots who are farthest from retirement will see the biggest losses.

Maintaining the status quo on the A Plan is not cost neutral -- it's a loss for us all.

Did I say it was a win. Essentially I said we asked to lift the cap. The company asked for new hire relief. And then we each said Fock off.

No, we did not say Fock off. We said, "OK, we give." "Fock off" would have involved donning our hats and carrying signs, voting to withhold our services, and maybe even missing a paycheck or two.

But now we have a different way to say, "Fock off." Now we have an opportunity to tell them what we really think.

By the way, L,

We're on the same team.

I only pick on you because you stick your neck out.



The pilots who are farthest from retirement will see the biggest losses.

Maintaining the status quo on the A Plan is not cost neutral -- it's a loss for us all.

This is one of the biggest issues of this TA that people need to understand.
I don't think the pot is necessarily limited with a titanium lid, but I do think if the accountants say raising the cap to 290 will cost you X or raising the cap to match IRS limits will cost you X squared the company will want to offset that expense somewhere else in our contract. Or decide that contract out some services our might be the better alternative. Could we get permission to strike over it, maybe, maybe not. I told you what I think it would have taken to get a cola or Cap increase and we said no.

As to whether I think you are picking on me not at, I haven't seen the TA yet, and I think we could have gotten more, this is the deal we should have gotten in 2011 but decided not to, but so far it is what I was expecting and can live with it. So pick away.
Quote: This is one of the biggest issues of this TA that people need to understand.
So what you guys are saying is we really didn't do new hires a favor by keeping the current A Plan for them. One of my questions for the 1st roadshow will be how much would it have cost to raise the cap on the A Plan and/or add a cola. How many multiples of the 125 million "bonus" do you think the answer will be?
One of my questions for the 1st roadshow will be how much would it have cost to raise the cap on the A Plan and/or add a cola. How many multiples of the 125 million "bonus" do you think the answer will be?

Far less than the intrinsic value to the brand that will be lost by going down a different path.

The increased cost is to The Company, not to us. They can afford it, and we have earned it.

If the company had a reason to negotiate you would be correct. They have more incentive to stretch this out than we do.
Quote: I reject the notion that there is a pie of defined value, and we have to decide how to divide it up. In order to achieve gains in one place, we have to sacrifice gains in another.

Agree with you 100% Tony. Where does this notion come from??? Let me guess, the company has told us this. When are we, as professionals, gonna pull our collective heads out & stop playing small ball? Because, until we do, we will continually lose...
The highlights just plain suck. I can't believe I will change my mind by having the entire TA. I would caution the union to provide us a true pro/con on the road shows and not try the hard sell. I think that wouldn't go over well and could prove to be a bad tactic.

All this hand-wringing about if we want/get more, for example, in the A plan, where's the money going to come from? The company, of course, not other sections of the contract dollar for dollar. I want our slice of the pie to get bigger. (I realize not every section can shoot for the moon, but retirement, current compensation, health car, etc are all big deals.)

The duration is waaaaay too long for something that feels so lackluster and in some sections, concessionary. The company has big plans on how to use 6-week bid months. I think this is a land mine.

I hate to say it, but the no change to CBA and get 3% raises are beginning to look like genius moves if we can't do better than this.

We don't need to strike or be released. The company can barely staff flights as it is right now. They are currently using every trick in the scheduling book (extending trips, management flying, base replacements, keeping flight number and not calling it a base replacement, etc, etc). They can't accept the uncertainty of peak with us unhappy (individually of course). They can't wet lease their way around it either. They have a crew force that is near boiling.

Open the voting now. The highlights were enough for me to see.
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