US Airways Calls

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Got the e-mail. Prior mil, current reservist. Seriously bummed as I got my hopes up that this actually meant something.
No email and this is my third attempt. Current full-time Reservist with 15 years active mil. Lots of IP/EP and safety experience plus a Masters, so not sure how they pick 'em. Good luck to everyone.
Quote: I still have the Feb and May apps under review. No email today or "keep warm". Any word of none degree folks getting in?
Your chances are very close to if not zero without a degree.
I had every good sign on all the last apps like view the directions keep warm and all that stuff. Never got an interview and now I did not get this email. Looks like its time to focus on American
No email here either. Ex-mil, almost all multi-engine jet, current 121.

The one thing I do not have is the 400h/12 months on any of my 4 applications. I'm starting to wonder if not having this box checked is an automatic DQ?
No email or "Keep Warm" for me either. I've applied in each of the last 4 windows and my February and May apps still show Under Review. I am currently a 135/91 PIC, but have 2500 121 SIC from my days at Pinnacle. No military time.
Anybody in the know know when they might open a new application window?
All these emails mean nothing. Don't despair.

I don't think the 400 hour requirement applies to mil. The lack of FMS auto coupling probably hurts,
Anyone else get "pre-rescind 7/24/13"?
I got it for my feb ap.
this is wierd
Got an email today that I passed the initial screen, and now the hiring team is on its final screening of my applications. They said this process could take several weeks.

Any one else get this?

Ps. it still says under review
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