Some UPA/TA Tweaks I was thinking about...

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Quote: Just wanted to throw another idea or two into the mix.

PS commuting: if the cost is to high, make it PS on your backup flight if you can't get on your primary flight. This way it assures a pilot makes it to a trip if they can't get on their primary flight.

Scope: want more weight? 500 lbs max. But make the jumpseat part of the BOW of not only the CRJ550, but also the CRJ-200, ERJ145, CRJ-700, and the E175. Make it to where a mainline pilot cannot be bumped from the JS in a W&B situation as well.
How hard is “not an inch on scope”.

We are finally, after decades, putting that genie back in the bottle and we’re willing to open it right back up so a few commuters from BFE can more reliably get the jumpseat?
Quote: How hard is “not an inch on scope”.

We are finally, after decades, putting that genie back in the bottle and we’re willing to open it right back up so a few commuters from BFE can more reliably get the jumpseat?
BFE? I guess 1100 daily departures to 4 continents with everything from a CRJ200 up to a 787 is considered BFE to you?
Quote: BFE? I guess 1100 daily departures to 4 continents with everything from a CRJ200 up to a 787 is considered BFE to you?
The CRJ-550 destinations are largely to/from a hub and smaller American cities that cannot support a mainline airplane, colloquially known as… BFE
Quote: BFE? I guess 1100 daily departures to 4 continents with everything from a CRJ200 up to a 787 is considered BFE to you?
Last time I looked UA pilots couldn’t get denied the JS on mainline flights due to weight and balance. If express jumpseats are a major issue for you, you live in BFE or a competitor’s hub.

I can’t believe people would want to torpedo scope just so you can live in CLT or ATL or MLI and commute a little bit easier. Weakness on scope screwed our passengers and turned the regionals into a food stamp meat grinder for years.

please let those RJ guys know you want to relax it before you take the JS next time. Don’t worry, they will still move heaven and earth to get you on like I did when I was at the regionals, but it’s always good to know who will happily sell you out for a few perks.

I’d be thrilled if you all got PS, even at the cost of some other QOL perks, but relaxing scope is an anathema to me. They could offer a 50% raise and I would vote no.
Quote: Just wanted to throw another idea or two into the mix.

PS commuting: if the cost is to high, make it PS on your backup flight if you can't get on your primary flight. This way it assures a pilot makes it to a trip if they can't get on their primary flight.

Scope: want more weight? 500 lbs max. But make the jumpseat part of the BOW of not only the CRJ550, but also the CRJ-200, ERJ145, CRJ-700, and the E175. Make it to where a mainline pilot cannot be bumped from the JS in a W&B situation as well.
The backup is always full and also always delayed past show time. So meh.

Giving scope isn't even worth a paid ticket on that RJ. It's hilarious our MEC tried to spin a scope give as a jumpseat improvement. Lol. We don't control another captain's jumpseat. There was zero change to the non-rev and jumpseat priority. You can still be bumped by paying passengers and higher priority jumpsesters. Our "benefit" is all spin. I want a 4000 lbs DECREASE in the allowable weight on that airplane plus a paid ticket for commuters. If I was unreasonable I might call for totally removing the CRJ-550 from service, but I'm looking at this from the company's side too.
Quote: The backup is always full and also always delayed past show time. So meh.

Giving scope isn't even worth a paid ticket on that RJ. It's hilarious our MEC tried to spin a scope give as a jumpseat improvement. Lol. We don't control another captain's jumpseat. There was zero change to the non-rev and jumpseat priority. You can still be bumped by paying passengers and higher priority jumpsesters. Our "benefit" is all spin. I want a 4000 lbs DECREASE in the allowable weight on that airplane plus a paid ticket for commuters. If I was unreasonable I might call for totally removing the CRJ-550 from service, but I'm looking at this from the company's side too.
This ^^^^^^^ Not one pound, mile, seat, RJ ! Hey NC/MEC what do you not understand about the word NO!
Quote: This ^^^^^^^ Not one pound, mile, seat, RJ ! Hey NC/MEC what do you not understand about the word NO!
Amen. Let the regionals die. No quarter.
Vote No until we have a new MEC, NC and TA2. This TA is a trainwreck.
That's it NO on Tumi 2

Quote: Vote No until we have a new MEC, NC and TA2. This TA is a trainwreck.
Quote: With these surveys surrounding us, I was just brainstorming and I was curious what could be tweaked with some of the modifications that have been made already with our TA.

Me: That TA can't be tweaked. It needs a full redo.

Here's what I came up with...

1) LCA pay - Words...
Me - Let the LCA community put forth what they want.

2) Reserve - I don't like the 0600 report for those that commute, but I'm curious for those that have been on reserve if this could be a possible win-win. Words...

Me - NO!. In fact, 1st day earliest report changes to 1200. 12 Hours lead notice on all assignments/trips. And we start a march towards 24 hr LC over the length of the contract. Schedule check at midnight LDO and no penalty for 2 way comms on LDO. They call, you answer, hear the offer, negotiate, no obligation. This is for those before 1200 trips/assignments and the Co can offer carrots to entice pickups. SC moves to 12hrs on call, 2.5 to report, and if called at 9.51 hrs into a SC, you can say no or take carrots offered for reduced reporting time.

Resv allowed to do PPU.

Next, MPG rig changes to 4:30/D and a day range/month is allowed in PBS, 16 - 18 days, 72-81 Hr MPG. Reserve day modifications are added to CCS/CC like trip drops/trades. If want to drop to 10 days and others want to plus up, let us.

Set rules for Co on determining min reserve coverage. As a LH, I wanted this so trading/drops were easier. With that, easier trading.

3) $1000/ year of service A plan. This will be paid to a 3rd party company/bank and managed outside of United so if you quit United or are fired/etc it's still yours. A 30 year United pilot at retirement will get $30,000/year at age 65. It doesn't hold a candle to the old A plan, but you have to start somewhere, right? Put a max years of service like UPS/FEDex.

I'd rather have this than whatever that retirement thing is in the current TA that still has to be approved by the IRS. I know a lot of guys at United were burned by losing their A plan in the past and this won't make up for it, but it's a start. Most other professions don't have a "mandatory retirement" date either, so it's still my opinion we need some level of pension.

If you don't want this, you can trade it for an Extra 2% to your B/C fund. You can change this every year if you want. If you hit the max # years, change it to the 2% over 16% we currently have. The 2% can be put in your 401K and require a match if that makes it work.

Me: Interesting. The hard part is how to start it. 15K pilots x current years of service = thousands of years, so kinda a huge upfront load. But they could start it now with everyone at 1, and allow spill overs into said fund, vacation forfeitures too.

4) Fix the unfilled CA vacancies...I believe our current UPA provides 6 months PS to/from your BES for initial CA upgrade if you say you will move to your domicile (from what I understand under the current system as long as you show you looked for some place to live, you get the PS for 6 months). Make that 18 months PS to/from BES for CA upgrade.

Me: PS Commuting is the only way to fix that. And it should be for everyone.

5) If PS commuting isn't tenable for the company, then allow any domestic city pair at your home of record (within limitations for those pilots that want to live in Switzerland or Hawaii or some really expensive city pair) to your BES to be bought at a 50% discount. If you buy a flight that arrives XX # of hours prior to your trip, you don't need a backup flight to be within the commuter clause. This would be a huge QOL bump for our commuters and would potentially be a win-win for the company as well.

Me - It's not untenable. The Co admitted themselves when they did unrestricted PS commuting for all bases June 30th - 6 July that operational integrity was higher than 2019 for the same period. So, PS is a win-win and they said so themselves. My plan, Mr Kirby, if you're reading is this.
1. PS Commuting, all pilots, not just job share instructors
2. One Mainline/Express flight needed, not 2. You run a robust operation Mr Kirby. Your flights depart and arrive on time, Mr Kirby. And you will have better rested pilots commuting in because an extra hour in your own bed is better that 3hrs in the crew lounge that stinks of rancid glycol (ORD).
3. Delta does it, so can you, Mr Kirby, or are they better than you, CORE 4 and all.
4. Now that pilots got a guaranteed ride to work on your robust flight operation, you won't need as many FSBs, Mr Kirby, so we can get rid of those.
5. Local dudes, not every item in a contract includes everyone. The Co doles out PS whenever it wants. WX, give it. Triple overtime, include it. And the Co demonstrated a better op by using it. This isn't a give and take item, where something else has to be given away. Besides, one day, because of this benefit, you make take a bid to fly that shiny big plane at that base far away, or your kid moves out and makes you a gramps/granny and the spouse says, pack your sh1t, we're moving. Bottom line, you may not commute today, but you might tomorrow.
6. If needed (full flights), and jumpseat open, most jr takes the jump, rest ride in the back.
7. With more than 12hr LC, commuting will decrease.

6) Go to a reservable jumpseat (with CA's permission of course) like DL and AA. At DL/AA they already do this. Why are we so bad to our commuters that we can't do this? Put the same rules and penalties for booking and no-show'ing for the JS. CAs authority is still in effect and a JS can still be denied if they show up and demand it...
Me: See PS Commuting above.

7) If the company wants the flexibility rules our NC seemed to give away for magic beans, let pilots "volunteer" for this flexibility. There are some people that bid for trips based upon certain layovers/etc. Instead of "giving away" this flexibility, allow pilots to "freeze" pairings. If a pairing is frozen, the current UPA rules apply. If a pilot doesn't freeze a pairing and the company wants to change that pairing thru this TAs new rules, then a % premium applies to the whole pairing, whether it's the last leg or not. I think there are enough pilots out there with crappy enough pairings that don't care for their layovers that would gladly accept a premium % and obvious pay protections. This flexibility I think can be provided for this % override and thru volunteering. I think the company would get this flexibility thru enough pilots that don't care about their current crappy pairing. This protects seniority if a pilot bid for a pairing and wants it frozen to not be re-paired on a whim.
Me: Hard set rules. And the fewer the better. We should be able to figure it out without a PDR to the hotline.

8) Where's the Boom jet pay rates or at least verbiage that these low seat aircraft will be flown by UAL pilots?
Me: And eliminate the A380. Isn't that thing out of production already?

I had some more ideas ,can't think of them all right now. I know these items aren't perfect, but these were items that I thought were going to be items we would see in a TA after all these years.

Me: Oh, I got more. Huge ones. Narrowbody line slug perspective.
1. Vacation: 5hrs/day
2. Training: 5hrs/day this year, not 3 years from now. CBTs/DL pays 1:1
3. LH rig increases from M5D to M5:15D
4. Per Diem: $3 Dom / $3.50 Intl now, increases with yearly pay rates or 5% minimum
5. SL changes to PTO, 10hrs/month earn rate, ability to dump into RHA. If a reserve designates a PTO day in a reserve block, skeds can't modify the rest of the block. But with RSV Day trading allowed, this won't be as big an issue.
6. LH trip changes. I'd allow a skeds to call to offer carrots to accept a trip mod before going to reserve/PPU/SrMan. If you're supposed to go to EWR for a short night, but offered to go to SAN or PHX or GCM for a longer stay, and add pay? Sure. Supposed to go to LIR for a nice resort stay and they want you to go to LGA, nope!
7. Pay chart: I'd say 3% retro for 2019 should help cover the feet dragging in 2019. 2020 into 2021, Gov't paid for most of that, but gains in other QoL areas pay for those 2 years. Retro for 2022. Rates, 2022 needs to be 10%. Then 7.5% for the next 2 years, consisting of 5% for the raise, 2.5% for the already negotiated LOA increase. Then 5% min for any more years. If contract goes past amendable date, each aircraft rate snaps up to the highest rate held by any US airline. Delta got the highest 757 rate (no idea if they do), we snap. SWA got the highest Max8 rate, we snap.
8. 401K B/C to 18%
9. No PUPs
10. CRJ-550 weight increases just 500lbs, the weight of 2x jumpseaters and all their luggage (yes, I'm using a widebody IRO in both cockpit and cabin jumps ) since the Co thinks they're helping us with the weight increase to include jumpseaters.
11. Add pay for NB crew day extensions. If its offered, include carrots.
12. Active RHA open to all, not just UAL health plans
13. If we end up with a MBCBP, RHA spills into that upon pilot death so spouse can use the rest.
14. If we get a MBCBP, must be managed by professional investment group (Schwab, etc) and have some pilot control over investment options, not a MEC Committee (sub-zero trust with them).
15. Widebody landings proposal - fail, try something else.
16. LTD, progress, but still falls short. 16K/Mo with B/C contributions, or eliminate the other income source restrictions.

Are these ideas horrible?
And I'm out of steam. Anyway, Mr Kirby and Mr Q, from a dude flying the line, with lots of burrs under my saddle and plenty of recent reserve time, items above are a good start. And if you think its a lot, well, its been building for a long time. Oh, and no ties unless you gotta wear the jacket, like the your USAF days, Mr Kirby.
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