Just got the ASA call!!

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Quote: It takes about 3 months to wear off. I can GUARANTEE you will not have the same attitude a year from now.

See...that is negative. Why would it wear off? I am going in there with the mindset I said earlier so what will happen that will make it so bad? That is what I have wanted to know for so long....What EXACTLY happens to people that make then complain so much about the job. Is it the pay?....you know that going in.....Is it how much they work you?....you should know that before you go in that they are going to work you to the bone.....Is is everyone around you complaining?....you might have something there...

And I am by no means trying to start a ****ing contest with anyone that has been there for more time than I have but why does everything have to be so bad.....You can call me crazy and having a young brain all you want but I am determined to have a better attitude than most people. CHEERS
It's not negative. It's just the way it is. I didn't even make it three months. I haven't even started flying yet, but I'm already starting to envy the guys I see flying 172s. You just can't win.
Cant win what...... ?? It sucked commuting and thats the only reason I left aviation the first time arount. Im a bit older and wiser now...and the range of opportunities are a bit more than the first time I got into this business....

dude..... take it for what it is and respect that some of us feel the way we do.
Who said I was a dude?

If the captain showed up at your door wearing a dress, what would you do?
Quote: See...that is negative. Why would it wear off? I am going in there with the mindset I said earlier so what will happen that will make it so bad? That is what I have wanted to know for so long....What EXACTLY happens to people that make then complain so much about the job. Is it the pay?....you know that going in.....Is it how much they work you?....you should know that before you go in that they are going to work you to the bone.....Is is everyone around you complaining?....you might have something there...

And I am by no means trying to start a ****ing contest with anyone that has been there for more time than I have but why does everything have to be so bad.....You can call me crazy and having a young brain all you want but I am determined to have a better attitude than most people. CHEERS
Its the getting screwed by your company. Its the getting canceled, reassigned, extended, junior manned, etc etc. Its the getting to the hotel at 0300 and the company hasn't made the reservation yet. Its the getting to the hotel at 0300 and being told they are full and that you will need to find other accommodations. Its the working weekends while your friends are out partying. Its the missing out on big holidays and family events like Xmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.. Its the passengers b!tching to you about how YOU PERSONALLY ruined their trip, their life and their children's life even though you had nothing to do with their flight. Its the being ground stopped for 3 hours on the last leg of a 4 day with a guy in the cockpit you can't stand and then missing the last run of the show your girlfriend has been begging you to take her too for two months but you've been either too busy or too broke to get tickets.

Your job is NOT just flying airplanes. Once you have the cockpit door closed, the rest is easy and, at times, enjoyable. But for every hour you spend on the flight deck enjoying the hell out of the fact that you are flying a jet, you could potentially be spending 2 hours outside twiddling your thumbs, being b!tched at, working a mx problem, waiting for weather, having venom spewed at you by angry pax, etc. I could go on but I am depressing myself. Maybe it will take you 3 months, maybe 3 years, but it will happen. It will become a job. You'll stop saying "Golly gee! I get to go fly a big shiny jet airliner!!!" and start saying "Uggghh...I have to go to work..." And I work for one of the "better" regionals.
shark,,,, i was refering to pilotdude... no disrespect intended.
freeze....makes alot of good points but even the best flying jobs will cause some chaos in your personal schedule.
Just kidding. I'm a guy. I had you going though.
freeze...i once had this pax tell me she hoped it wasnt her time to die that day... my reply... ( last day of a fked up 4 day ) to her was that if she died on my plane it wouldnt ruin my day.... she needed to be worried if it was MY time to die... because then it was everyone time..... she stopped harrasing the gate agent and sat down.... and YES i got written up. but it was worth it.
I completely respect how you guys feel and I am not saying that it doesn't happen, I am just merely saying I have two choices.....to complain about it (which I don't get...why are you there...quite and do something else....go fly freight where you don't have any passengers.) or I can make the best of it.

Don't treat me like I have my head stuck in the sand.....I am currently flying corporate so don't tell me about sitting around and twiddling your thumbs...that is all we do. And yes, I have had hotel screw ups and car screw ups...lord knows any airplane will break sooner or later so don't act like it is just something new. All I am saying is for the life of me why do any of you that seem like you hate your job keep doing it. Yes it is food on the table but you can go get a corporate job that is at least a little better. Or like I said you can go fly freight where you don't have to deal with anyone. I am going to drop this line of conversation because it is a no win situation. I wish all of you luck in what you are doing and for any of you that work for ASA, if I get hired I look forward to working with you. CHEERS
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