Getting a job in a Major after an Incident

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Quote: actually, we landed on the wrong runway, I was the PNF, and during landing we hit the tail of the aircraft due to the PF over flaring.
we have been suspended and than fired from the airline.
Im a bit worried now, most airlines request a letter of no incident or accident.
I dont know what to do.
Ouch. Now THAT'S a doozy! Best thing you can do is debrief it with yourself and others as best you can and try and come away with some concrete lessons learned. When it comes up, rather than point fingers, you need to be honest about how you screwed up and what you have learned and how you have grown as a pilot.
I knew a guy who many years ago when he was a young pvt non-instrument rated pilot offered to take up his friends (the two of whom we're aspiring pilots) one morning in South Florida in a 172. It was in the Fall, and the WX was rolling in but the PIC didn't bother to check it figuring they would just stay in the pattern and maybe fly down the beach. They took off and immediately realized they'd made a mistake. At about 450ft, AGL they were in IMC and had to descend back down to 400 ft AGL. They turned crosswind and downwind and began descending to stay below the cloud layer. Abeam the numbers they were at about 150ft AGL. Turning base they were at the treetops. I've met two of the four occupants on board the aircraft and the last thing they remembered was hearing what sounded like a spooled up wood chipper and everything went blank. They woke up in the tangled wreck of the 172, a couple of broken bones, but that's it. One of the pax (an aspiring pilot) was paralyzed with fear and didn't set foot on an airplane again for at least 10 years but did eventually get his PPL and flew for fun.

The PIC was violated by the Feds, but his career continued on and is at FDX if he hasn't retired already. Lesson learned, thankfully no one was killed.
Quote: actually, we landed on the wrong runway, I was the PNF, and during landing we hit the tail of the aircraft due to the PF over flaring.
we have been suspended and than fired from the airline.
Im a bit worried now, most airlines request a letter of no incident or accident.
I dont know what to do.
Did this happen while flying for an airline in the US? What type of plane were you flying when this happened? I would say to talk to some of interview prep companies out there.
Quote: actually, we landed on the wrong runway, I was the PNF, and during landing we hit the tail of the aircraft due to the PF over flaring.
we have been suspended and than fired from the airline.
Im a bit worried now, most airlines request a letter of no incident or accident.
I dont know what to do.
Get a job with a regional that has a flow through agreement?
Quote: actually, we landed on the wrong runway, I was the PNF, and during landing we hit the tail of the aircraft due to the PF over flaring.
we have been suspended and than fired from the airline.
Im a bit worried now, most airlines request a letter of no incident or accident.
I dont know what to do.
Are you an American or US citizen, or are we talking about a foreign airline that you're applying to?
If you were the Captain on that flight you've gotta own it.....Flying or not, it was your bird. I would imagine being fired from a 121 Carrier for bending metal on landing is a pretty large obstacle to overcome need a stretch of active flying now without anything happening before majors will be able to look past the incident in question. Put yourself in their shoes....nothing but risk and downside to hiring a guy previously terminated for bending a plane. Get a job flying something and start generating a squeaky-clean record.
Quote: Nah, he died. But on his deathbed he achieved supreme consciousness, so he's got that going for him.

Which is nice.
Goonga... Goonga galoonga...
I know plenty of people who have had incidents/accidents/violations who go on with a legacy.

You just have to have the right perspective and show them that you learned from the event and it made you a better pilot.

If you get the interview, they want to hire you.
Quote: actually, we landed on the wrong runway, I was the PNF, and during landing we hit the tail of the aircraft due to the PF over flaring.
we have been suspended and than fired from the airline.
Im a bit worried now, most airlines request a letter of no incident or accident.
I dont know what to do.
You may consider investing money and talking with a reputable individual who provides interview preparations. As you will be hired as a first officer he may be help you prepare my making that negative into a positive. By positive what you've learned from that experience. If you wee a new captain, other carriers may cut you some slack and give you a shot.

Good luck.
Hi everyone,
unfortunatly, Im not a US citizen, and this happen in the the sandpit,
also in these major they dont have a "just culture". they fire who they want and when they want.

so its sad Im just starting my career after only 5 years in aviation.
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