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Quote: Perhaps I am still high on the indoc koolaide, but this thread has me curious. On short call for the first three months I was lucky to break 50 hours trying to get scheduled as much as I could. I got premium trips as well. Now on long call this month and I have been at home more than gone on my duty days, I think I am at about 25 hours right now; and the long call guys are supposed to be flying more. At the end of last month I looked at several different airplanes and domiciles (though none were LUS bases) and the average was between 40-50 hours, some in the 20s and there might have been one or two in the 70s. One of my crashpad buddies on the 73 did break mins a month ago. Short call commuting sucks, no way around it. I am fortunate to have a single leg commute that I can usually get day of and long call commuting isn't bad. Even when I can hold a line I will probably stay on long call as I'll have more time at home.

Most will at some point of sitting on reserve experience the horrors of reserve. But as you express, if managed correctly it is livable. There are bid statuses that are notorious for excessive use. They are the exception not the rule.

Commuting makes it harder, but that's every pilots choice. Don't know many other professions that when your job has you transferred to another city or your hired by a company where your position is in another city you can continue to commute from your home.
Commuting is tough but it's great benefit to have the ability to take advantage of.

If you live in base you do your yard work on your reserve days. You can go golf. Go waterski. Go bike riding.
Whatever you enjoy doing.

Don't know many office jobs where the boss tells his employees go golf, waterski, etc., I'll call you if I need you.

If you commute, you make it harder. If you bid larger equipment or upgrade early and your junior in the status, you just made it harder on yourself.

Often reserve is what you make of it.
Holding a line is always better, unless your goal is to not fly. Go look at the reserve utilization of LWB pilots. I don't hear them complaining.
Quote: Andrew,

Most will at some point of sitting on reserve experience the horrors of reserve. But as you express, if managed correctly it is livable. There are bid statuses that are notorious for excessive use. They are the exception not the rule.

Commuting makes it harder, but that's every pilots choice. Don't know many other professions that when your job has you transferred to another city or your hired by a company where your position is in another city you can continue to commute from your home.
Commuting is tough but it's great benefit to have the ability to take advantage of.

If you live in base you do your yard work on your reserve days. You can go golf. Go waterski. Go bike riding.
Whatever you enjoy doing.

Don't know many office jobs where the boss tells his employees go golf, waterski, etc., I'll call you if I need you.

If you commute, you make it harder. If you bid larger equipment or upgrade early and your junior in the status, you just made it harder on yourself.

Often reserve is what you make of it.
Holding a line is always better, unless your goal is to not fly. Go look at the reserve utilization of LWB pilots. I don't hear them complaining.
LUS reserve was MUCH better. The schedulers simply treated us like adults and recognized that there are contractual limitations to what they can do.

I came from a regional, and LUS reserve was a breath of fresh air. It wasn't always perfect, but they didn't play stupid regional games and wipe their butts with the contract the way schedulers do now.

LAA has some big problems in this area-and these problems are getting worse. Maybe the new model hasn't reached all bases yet-and all equipment types, but it damn sure has reached mine.

I never thought I would have to go back to silly ass reserve games like the worst regionals play-but what I am seeing now is just about as bad as anything I have ever seen.

And given CCI and ACARS abuses sure to hit in October, it will get worse.

I know I am junior. I also know reserve is not supposed to be awesome. I just wish we had scheduling like we used to. I don't think contractual and FAR 117 compliance is too much to ask.

The games of late are really starting to wear.
Quote: LUS reserve was MUCH better. The schedulers simply treated us like adults and recognized that there are contractual limitations to what they can do.

I came from a regional, and LUS reserve was a breath of fresh air. It wasn't always perfect, but they didn't play stupid regional games and wipe their butts with the contract the way schedulers do now.

LAA has some big problems in this area-and these problems are getting worse. Maybe the new model hasn't reached all bases yet-and all equipment types, but it damn sure has reached mine.

I never thought I would have to go back to silly ass reserve games like the worst regionals play-but what I am seeing now is just about as bad as anything I have ever seen.

And given CCI and ACARS abuses sure to hit in October, it will get worse.

I know I am junior. I also know reserve is not supposed to be awesome. I just wish we had scheduling like we used to. I don't think contractual and FAR 117 compliance is too much to ask.

The games of late are really starting to wear.
Hence all the emails from the union. Management appears to be pushing the limits and it sounds like the union is starting to push back.

It may not be so much the system but the under manning and over utilization.
Quote: LUS reserve was MUCH better. The schedulers simply treated us like adults and recognized that there are contractual limitations to what they can do.


The games of late are really starting to wear.
Example of games?

Not doubting you, just wondering. I was long call reserve in PHL Feb to Apr and averaged 10 days of actual work a month (to be fair, I did have vacation in March). I held a crappy secondary in CLT in June and July, and bid back to long call because I figured I'd rather fly 4 or 5 red eyes on reserve than 6 or 7 as a line holder for basically the same pay.

Just wondering what to expect...

By the way, I agree that ACARs, checking for assignments at block in and 1500, & flying into our day off are going to be game changers for reserve QOL for LUS'rs
I think the games schedulers are playing is what is ****ing a lot of us off. Here's a few...

-Assigning short call pilots trips that take them to 16 hours after the start of their RAP when there are other later RAPs available to cover it. Legal but dumb.

-Having to fight each time they try to assign a RAP the last day that goes against the contract. Fought this 4 times now...they are fishing, which is BS. They know it's wrong, yet continue to do it.

-Giving assignments that require shifting body clock 180 degrees within 24 hours.

-Saying "That's not implemented yet" for literally everything...the joys of working under 2-3 contracts.

Hopefully, this will get fixed at FOS, but I can tell you, I have a lot of friends on Reserve and we're all tired.
Quote: I think the games schedulers are playing is what is ****ing a lot of us off. Here's a few...

-Assigning short call pilots trips that take them to 16 hours after the start of their RAP when there are other later RAPs available to cover it. Legal but dumb.

-Having to fight each time they try to assign a RAP the last day that goes against the contract. Fought this 4 times now...they are fishing, which is BS. They know it's wrong, yet continue to do it.

-Giving assignments that require shifting body clock 180 degrees within 24 hours.

-Saying "That's not implemented yet" for literally everything...the joys of working under 2-3 contracts.

Hopefully, this will get fixed at FOS, but I can tell you, I have a lot of friends on Reserve and we're all tired.
Well put.

I have already heard of several FAR 117 violations. (Why in the world they would get a pilot violated, I have no idea-we need every single person we have out there.)

They have also been using the Acars to extend and reschedule people during sterile cockpit. I have heard them every getting ramp tower to tell pilots to call scheduling and also using acars to get pilots to inform FAs of schedule changes.

I think the most common one I hear is the thing about a RAP on your last day-after 10 am. That one seems to be happening almost daily.

The CPs know this stuff is wrong, and some stand up against scheduling-some don't.

I just don't get the big picture here. We are using every short call practically every day-and we are seeing a whole lot of these tricks.

I think part of the reason may be to test the new APA president and see if he folds as easily as the last one did. Not fun being in the middle of all this hogwash.
Quote: No typo. It was in response to this post -

"Seriously, we've got 12-14 yr guys here looking at bailing,"

2016 minus 12-14 = 2002-2004.

Like I said, the worst pilots we ever hired. ;-)

You're right
I'm a little slow
Quote: Those people are also known as idiots.
He's talking about former America West pilots that have been on reserve over 10+ years. All that time in reserve could make anyone idiot crazy.
Quote: Hence all the emails from the union. Management appears to be pushing the limits and it sounds like the union is starting to push back.

It may not be so much the system but the under manning and over utilization.
Yeah, sure. It's just under manning and over utilization. In that case management gets a hall pass.
I am LAA narrow body reserve. The new system is not perfect but is so much better than the old one. Here are my flight time totals over the last couple months. June 18.3 May 20.3, Apil 35.1, March 27.3, February 29.6. IOE was in February. Almost didn't consolidate in time. Both my children have asked how come I am home so much. Long call is great if you commute.
I am not sure why some people are complaining so much. I have a friend who is 787 reserve and he has averaged 115 hours paid a month yet flight time is less than 40. Puts himself in over guarantee and premium on days off. Says he will retire doing this.
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