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If you're sick, you're sick. The company would obviously know who called in but if the entire pilot group did (or at least 80% as there are bound to be some weak minded ones out there) they couldn't do **** about it.
I listened in on the call and it was ONE pilot who claimed there was a PI following him while he was out on FMLA. Did anyone ask how he knew? Because any PI worth his salt doesn't get "made" that easily. Did the company tell him they put a PI on him? I'll raise a huge BS flag if that's the case.

As it stands, I punched out on FMLA last year and it was a complete non-issue. Numerous friends of mine here have as well and one is currently out on FMLA. Again, non-issue. As I type this I'm sitting on 4 sick calls in the past 12 months. Not once did anyone ask me anything about any of them..last time I even went down to the chief pilots office was the last time we had a checklist revision.

I had a PE (personal emergency) 2 months ago and 2 last my FMLA. Not once did anyone so much as bat an eye. As far as I know no PI followed me around...nobody I know who has taken FMLA has been suspicious of a PI.

This whole PI talk didn't even start until last week when Neal was terminated. I hope Neal gets his job back, and I'm confident he will...but this PI nonsense sounds like a myth that is getting out of control.

Now, is the company looking closer at sick calls? I have no idea...I do know that for as long as I've been here they have kept an eye on certain people they deem "abusers". They don't care nor do they have time to dissect the entire pilot group's sick calls. These kind of stories pop up every once in a while and usually involves one person who abused the system and got caught.
I love how people only post half of the story to make it all look one sided. "He drove to the bank and then picked up a pizza and was fired."

What did they leave out? Well, he went to the bank, robbed it, then drove right to the airport and flew to Rome, where he got a pizza. Obviously, if he is well enough to fly to Rome his sinuses should be good enough to Fly Chicago to Moline.

(For those of you at Gojet, I'm joking. For those of you at Great Lakes, Rome is a city in Italy. For those of you at ASA, pizza is like fried grits with tomato sauce and cheese on it.)
Quote: I listened in on the call and it was ONE pilot who claimed there was a PI following him while he was out on FMLA. Did anyone ask how he knew? Because any PI worth his salt doesn't get "made" that easily. Did the company tell him they put a PI on him? I'll raise a huge BS flag if that's the case.

As it stands, I punched out on FMLA last year and it was a complete non-issue. Numerous friends of mine here have as well and one is currently out on FMLA. Again, non-issue. As I type this I'm sitting on 4 sick calls in the past 12 months. Not once did anyone ask me anything about any of them..last time I even went down to the chief pilots office was the last time we had a checklist revision.

I had a PE (personal emergency) 2 months ago and 2 last my FMLA. Not once did anyone so much as bat an eye. As far as I know no PI followed me around...nobody I know who has taken FMLA has been suspicious of a PI.

This whole PI talk didn't even start until last week when Neal was terminated. I hope Neal gets his job back, and I'm confident he will...but this PI nonsense sounds like a myth that is getting out of control.

Now, is the company looking closer at sick calls? I have no idea...I do know that for as long as I've been here they have kept an eye on certain people they deem "abusers". They don't care nor do they have time to dissect the entire pilot group's sick calls. These kind of stories pop up every once in a while and usually involves one person who abused the system and got caught.
Why sure it's no issue for you. You are a company man. Envoy never does wrong.
More flights being canceled for lack of crews.. Throw this crap out there and hope for less sick calls. Smells fishey to me. All of it
Quote: You claim to coincidentally have all the nasty boxes checked that others claim to be red flags with supposedly no issues, yet others in the same situation don't sound so lucky. Hard to know who to believe.

As far as the rep fired, you say you're confident he'll get his job back, but given that, wouldn't that be an admission you believe he was terminated unfairly with prejudice ?

Considering that, wouldn't it be a reasonable consideration to believe Envoy management might be targeting various pilots unfairly ?
He is management and not held to the same standard. In fact, I suspect Skyvector and CR700 to be the same person.
Quote: I heard that Delta looks at your attendance record before allowing you to flow. Too many sick calls = NO FLOW!
BS!!!! If the company you work(ed) for can't reveal why you were fired for, what makes you think that they can reveal your sick call usage?
Prove it and you won't need to work again!
Mesa doesn't pull this crap
Quote: Mesa doesn't pull this crap
They have the money, since they don't pay you crap.
Quote: BS!!!! If the company you work(ed) for can't reveal why you were fired for, what makes you think that they can reveal your sick call usage?
Prove it and you won't need to work again!
I think they have you sign a consent form for the information to be released? I might be getting myself confused with Alaska and Horizon's deal though.
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