2% pay raise in Oct 2020

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Quote: "You have a fundamental issue with ALPA reps and volunteers that continually do the heavy lifting, or anyone that actually speaks about our CBA in a positive lite."

No, I do not have a fundamental issue with ALPA reps. I do not have an issue with anyone who speaks positively about our CBA. I have an issue with people like Kronan who seem to be the secret ALPA appointed front-men on social media who fail to acknowledge the missteps and givebacks of C2015. My point is to keep ALPA and their mouthpieces honest.

I don't work for management. I have no personal contact with management. I've never called any management type during my career here except for an email once about a passport and travel pay issue. More so, I wasn't hired here "late in life" ... whatever that means ... I will easily max out the A-fund benefit assuming we don't give that up for the Variable Annuity Act, Pension Stabilization Act, or the Pancake Benefit of the month or whatever the eff they're calling it now.

The proof in what I talk about on here is the fact that ALPA was sued for failure to represent us and misrepresenting the TA to the members.

This video ... which is dated July 2019 ... where it took them nearly five years to understand the ramifications of the SLG/PBS and the still yet to be seen new SLG replacement software as negotiated in 2015 on pages 505 of the CBA! We could potentially have a new TA before we see the new SLG software, its parameters and how it affects reserve lines and VTO line construction !!!!!

What more proof do I need than Kronan himself in his own words saying that he lobbied his friends on the 2015 NC hard for fixing the involuntary VTO assignments on reserve lines. He's saying it. If he's not telling the truth, are you calling him out on that?

Or maybe he and you just have a difference in opinion on what is or isn’t good in the contract. People have different things they value in a contract. They almost never align perfectly, especially when talking about work rules.

Also, as someone against PBS, wouldn’t it be a good thing that it’s taking it so long for it to be implemented in secondary bidding? I’m not sure why someone against PBS would complain it’s taking so long to implement?
Quote: You have a fundamental issue with ALPA reps and volunteers that continually do the heavy lifting, or anyone that actually speaks about our CBA in a positive lite. As a previous volunteer who got fired, you should realize that undermining the work done on behalf of the pilots is exactly what the company wants...they love all of your posts undermining ALPA. IN fact, you are perhaps the single best surrogate for creating dis-unity and dis-trust for our Union.

I understand that you are perhaps working for management and this is the task. Undermine the union in hopes of creating unfavorable negotiating landscape. Well forget it - your anti-union BS that slams fellow pilots is fodder for the toilet.

Your twisted facts, as noted above are patently FALSE! Any facts to show otherwise? Feel free to share provable data.

Just because you got hired at FedEx late in life due to your personal choices doesn't make it all of our problem.
You seem out of touch - How can you not see the hard sell APLA is doing with the "pancake plan"? If they didn't listen to public opinion why would they change the name to make it more palatable and none of the substance changed?
Quote: "You have a fundamental issue with ALPA reps and volunteers that continually do the heavy lifting, or anyone that actually speaks about our CBA in a positive lite."

No, I do not have a fundamental issue with ALPA reps. I do not have an issue with anyone who speaks positively about our CBA. I have an issue with people like Kronan who seem to be the secret ALPA appointed front-men on social media who fail to acknowledge the missteps and givebacks of C2015.

What more proof do I need than Kronan himself in his own words saying that he lobbied his friends on the 2015 NC hard for fixing the involuntary VTO assignments on reserve lines. He's saying it. If he's not telling the truth, are you calling him out on that?
If you have proof, in my own words, that I lobbied my friends on the 2015 NC to eliminate involuntary reserve conversions as part of TA2015..I’d love to see that.
But you don’t, because that never happened. Other than SL, I don’t remember who else was part of the NC and I’m not bothering to look it up because I don’t now, and didn’t then, have friends on our NC.

I am not, in any way, affiliated with ALPA as part of some secret lobbying group. My only affiliation is as a dues paying member. When P2P first came on property in 2012, I volunteered. I resigned in 2013 because, IMO, ALPAs avoidance of social media creates an echo chamber of negativity. One where everything sucks and there’s nothing good.

Which is one reason I don’t view APC as frequently as I once did.
APC used to be a good source of contractual help/guidance...TonyC was great, as were many others.

Those days seem to be long gone.

so, what are five things CBA2015 improved and what are five things that were givebacks.
so, what are five things CBA2015 improved and what are five things that were givebacks.
I will start.

I think the Purple health care option was a huge win - Ken and his team set up an industry leading plan when you compare it to other High Deductible Health Plans.

I know you disagree because you think elimination of involuntary conversion was a win, but the move of 20% of reserve flying to the VTO system was a huge giveback
Everyone seems to have an excuse for flying extra. I hear it all the time. But every time the guys I'm hearing about working draft have to hav an excuse. "Made more by the middle of the summer and I won't have to work any more. If you don't see it coming, the schedule is going to get worse. We had a ANC trip Anc-Ind-Mem. 7+21 block. two guys and a hub turn through Ind, Like that? There was a night 22:00 departure from Anc-Sea-Anc. 3 hr sit in Sea. 2 guys. Like whats coming your way? All legal via the contract. We should be negotiating now for at least $400 an hr. Fing have the balls to say no to over time and get us on the way to the best contract we could have. And stop making excuse because you are a draft *****.
Quote: Everyone seems to have an excuse for flying extra. I hear it all the time. But every time the guys I'm hearing about working draft have to hav an excuse. "Made more by the middle of the summer and I won't have to work any more. If you don't see it coming, the schedule is going to get worse. We had a ANC trip Anc-Ind-Mem. 7+21 block. two guys and a hub turn through Ind, Like that? There was a night 22:00 departure from Anc-Sea-Anc. 3 hr sit in Sea. 2 guys. Like whats coming your way? All legal via the contract. We should be negotiating now for at least $400 an hr. Fing have the balls to say no to over time and get us on the way to the best contract we could have. And stop making excuse because you are a draft *****.
Quote: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/493918284114229412/
Guess you are the one of the guys Fing the rest of us. You have no clue, Post a link, work extra and cave on the next contract So you post a link because I think we can do better and you are willing to just keep helping the company? A hug? that a laugh. I've been carrying your ass for 25 yrs,
Quote: Guess you are the one of the guys Fing the rest of us. You have no clue, Post a link, work extra and cave on the next contract So you post a link because I think we can do better and you are willing to just keep helping the company? A hug? that a laugh. I've been carrying your ass for 25 yrs,
Have a nice day.
Quote: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/493918284114229412/
tis the Season.
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