PC-12 Air Ambulance Crash NV

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Bruce Landsberg (NTSB) stated that strong evidence existed of an inflight breakup, or structural failure; the circular descent to impact is typical of a graveyard spiral which, unchecked, can result in the pilot pulling the airplane apart in the recovery effort.

Juan's typical zealousness for reading into the facts what isn't there, is evident in his analysis of the audio; he makes a number of false statements , insofar as the statements are his conjecture, rather than supported by what's known. He connects the dots to support his own observations or conclusions. His remarks about the audio showing what happened, or even being able to tell what happened based on the audio, are speculation, at best. Comparing the sound signatures of a P51 to that of the PC12 in completely different circumstances, different aircraft, different propellers, different governors, different profiles, one turbine and one piston is a very poor comparison, and to make unqualified statements regarding overspeed and so forth is irresponsible.
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