NB Terminates NEA agreement with AA

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Well, shoot! That sounds bad. Hoping the NK MEC brings some backbone with them, but honestly I'm not very optimistic based on our last contract.

Quote: Which brings up another point. We have a lot of gaps to fill in the JCBA. Do we honestly believe this toothless NC has it in them? We have some good committees and some good LEC reps, but for the most part our union is a joke. I hope Spirit at least brings some dogs ready to fight because this company is not going to just lay down and give in. And our union has zero fight in them…coupled with an apathetic pilot group. Wait till these Spirit guys have to deal with the micromanaging overlord CK. I’ve never heard one person in 5 years say anything good about this guy.
Quote: Which brings up another point. Wait till these Spirit guys have to deal with the micromanaging overlord CK. I’ve never heard one person in 5 years say anything good about this guy.
It’s not automatic that he keeps his job. It will be extremely important to go to local meetings and possibly an MEC meeting when the time comes. Whether you like him or not. The joint member reps will be decided by you.
"How unified is the Pilot Group"

I wish I could see the results to that question. Because we'll have to be pretty soon here.
Quote: "How unified is the Pilot Group"

I wish I could see the results to that question. Because we'll have to be pretty soon here.
Naw, the real issue is how ready is the MEC and NC to put up the 50%+1 vote CBA that the management wants them to put up.
Quote: Naw, the real issue is how ready is the MEC and NC to put up the 50%+1 vote CBA that the management wants them to put up.
This. I hate to say it, but we need to be protected from ourselves.
Quote: This. I hate to say it, but we need to be protected from ourselves.
Maybe we need a ratification change. Require supermajorities. Sort of like amending the US constitution.

Require 75% approval of the group as a whole.


75% approval of all commuters as a group


75% approval of those living in base as a group


75% approval of all FOs as a group


75% approval of all CAs as a group
And 75% of all pilots who’s user names begins with the letter “E”.
Quote: Maybe we need a ratification change. Require supermajorities. Sort of like amending the US constitution.

Require 75% approval of the group as a whole.


75% approval of all commuters as a group


75% approval of those living in base as a group


75% approval of all FOs as a group


75% approval of all CAs as a group
Why should commuters have any vote at all. They are like gingers, they have no soul.
Quote: Why should commuters have any vote at all. They are like gingers, they have no soul.
Wait, I thought gingers
Quote: Why should commuters have any vote at all. They are like gingers, they have no soul.
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