NetJets Upgrades

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Quote: Sounds like a solid choice.

Spirit in particular sounds like a very colorful place to work not for the flying hut for The Who you’re flying.

It sounds like you EARN that pay! 😱😱
I understand your point of view regarding work at NJA dude but don't fall in the simple minded comparison stuff like that, even you, know that it's less than 2% of the passengers.

I have friends at Spirit, some have been there for 14 years some for 1 some for 3 or 4 and all like it, the employees are well taken care of, the job is fun, destinations are fun and yes, sometimes you have rogue passengers, like on each and every other airlines, but hey, you have a crew of FAs in the back.
Quote: I understand your point of view regarding work at NJA dude but don't fall in the simple minded comparison stuff like that, even you, know that it's less than 2% of the passengers.

I have friends at Spirit, some have been there for 14 years some for 1 some for 3 or 4 and all like it, the employees are well taken care of, the job is fun, destinations are fun and yes, sometimes you have rogue passengers, like on each and every other airlines, but hey, you have a crew of FAs in the back.
We have a lot of former Netjets, FlexJets, and CitationShares pilots at Spirit. Every single on of them, without exception, say the same thing; they wish they had left sooner.
APC shows the most junior Captain at NJA as a 2006 hire. Is this correct?
Quote: $127,702 according to APC
Before adding overtime, holiday, after midnight, night pay, standby, non flight assignment, flight pay, and maxed out PTO pay.
Quote: Before adding overtime, holiday, after midnight, night pay, standby, non flight assignment, flight pay, and maxed out PTO pay.
Plus unicorn poop and pixy dust. 6 year Captains at NJA don't exist, correct?
Quote: So what is netjets captain pay (working 15 days/month)?

Let’s say for the fictional 6 year captain on the 7/7.

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With a commute?

3 trips a month?

That’s 21 days a month chewed up in commuting and crash padding.

That’s pretty high pay at NJA.
Quote: We have a lot of former Netjets, FlexJets, and CitationShares pilots at Spirit. Every single on of them, without exception, say the same thing; they wish they had left sooner.
But they left. Of course they’d say that.

I know several that have left only to find a healthy feeling of buyers remorse over the issue as well. They’d never admit it to many or cry it out loud but they do share the feelings amongst friends .

Many of us have no desire to go back to 121 and the chaos that comes with it.

We see it every trip while airlining into position.

It reminds me of the classic saying to and Owner... “We airline so you don’t have to”.
Quote: I understand your point of view regarding work at NJA dude but don't fall in the simple minded comparison stuff like that, even you, know that it's less than 2% of the passengers.

I have friends at Spirit, some have been there for 14 years some for 1 some for 3 or 4 and all like it, the employees are well taken care of, the job is fun, destinations are fun and yes, sometimes you have rogue passengers, like on each and every other airlines, but hey, you have a crew of FAs in the back.
2% of the passengers on a Spirit jet is literally 4 or more people.

Every trip?

Quote: Plus unicorn poop and pixy dust. 6 year Captains at NJA don't exist, correct?
The question specifically mentioned hypothetical, correct? Did you forget it was an academic exercise?
Quote: But they left. Of course they’d say that.

I know several that have left only to find a healthy feeling of buyers remorse over the issue as well. They’d never admit it to many or cry it out loud but they do share the feelings amongst friends .

Many of us have no desire to go back to 121 and the chaos that comes with it.

We see it every trip while airlining into position.

It reminds me of the classic saying to and Owner... “We airline so you don’t have to”.
The amount of people who left NJA and are trying to go back is zero. You can spin and fog the narrative however you want. You’ve told yourself the airlines are bad and there’s no convincing you otherwise. The sad issue at hand is that you refuse to listen and accept basic math, AND people’s opinion on where they work. We all have to accept that you absolutely love NetJets but you really need to work on taking info in. Once again several people are telling you how it is where they work and you refute it

You don’t know anyone who has left and regretted it. They may miss some elements of it but again, the amount of people who flat out regret leaving NJA is zero.
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