2 airlines + 7 regionals = someone left holding themselves

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Quote: Well at least they can't get rid of 11 of our airplanes. Anything with PQ on the tail can't be touched by Delta unless we go out of business.
Actaully they can't be given to another regional airline without being bought from 9E, but they can be cut and used for another carrier.
Quote: To address all of the shots to the ribs from one pilot group to another:

The current situation is not a new one. Over the years there are usually some airlines furloughing and some hiring. I think the youth of the pilots on this board is very obvious with a large number of these posts. When you choose a place to work it is a total GUESS as to whether or not it will be a good choice in the long run. If you are furloughed... too bad but you may have guessed wrong, but don't worry most of us will be in your shoes at some point in our careers as well. If you are at a growing airline you need to feel lucky for being where you are and also know that you may be the one in the furloughees shoes in the future, so try to use a little more thought and insight before you start your celebrations. The bottom line is... lucky or not, don't hate your fellow pilots. We will only survive and maintain our status as a group of highly qualified professionals if those of us one the lucky side can support those who aren't so lucky. So check your ego at the door and lets try to help each other out instead of cut each other down.

What shots might you be talking about?
Quote: So with NWA and Delta together at last and Delta's ceo talking about cutting back already, which regional is going to be left out in the rain from the merger?

I would expect to see cuts/re-negotiations AT ALL OF THE DCI CARRIERS. That includes Skywest/ASA and Pinnacle. The days of DAL paying the same for an empty RJ as they do for a full RJ are over.

That being said, I wish us ALL the best of LUCK. The economy flat out stinks, and we need that to change FAST.
Arguing about personal hypothesis of which regional is better and/or going to be cut by DL is like arguing which of 2 hairy toothless fat chicks is better looking.....no point to the argument.
You don't like hairy toothless fat chicks? Man, you need to get out more...
Quote: You don't like hairy toothless fat chicks? Man, you need to get out more...
He hasn't hung out around Northern Kentucky. You get used to it and eventually lower your standards.
I'm from TN so it's the next best thing.
Quote: Your performance on the NWA side is great but they run things different than DAL, look at your performance in ATL and you will see what I mean.
One of the reasons that our ATL performance is lower is because of the fact that we don't operate nearly as many flights as other carriers. One flight going out late affects us alot more than having one flight go out late for DL, ASA, Comair, etc...
Quote: One of the reasons that our ATL performance is lower is because of the fact that we don't operate nearly as many flights as other carriers. One flight going out late affects us alot more than having one flight go out late for DL, ASA, Comair, etc...
It's all based on percentages. Usually with more departures, the bigger chance you have of a flight not going out on time
Quote: One of the reasons that our ATL performance is lower is because of the fact that we don't operate nearly as many flights as other carriers. One flight going out late affects us alot more than having one flight go out late for DL, ASA, Comair, etc...
i would have to disagree. Welcome to ATL my friend....and anybody else for that matter...get used to it. Operating fewer flights should mean you have less of a work load and be able to put out higher numbers. If i operated 1 flight a day as a carrier.....i could post great numbers very easily. If i operate 800 flights a day....more workload....more potential for lesser performance.

"Welcome to Atlanta, the world's busiest airport....where everyday is a opening day.."- if you dont know what that is...you soon will
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