Mesa Management wages war on Pilot Group

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Quote: I might add, I dont know how often this happens, but if some of your pilot group did not CONSTANTLY lie about their times and put their actual in and out times to the station this MAYBE would not have happen. Its insane to hear the times get reported especially in CLT to ops. I push at 1057, the Mesa planes next to me pushes 5 minutes later and reports an out time of 1047??? SAY WHAT?

Of course voting in this BS contract etc also play a huge part.... In addition what is up with the nearly 7 planes sitting in KCAE with only 3 engines total on the planes? One also having an APU taken out of it. I know its a MX base but damn... Seems odd.....
Push 10 and hold!
Quote: Agreed............and do it while you still have a chance at getting paid for it.

Mesa really isn't running an airline anymore, they're spending their time and resources tidying up their personal situations before they pull the plug........................employees should do the same.

Something just went "bump in the night" in PHX.
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