What am I missing?

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Quote: Datake is totally correct. This question has been posed to several UAL LECs and furloughees will not get longevity credit unless it's specifically stipulated in the new JCBA, and every rumor until now says it's not in there! Additionally, it has not been written specifically that longevity at UAL will apply after the SLI, but rumors have it, that it WILL apply and combine your years, since there is suppose to be "no distinction of UAL vs CAL pilots after SLI implementation". Anyone else that comments to the contrary with no support, needs to keep their pinhole shut. Datake is correct and his fears are substantiated. Also, the odds of furloughees getting full longevity is a super long shot. CAL MEC does NOT want it, for fear that it will affect their pilot group. Does't matter that pay longevity should have no effect on SLI longevity, but they don't get it. And you aren't going to convince them otherwise so it will go to arbitration and each MEC will argue their points then.

Problem is, how long will it take for SLI completion?
We all have our resources. None of mine are on the CAL side of the equation. We'll sit back and see what the new JCBA says on the subject. Of course, we'll see that any day now........

And, really, lighten up a bit. I understand this is a contentious issue. People can have differing opinions. Mine is that payrate is a function of the collective bargaining agreement, or in our situation, the TPA until the JCBA becomes effective. SLI is the next step in the process.

Quote: "Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

Billy Madison
Liquid, I hope I've opened your eyes. Don't be so quick to judge. Not sure if you're even affected by any of this but if you are, I hope you do your homework!
Quote: Liquid, I hope I've opened your eyes. Don't be so quick to judge. Not sure if you're even affected by any of this but if you are, I hope you do your homework!

I am not judging anyone. Your post was really hard to follow, hence the Billy Madison quote. Have you seen the movie? If your asking for longevity for PAY purposes then say it. Believe it or not I went back and looked at the UAL pay scales, 6yr UAL FO A319/20 = $84.18.

I then compared the DAL pay scales, 6yr FO A319/20 = $122.80 as well as the 1st and 2nd year, $66.10 and $97.57.
Your logic says that if you have not been at CAL for more than one year you would be stuck at $84.18 till you start your second year at CAL. correct?
**note those are DAL JAN/2013 rates**

If these are your concerns I wholly agree with you and would hope you have addressed your concerns with the NC.

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