Any "Latest and Greatest" about Spirit.

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Quote: please reference where in the AIM it says to fly runway heading on a go-around from a visual approach?
Im just happy that for the purposes of a Go Around, we don't have to give a hoot about what the aim says. Our approved manual gives us all the guidance we need and simplifies it, i think.
Let me add to the relevance of this conversation by stating that a Miata is NOT a sports car......
Quote: Let me add to the relevance of this conversation by stating that a Miata is NOT a sports car......
duly noted and duly noted for good measure.
Quote: How can we be completely sure those issues are “life long” when Covid hasn’t even been around a full year yet? Long lasting, sure. But, the “you will never be the same” rhetoric seems to be presumptuous fear mongering.
It's lifelong because whatever xyz media outlet posted it needs to entice you to click on their article and/or watch their programming so they can get paid.
Quote: Let me add to the relevance of this conversation by stating that a Miata is NOT a sports car......
I heard people that drive Miata’s don’t know how to do a go around properly
Quote: Are you really asking this?

”Go around.”

”Go around, flaps.”

“Positive rate.”

”Gear up.”

”Tower, Spirit 123 going around.”

”Spirit 123 fly heading XXX climb and maintain YYYY contact departure.”

”See ya soon.”

All that before you cross the opposite threshold. You’re not flying an SR71. This stuff happens slooooooow.
Was told to GA in BWI last month, got a heading from tower, but no altitude. Asked for an altitude 4 times, no answer, got send to departure without ever getting an altitude. Yeay, I know the Baltimore mountains aint high, but still....
Quote: Per the last townhall meeting... if nothing changes and we continue on this footprint or better, they mentioned hiring by the end of spring

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Great news, thank you. I’ll keep updating my profile then!
Quote: Was told to GA in BWI last month, got a heading from tower, but no altitude. Asked for an altitude 4 times, no answer, got send to departure without ever getting an altitude. Yeay, I know the Baltimore mountains aint high, but still....
I’ve FAR more seemingly surprised controllers give me incomplete go around instructions in circumstances like this than any other phase of flight.
Quote: Was told to GA in BWI last month, got a heading from tower, but no altitude. Asked for an altitude 4 times, no answer, got send to departure without ever getting an altitude. Yeay, I know the Baltimore mountains aint high, but still....
BWI has always been a special sort of Miata.




”You said “our discretion...””


And then there’s “Climb via the SID except maintain 4000”

And my personal favorite is the gal working clearance who reads full route clearances in her best Air Force high speed low drag voice. She’ll repeat herself three times without slowing down, as we keep asking her to “say again, you’re going too fast...”

Yeah. Not surprised you didn’t get an altitude on your go around...

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