Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: Yeah, I'm not an Apple fan. But why should the company spend money to produce software that is compatible with your MAC? MACs are exclusive. They only represent about 9% of the total computer market share and they are only compatible with ... MACs.

Should the company also be required to make their software compatible with other OSs? If not, why?
KC10, I don't know when you were hired. But I do know there are many on this forum who were hired (relatively) recently Perhaps a little bit of history would help....

In the old days One went to recurrent and spent a day with multiple ground school instructors such as aircraft systems, ops specs, etc. There was no such thing as distributed training. The ops specs time was usually outstanding as the instructor would show us multiple "gotchas" and stories of how other DAL pilots had unintentionally erred. It really was good training...

Then Delta (with ALPA's blessing through a contractual change) started distributed training. At first they put a fairly thick printed publication in your V-file. There was information and questions. When you went to recurrent you started the day by taking a written test.

Now that has morphed into quarterly training (I personally would rather endure the pain of that CD once a year rather than quarterly.) distributed via CD that apparently is designed to only work on PCs.

If the company is going to require us to accomplish this training, They should, of their own volition, make it a user friendly product. Failing that, I believe ALPA should prod the company to do so.
Earnings Conference Call
Live 4th Quarter Earnings Conference Call going on:

Live Call: Delta Air Lines, Inc Earnings Conference Call (Q4 2010) - Yahoo! Finance
Quote: Could that have included 50 seaters as well? The other thing is we always fear theyre pointing at the 9 but wouldn't the threshold to park a -50 be a lot higher than the -40/-30 which were already parked?

True but I think most of those aircraft are leased or under finance. I don't think many if any are paid for. He also mentioned on a flight attendant conference call his desire to accelerate the retirement of the nines.
Quote: Posted a poll on PC or Mac to get a rough idea of what % of Mac users there are. Not that it'll change anything, but damn it is annoying to have to use a PC for Delta's training requirements.
You don't have to do that. The current training and all future training is MAC compatible.
Quote: Do you think a 12-15% in Intl flying will show on the upcoming AE? Maybe I can get back to the ER!!!

Unlikely. Not system wide. Maybe in ATL.
120 a bbl has always been at or near the breaking point for the 9. As oil goes up, and need for next gen technology increases, the decision to retire jets that are effected by this will be moved up.
So when should we see this AE? Today? Next week?
neil boortz is having a field day about the 3 hr rule and Delta's cancellations last week. Won't mention names but keeps referring to the worlds largest airline and after talking to a dispatcher from said airline he talked about the complexity of deicing and how long it takes and how if you get near that 3 hr $26000/seat the airline will cxl despite being able to do the flight. Dont blame the airline he says.

Doesnt seem to know about the limited deicing capabilities at ATL per say but said in places that have snow a lot they can do it fast while others don't have the equipment. For a guy who has been anti Delta he's positive on us.

His side kick died this weekend so I was listening to him over Cowherd... I'm more of a Rush baby myself.
Quote: The current training ... is MAC compatible.
How do you get the icrew max schedule on your iphone?

This should help you get it done.

How to Sync Google Calendar With iPhone Calendar
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