Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: There is probably an easier way, but here is the way I'm doing it.

On your monthly calendar in icrew (using firefox and icrew max) there is a button "download schedule". I download it to the desktop.

Now in google calender, look for settings under my calender and find import and import the calender. From there I edit it with commutes etc. Also, I allow my wife to see it under "other calenders".

To get it into the I phone, I found the instructions in the link.

Hope that helps. What appears to be a PITA is you have to edit it in the google calender to get it into the IPhone.

I'll try that. Thanks.

Found the "official" instructions............


Import events from iCalendar or CSV files

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To import events from iCalendar or CSV files, just follow these steps:

1. Click the Add down-arrow button at the bottom of the calendar list on the left side of the page, and select Import Calendar.
2. Click Browse and choose the file that contains your events, then click Open.
3. Select the Google Calendar where you'd like to import events, then click Import.

Please note that recurring events may not be recognized when importing events from CSV files. In this case, individual items will be created for recurring events that fall between the dates you've selected.

Learn how to export files from popular calendar applications. Visit our iCalendar and CSV help articles to find out more about these file formats.
What appears to be a PITA is you have to edit it in the google calender to get it into the IPhone.

Oh yeah, can you expand on this please?
Quote: Oh yeah, can you expand on this please?
Just what was said on another message board. From what I understand, you can edit on the phone, but it won't go backwards to the google calender.

Let me play with it NOW that I've shot my mouth off


Never mind............I got that to work too. When you add something to the phone, make sure you go to the bottom of the "add event" page and check your google (calDAV) calender too. Works going both directions, just have to refresh the google calender.

I like this thing
I'm making progress Ferd!

Thanks a bunch!!!
Quote: I making progress Ferd!

Thanks a bunch!!!
Da Nada
Quote: Da Nada
Got it figured out! Only thing I had to do was break the trip up into separate days. It posted it all as one event, but just a little cut & paste fixed it. Now I just select the day, select the event, & under all the notes is everything plus touch to call hotel numbers! Sweet!

Thanks again!!
Quote: I did that trick linking your Iphone calendar with google calendar. How do you get pbs desktop? Will that give you a calendar?


Try this.

Quote: Ferd can ya help a rookie out?

I downloaded firefox & icrew max. I also followed the directions in the article you linked. Now how do I get my schedule onto my google calendar? I have all Windows based programs so I don't think I can open .ics files.

I mailed one to my iPhone, but it's just jumbled text. Any ideas?
Quote: There is probably an easier way, but here is the way I'm doing it.

On your monthly calendar in icrew (using firefox and icrew max) there is a button "download schedule". I download it to the desktop.

Now in google calender, look for settings under my calender and find import and import the calender. From there I edit it with commutes etc. Also, I allow my wife to see it under "other calenders".

To get it into the I phone, I found the instructions in the link.

Hope that helps. What appears to be a PITA is you have to edit it in the google calender to get it into the IPhone.

Quote: Not really. Several factors come into play:

  • SkyWest in particular has a very good looking balance sheet. They can obtain financing cheaper than anyone. Within the blood bath that is DCI bidding, SkyWest even uses this advantage to beat rivals for RJ flying while paying their pilots significantly more (and treating them better) than say, Mesa.
  • Offshore carriers (if permitted) have subsidies and financing arrangements that make their jets significantly cheaper. Google, "Emirates, import export bank" I bet France (the government) gives Air France (owned by, guess who) quite a deal on Airbus (French jobs program, keeps the peasants from burning the place down)
  • Not all costs are just pay rates. Longevity enters into the picture. Part of the reason for the constant shuffle among DCI partners is the destruction of pilot longevity to reduce costs. In my category the top FO earns 211% of what the new hire does. Second year that drops to 137%, but is really more due to vacation and other bene's.
  • Delta has outsourced somewhere in the neighborhood of $28,000,000,000 to DCI going forward. Sure, that is enough to buy their jets. But Delta enjoys greater flexibility than if it had committed for these jets directly. If I recall, Republic actually (was dumb enough to) sign some three year deals on surplus jets coming off the US Air outsourcing disaster.
  • In a game where a 5% margin is success or death, marginal differences make or break the airline. This debate started with me pointing out ALL of our profits this year could be summed up in two words, bag fees.
Not worried about SkyWest one single bit. They are a ponzi scheme whereby "deal me an ace" SJS victims throat cut their peers for PIC time and their management acts all suave by flaunting guaranteed profits and hoarded cash. But big deal. Their balance sheet is irrelevant because they aren't a real airline. They are a guaranteed profit virtial airline. One of the best in that category? Absolutely. Even "better than Mesa" for whatever that's worth. There was a time when ACA was almost as King Shiz as SkyWest is now.

As for the battle of the balance sheets goes, I'll take DL's balance sheet in a few years with massive revenue and cash flow and significantly paid down debt. To say that SKYW or any other regional is in some magical position to get financing, based primarily or exclusively on DL effectively "co-signing" for them is precisely the point. If any regional flies the C-Series for DL, DL will pay 100% of the cost including the financing and DL will shoulder the debt. The creditors know that if DL were able to suddenly opt out and SKYW were left holding the bag then SKYW would liquidate quickly if they didn't find another sugar daddy because their revenue would dry up fast and furiously.

Now as for subsidized foreign purchaser schemes who use oil or printed stimulus funny money to bankroll a nationalized jobs program, you might be right in that it will be very challenging to compete against that.

Someone mentioned fighting for all ALPA regionals in furute DL contracts. I disagree with that stratedgy because it doesn't do jack. If we wasted one penny of capital on that, SKYW and Republic would vote in ALPA overnight, but so what. The RJ outsourcing among already existing ALPA carriers has shown just as much predatory bargaining because outsourcing by its very nature results in a bidding war. The notion that we can trick management into giving us "bargaining credits" to outsource our flying to cheaper labor, but then turn around and outsmart them by only allowing them to outsource to high priced labor simply will never happen. It would cost the same to keep the flying in house in the first place than to do that.
Quote: If a staple were to have occurred for scope recapture the most logical carrier in terms of size and aircraft type would be the one already stapled - Compass.
But a Compass staple would have done nothing to plug the gaping hole in scope without also fighting and spending capital on reducing what can be outsourced. You could staple the entire DL regional system tomorrow, but as long as the company were free to sign new carriers or start new ones, then nothing would really be accomplished long term. The number of planes allowed to be outsourced and the seat/weight limits of them have to be reduced, significantly, or it really doesn't matter because if that doesn't happen, nothing has really changed.

Now if stapling a particular pilot group or groups in some way facilitates the reduction in allowable outsourcing limits and totals, then by all means let's do it.
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