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Quote: Lots of pilots in the chute for the E175 right now (displacements off the CRJ, upgrades, new hires, recurrent) which may be a factor, but I’m not sure. Again, I think Envoy is going to be wildly unprepared for 2020 if Envoy pilots have apps out.
Also factor in the drop of 29 flows per month to 20 per month, maybe management feels less pressured.
Quote: Again, I think Envoy is going to be wildly unprepared for 2020 if Envoy pilots have apps out.
I’ve been hearing this every year since 2016. “This will finally be the year that major hiring decimates regional staffing.” I do not believe it one bit. The pilot mills are pushing out pilots to the regionals as fast as the majors are hiring them. The pay and time off at the majors have become so good that people are changing careers to become airline pilots faster than I ever thought possible.

Add to the fact that the last 10+ years have been the longest period of economic expansion in history. A recession is overdue. Major airlines have been expanding at a record pace. This year we have $1.4 Trillion in discretionary federal government spending and the lowest tax revenues since the recession, it’s very possible to see a $1 Trillion dollar annual federal deficit next year. That is unsustainable. I hope everyone is prepared for a recession. I won’t have sympathy for people as you can see this recession coming from a mile away.
^Truth. My opinion as well. However to play devils advocate the one difference this time around is the retirements coupled with a pending recession. Not a doom and gloom type, just study financial history and trends. I think the 2 factors will almost cancel each other out and the status quo will go forth. People are inherently lazy and will still need to “get there the fastest way possible” ie planes in this instant gratification/information age.
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