NWA Merger Stuff

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Quote: I would venture to guess that we will keep the DAL paint job as well.

Which one?
Quote: From what I understand you will not pay for the uniform, DAL will. Part of the merger costs.
No, the JPWA calls for DAL to kick in a $400 check toward NWA pilots buying their new uniforms.

No, Delta did not buy the uniform for new hires.

Prices at the Flight Station were negotiable. I did not get the complete package since the pants and shirts were the same as a previous uniform. However, they agreed to give me the same discounts on individual items, as if they had sold the entire "new hire" package.

Given the volume of sales this merger will generate it is likely that some retail source will provide a discount package.

My Abbotts jacket held up a better than my DAL Flight Station jacket. Seems that you do get what you pay for at Abbotts.
I am in the school house now, word I heard was we are getting only $400 towards new uniform, and they want us in them (actually wearing them) as early as Feb. or March...that is system wide...everyone.

Also, heard that in that they will have an early bird special, 1 Hat, Jacket, Pants and tie for $400.

This is only what I heard...you know rumors take it for what it is worth.

I reserve the right to spelling and grammar errors!
I don't work for either company but the NWA cargo folks should be able to keep wearing the leather jacket up there. That going to continue?
Quote: I am in the school house now, word I heard was we are getting only $400 towards new uniform, and they want us in them (actually wearing them) as early as Feb. or March...that is system wide...everyone.

Also, heard that in that they will have an early bird special, 1 Hat, Jacket, Pants and tie for $400.

This is only what I heard...you know rumors take it for what it is worth.

I reserve the right to spelling and grammar errors!
I guess we'll have to ditch our Northface pull-overs and jackets up here in Anchorage
Quote: I guess we'll have to ditch our Northface pull-overs and jackets up here in Anchorage
Doubt it. If you think an ATL CP who's used to 50-60 degree temps in January is going up to MSP or ANC to see if you're in uniform, you have grossly overestimated them. The double breasted does just fine, but when the temps drop below 25, I got the Northface Jacket on for the walkaround.
Interesting thing about combining domestic and international is that the company has never asked for it in any contract. Unlike many airlines that operate joint categories Delta operations are much larger. There is no real economy of scale that would reduce needed reserves by combining the groups. If you do combine the groups you introduce a whole slew of problems including the jepps issue, increased training expenses for the extra recurrent each year and scheduling problems. You would now have to deal with 30 and 7, 32 and 7, 1000 in the calender year, 1000 hours in a rolling 12 months. 100 in month and 120 in a 30 day block. Then add in the over 12 hours flights which require special rest rules and it would be a mess. Many trips would ended up with FAR drops which would cost the company big bucks. I don't see the company moving to combine the operations. Rumor is DET 757's will come over as international.
Quote: You would now have to deal with 30 and 7, 32 and 7, 1000 in the calender year, 1000 hours in a rolling 12 months. 100 in month and 120 in a 30 day block. Then add in the over 12 hours flights which require special rest rules and it would be a mess. .
I heard a rumor that in the near future someone will create a device known as a 'computor', and with certain programing instructions known as 'software' those constraints you provide as reasons for not combining int'l/domestic could be resolved. Sounds like crazy talk to me, but ya never know Seriously though, NWA flies a combined 757, 330 and at one time DC-10 int'l and domestic sched with no problems..........
Quote: Sure they will, but give it a RED tail!!!
It already has a RED widget, what more do you want?
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