CAL hiring 80 per month.

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Well if this 80 a month is sure is good news :-)
Will this be enough for Continental?
Quote: Just thought you guys might like to know. Starting next month, hiring 80 per month through May.

I'm currently flying the Navy's C-12 (King Air 200) here on Okinawa. I'll leave this tour in June of 2008 with around 1200 hours total and 700ish PIC. Plus 1000hrs in various military helicopters.

Will the 1200hrs C-12 time be competitive enough to get me in the door if I have someone walk my resume?

My next question is that my references are mostly from the guys out here and they are pretty difficult to contact due to being on the road / 14 hours ahead. How does Continental and other airlines contact your references?

How should I confirm my hours? Should I be keeping the yellow sheets, fuel chits when able? I mean all that I have to confirm my hours is a standard military issued log book and an Excel spread sheet with the details. Is this enough at the interview? I just don't want to be missing something when the time comes.

Any help with my questions is greatly appreciated.

[email protected]
Quote: Well if this 80 a month is sure is good news :-)
calcapt? you know if this number (80) is true? :-) thanks!
Hiring 12-16 per week for about 336 pilots for 2007.

Aircraft delivery schedule:
2007: 2 777
2008: 30 737
2009: 30 737 & some 787's (20 787's from 2009 to 2011)

Retiring 737-300's from 2008-2010.
Replacing 767-200's with 787's.

This is from a Blast Mail from the Chief Pilot's Office.

The 80 per month seems a little high based on this. Of course, everything can change based on what's happening and what they need.
Quote: 135:

I don't know if you're in the reserves, but tricare reserve select is a good option. I've used it since I've been with CAL. It really is despicable that CAL doesn't think enough of it's pilots to offer health insurance or more than $29/hr for their pilots. Can't wait for the next contract. On another note, it's a great place to work and your timing is excellent. Good luck.
CAL People,

Is this info true? Health care, 29/hr., tricare? Please tell me you are working on this and not trying to tell people this is the place to work unless they have to!
You have to wait six months for medical benefits and first year pay is $29.97/hour. Second year pay is $55-72/hour depending on which aircraft you are in. In five years an FO can make $105/hour, so you only have to survive the first few years. In July the first year pay goes up to $30.57/hour and $31.18 in 2008. This is a concessionary contract. I agree this needs fixed, but we have to wait until the contract is amendable in january 2009. With good future pay and fast seniority movement, CAL is not a place to avoid for first year pay alone.
Quote: calcapt? you know if this number (80) is true? :-) thanks!
Ottopilot has good gouge. They have been having MAX of 20 per class every week but not all classes have the full 20. The Dec 16 class had 20, but I know some classes scheduled right after that had 16. I think it basically changes a little from week to week based on instructor and simulator scheduling as well as staffing needs. I think it is realistic to believe that there will be aggressive hiring for the forseeable future.
Quote: CAL People,

Is this info true? Health care, 29/hr., tricare? Please tell me you are working on this and not trying to tell people this is the place to work unless they have to!
If anyone bases their decision to come to work at CAL solely on first year pay and benefits, I would suggest they look elsewhere for employment. If one can see beyond their nose, it is a good place to be in my opinion.
Quote: If anyone bases their decision to come to work at CAL solely on first year pay and benefits, I would suggest they look elsewhere for employment. If one can see beyond their nose, it is a good place to be in my opinion.
Calcapt, a year "beyond the their nose" is still a long time.
First year will go by quickly……anyone that has children can attest to that!

Unfortunately the low first year pay and no health/dental insurance for the first six months are things that I am willing to put up with and already have prepared the family finances for; I think it is something that many are willing to put up with and look forward to being at a place like Continental.

Now, if only I would get the CALL
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