Silver Airways

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Apparently its called Sliver Airways now.
Any teeth in the rumor of Silver having a San Juan base???
No San Juan base
Just curious if anything new has happened? How are the size of the classes? How long I think the IAD operation going to last/ how long until I can get to Florida?
Expect to be IAD base for at least 5 to 6 months.
How many are on the seniority list now? Is there anything new on pilot retention?
Dulles is going to be rebid on within a few months with the DOT. Silver wants and needs Dulles to stay afloat right now, but I am not sure the Dulles outstations want Silver anymore. It will be interesting to see what happens...
Also, pilot retention will never be a concern for management. They only want to recruit new pilots because that pilot is much cheaper to pay. The training is a sunk cost.
They have to do something ASAP to attract and retain the current pilots otherwise I'm not sure whats gonna happen here. A lot of people leaving in the past couple months.
Quote: Dulles is going to be rebid on within a few months with the DOT. Silver wants and needs Dulles to stay afloat right now, but I am not sure the Dulles outstations want Silver anymore. It will be interesting to see what happens...
What makes you think the out stations don't want Silver? I don't mean to ask in a condescending manner or anything, I'm just wondering what you know that I don't.

Apart from the occasional mx delay most of the flights up here run pretty smoothly. I'm sure they're bidding at the moment against other EAS carriers like 6G and 9K but from what I've noticed the out stations don't just look at prices. They actually care about reliability, speed, and even the availability of a lav.

The people out there already get freaked out by the Saab, I can't imagine their reaction when they see a Navajo or a 402 pull up to get them.

Conversely, if a larger, RJ flying, regional is trying to pick those routes up they'll have to deal with mountainish flying and the occasional short runway like in MGW.
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