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You guys do realize we get paid by the minute? BTW, for all you "I'm gonna haulazz to the marker because its cool", its not, it usually leads to a barely stabilized approach and crater making landing, even in the hooptie.
Quote: Like what climb above FL250 lol that's the only thing I can think of.
You kids with the "my vienna sausage is bigger than yours" arguments are classic, you wanna know what the best airplane is.......
When you grow up you will realize that flying airliners isn't a johnson comparison contest, and since you need a micrometer to measure yours, you already lost.
Sorry, its been a long month flying with 40K numbers who think 2 years of reserve and 375 hours of 200 time makes them Sully, newsflash, just because the captain doesn't say anything, it doesn't mean you are ready for the Space Shuttle Advanced Commander Course, it just means they are tired of talking to people who haven't got a clue. You want info you gotta ask. Now go back to your room, and admire how smart you look in your uniform hat.
Quote: You guys do realize we get paid by the minute? BTW, for all you "I'm gonna haulazz to the marker because its cool", its not, it usually leads to a barely stabilized approach and crater making landing, even in the hooptie.
Relax Francis. We're pilots. This is just pilots bs'ing
Quote: Relax Francis. We're pilots. This is just pilots bs'ing
Its kids playing my Schwinn is a "racing bike". The sad thing is the very crap being discussed here is the same lame FNG tricks that weak pilots use to compensate for their inability to plan their descent and manage their energy. Of my last 4 4day trips this last one was with 2 completely squared away F/Os who made it a pleasure to come to work. Hunting, fishing and all sorts of general topics were covered, and I didn't have to wonder if they were gonna make a crossing altitude or speed. The previous 3 were with generally marginal, 40K number guys who had me guessing what the next suprise was gonna be.
Quote: What happened to smooth is cool? Extending flaps .5 kt below 200 (or 230) ripping boards and full idle s-turning your way down is not cool. Not cool at all brosephs. If I spill coffee while deadheading on my one good shirt words will be had. I might even make a twitter post about it.
Someone who gets it, the 50 missions over Bakersfield guys still think they will keep Skywest out of bankruptcy by racing about like mice preparing for winter.
Quote: What happened to smooth is cool? Extending flaps .5 kt below 200 (or 230) ripping boards and full idle s-turning your way down is not cool. Not cool at all brosephs. If I spill coffee while deadheading on my one good shirt words will be had. I might even make a twitter post about it.
This. Who cares who's jet is fastest, I thought the point was to provide a nice ride for the passengers. They already think we're inexperienced nincompoops who are barely qualified to fly a kite, why do people feel like they have to give the public ammo in that domain? You'll impress me more planning your slowdown and descent early than you will pretending to be the space shuttle commander.
Quote: Sorry, its been a long month flying with 40K numbers who think 2 years of reserve and 375 hours of 200 time makes them Sully, newsflash, just because the captain doesn't say anything, it doesn't mean you are ready for the Space Shuttle Advanced Commander Course, it just means they are tired of talking to people who haven't got a clue. You want info you gotta ask. Now go back to your room, and admire how smart you look in your uniform hat.
From my experience the captains who upgraded in < 2 years and have never sat reserve are the ones who don't have a clue. The worst captains at the company fall into that category. A lot of the best captains I've flown with are ones who were FO for 7 years with no movement.
Quote: From my experience the captains who upgraded in < 2 years and have never sat reserve are the ones who don't have a clue. The worst captains at the company fall into that category. A lot of the best captains I've flown with are ones who were FO for 7 years with no movement.
Absolutely agree! There are of course exceptions either way, but I can often tell the quick upgrade guys pretty quickly.

Also, I'm a 40kish number, I've been here almost 4 years, I've flown two different types at SKW, and have flown about 2500 hours at this company. ClickClickBoom, lose the attitude regarding 40k employee numbers. It really has nothing to do with whatever issues YOU have.
Quote: Sorry,
Its kids playing my Schwinn is a "racing bike". The sad thing is the very crap being discussed here is the same lame FNG tricks that weak pilots use to compensate for their inability to plan their descent and manage their energy. Of my last 4 4day trips this last one was with 2 completely squared away F/Os who made it a pleasure to come to work. Hunting, fishing and all sorts of general topics were covered, and I didn't have to wonder if they were gonna make a crossing altitude or speed. The previous 3 were with generally marginal, 40K number guys who had me guessing what the next suprise was gonna be.
It's your ship. You set the tone. I have no problem telling people, politely, that they suck, and better get their **** together.
Quote: It's your ship. You set the tone. I have no problem telling people, politely, that they suck, and better get their **** together.
That's right. I've been a CA (prior to SKW). That's how it's done!
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