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Quote: Wow! Dude wow! Great job making sure you never get another job. Keep killing it Beef Supreme! So why didn't you upgrade? 24 people bypassed you? Uh huh.
I'll never get another job? Care to clarify?

I left XO because I was hired somewhere else. I've been employed there since then at the same operator. 24 people did upgrade out of seniority before I did and I successfully went through the upgrade process including IOE. Right before 14 pilots were let go, when the Hawker program was cancelled.

But hey you guys can keep demonstrating why people should be cautious about working at XO. I've already said I don't care what you say about me. I've already seen the worst of it. I care more about people who would consider XO as a career path when there are far better ones out there.
Well from the outside looking in, though I do hear some stories because we have a recent former XOJet pilot working with us now, it seems Spicoli that you are ad hoc attacking in much the same way that you acuse others of in your posts. For instance....anyone that might have something good to say about XOJet would be a "cheerleader" and should be dismissed. I'd say the same of anyone who came on this thread and called you a XOJet 'hater'.
Just because others have not had the same experience at the company as you seem to have had doesn't automatically make them wrong, just as their different experience doesn't make your experience invalid.
Quote: Well from the outside looking in, though I do hear some stories because we have a recent former XOJet pilot working with us now, it seems Spicoli that you are ad hoc attacking in much the same way that you acuse others of in your posts. For instance....anyone that might have something good to say about XOJet would be a "cheerleader" and should be dismissed. I'd say the same of anyone who came on this thread and called you a XOJet 'hater'.
Just because others have not had the same experience at the company as you seem to have had doesn't automatically make them wrong, just as their different experience doesn't make your experience invalid.
Thank you for your balanced post. In terms of the term "cheerleader" I am mostly concerned with those that gloss over details. For instance mentioning that there is a seniority based upgrade system. When in fact it remains a merit based system. I am not directly attacking anyone personally and a former XO guy threatening to publish a letter I wrote promoting unity was nearly as threatening as it was stupid. While others have mentioned other negative attributes of XO and been called out for it just a few pages ago. The threatening nature of the pilot group may further explain why someone would be afraid to speak their mind.

I was having a few beers with a friend of mine who was familiar with my situation and knows a few other XO people. He mentioned that outside of my experience what he found odd was that there were only those who either loved or hated XO. The experience is quite polarizing.
Quote: He mentioned that outside of my experience what he found odd was that there were only those who either loved or hated XO. The experience is quite polarizing.
Well that can certainly happen.
I see people on this forum all the time bemoaning their military experience for example though I seem to have had a very different experience and wish that I were still able to continue my service. I don't try to talk them out of their feelings and I don't expect anyone to attack me for my opinion of MY time served.
I am also generally aware, and distrustful, of those who can only speak ill, or only speak well, or any situation or organization. In my experience there is good and bad in most, if not all. I can most relate to those who speak of THEIR experiences and do not try to extrapolate those to every situation and every person.

XOJet might not have worked out for you as well as you had hoped. You may even have been unhappy with the situation, but that doesn't mean that every other pilot feels the same way. Do understand though that the use of "cheerleader" is a derogatory term when used in the manner of you posts (much like the back-handed slap of calling someone 'management' is suppose to cause some type of revulsion in professional aviation )
First off, I would never post your real name. However, that letter negates your comments on this thread of in your recent post and could make that point with the posting names.

Second, you need to truly move on. Negativity breeds negativity. It just seems that you never look within. I am sorry you feel the way you do and maybe some of it is truly not within your realm of what you can change, but not all.

Example, it is possible that maybe some wouldn't give the letters of recomndation that you speak of because you were not ready and instead of writing anything negative, they wanted to make sure things were positive. It really may not have had anything to do with you or you abilities,just that they felt you were not ready right or wrong. I just think that it has been taken to an extreme that was not necessary.

Thirdly, I did say it has problems and if you read my post, I agreed with you regarding the rolling rest issue and explained why it stayed for so long. Unfortunately, a select few liked it and didn't want to see a spelled out duty period. Now, things are changing for the better, yet you don't see it. Give it a chance.
I really hate typing on a phone, please forgive me all.

Below is what I meant to say in my second sentence:

"However, that letter negates your comments on this thread of in your recent post and could make that point without posting names."

My apologies
Quote: The irony is that I fly the same aircraft that XO's current DO took of the end of the runway at RIL.
Are you referring to this NTSB report?

The announcement was made yesterday that assigned rest officially starts on 11/6/15.
Quote: The announcement was made yesterday that assigned rest officially starts on 11/6/15.
That's great news for you guys!
Looks like good changes ahead!

Received an e-mail stating I'm also in the pool for the next interview date out to SMF. Anyone have any advice on that?

I read that even though we went through a FaceTime technical, there are portions of the day out in SMF that are also still a technical interview...is that correct?

Thanks for any and all advice!
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