It’s not about YOU.....masks coming 5/8

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Quote: Not wanting a trip to ATL for posting some work piece of paper, we have a new directive starting 5/8 that’s says JS must wear masks, outside the aircraft we must wear masks, and the operating crew is at their discretion. This is a very good start!

after flying all day with some completely self absorbed people . I’d like to add this.

it’s not about you. Get over it and Wear the masks.

dont care if you thinks it’s a hoax, don’t care if you think it’s a ploy to get Biden into the White House. Don’t care.real people (some younger than most of us) are dying, and it’s starting to spread though our ranks. Wonder why...?

I listened all day long to “I’m not worrying about getting it”. Well numb nuts...the problem may get it and give it to maybe 2-4 people before you figure out you have it. And those people may not fair so well.

so...get over the stigma, get over your self absorbed ego and start acting like the professional they pay you to be. And while you’re at it, think about this. YOU may do just fine...but what if you give it to someone that takes it home to their immunosuppressive family member, mom, dad, daughter. Son..

unfortunately for cases like this, there is no cure for the complete narcissistic state some of our fellow pilots live in. It’s all about ME....

rant over, carry on

Every time I walk into the asc and see almost no one wearing a mask, I instantly think of this post and chuckle a bit at the op's figurative head exploding every time he/she comes to work.

Think you might have missed this, yet another intelligent post, by Salty.

Quote: UPS is thrilled with the IPA on IPA on this topic. I'm so cynical at times, almost convinced UPS did this simply to create even more tension in the IPA. Perfect tool. It is working.
Will not allow UPS to win this opportunity. Regardless of my personal opinions on efficacy of the facial coverings, I will not change one mind.
Therefore, in the work environment, Will comply and not argue. What can I impact? In short term I can help destroy the strength of the IPA bond long term. Not playing.
Quote: FlyGuy,

Think you might have missed this, yet another intelligent post, by Salty.
As opposed to the OP who hopped on the soapbox for a unpublished FOIB.
If the IPA wants to get rid of the mask policy, all that they need to do is issue us all masks with an IPA logo on them.
Quote: If the IPA wants to get rid of the mask policy, all that they need to do is issue us all masks with an IPA logo on them.
Thats a great idea!
Quote: As opposed to the OP who hopped on the soapbox for a unpublished FOIB.
As opposed to
the context provided by the chronological order of posts on this thread? Dude’s trying to scrap, and as was pointed out, to no purpose other than blue on blue infighting.
Quote: As opposed to
the context provided by the chronological order of posts on this thread? Dude’s trying to scrap, and as was pointed out, to no purpose other than blue on blue infighting.
Trying to scrap? Its called ribbing and I do it to my family, friends, and even my ipa Brothers and sisters. Lighten up a bit. The op's post was over the top and far more divisive. Having a bit of fun with it. Relax.
Quote: As opposed to the OP who hopped on the soapbox for a unpublished FOIB.

Every time an FOIB like this comes out I chuckle at the figurative heads of the anti mask crowd exploding when they read it.

- Just ribbing a little...
Quote: Every time an FOIB like this comes out I chuckle at the figurative heads of the anti mask crowd exploding when they read it.

- Just ribbing a little...

"If social distancing can't be maintained". Ive got a feeling you won't see many more masks. BTW, im not anti mask.
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