Jacket Poll

View Poll Results: After November 1st, I'll be wearing the...
Single-breasted jacket
Double-breasted jacket
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Quote: who wears a uniform jacket unbuttoned?
I rarely see it, and it looks embarrassingly slobbish in the DB, as it's not designed to be worn unbuttoned ever.

Contrasted with the SB, I would bet most pilots will wear the SB unbuttoned the vast majority of the time.
Quote: Both ugly, the color is sad

Gonna stick with my Abbott DB jacket, and my Hagar pants.

this eye sore of a color scheme will be gone soon.

Back to black in 2027.

OBTW.....Still not wearing the hat and no one has approached me about it. Even in the ATL
Good luck with that.
Quote: I rarely see it, and it looks embarrassingly slobbish in the DB, as it's not designed to be worn unbuttoned ever.

Contrasted with the SB, I would bet most pilots will wear the SB unbuttoned the vast majority of the time.
while sitting only, I hope
Quote: while sitting only, I hope
We can hope, but I'll wager at least a large minority won't.
Quote: FWIW on my recent commute to ATL (I was on the JS) the LCA Captain claimed that Burns commented on this in a recent meeting. Said you’ll get a warning to put it on. If no hat again you’re off the trip sans pay.
So I guess it’s a new form of APD. YMMV.
LOL - cue people walking into the CP and being like “I didn’t bring my hat. I’m heading home!”
Quote: who wears a uniform jacket unbuttoned?
I am guessing he sits down and stands up often in general and rides in hotel vans a lot.
“Everything is awesome and nobody is happy” kind a guy.

Plus he didn’t go to the Academy.

RJ guy .. what are you gonna do.. love them anyway
Quote: while sitting only, I hope
I wear my SB blazer to bed . Keeps me nice and Cozy .
The single looks extremely sloppy unbuttoned. I’ve been the “flapping in the breeze” guy going down the terminal like I’m Batman in a previous life with a single blazer.
Quote: Good luck with that.
Luck has nothing to do with it

I'll keep not wearing it and updating when I can.

Just finished a trip. Not one word said. I'm usually in the terminal(s) during peak show times for the CPOs (weekdays 9-5ish).

You keep wearing that stupid contraption. I'm not. Serves no purpose. And don't spit out that "Delta brand" BS. We went 8 months without it and NPS didn't take a hit.

Someone made a good point in another thread about our regional feeders (Sky West, Endeavor, Republic) pilots seem to wear quite the combinations from sweaters to trench coats to black to dark blue navy. Some wear hats, I guess those are endeavor pilots??? Others not. Our customers don't seem to care.

Anyway, as they said its the "Delta brand" and they are not marching around in DBJ and funky looking hats (our hats look terrible BTW, really poor choice of manufacturers).

What our customers really care about is getting form A to B, safely, on time with their baggage too. Our surveys clearly convey that FACT.
Quote: Luck has nothing to do with it

I'll keep not wearing it and updating when I can.

Just finished a trip. Not one word said. I'm usually in the terminal(s) during peak show times for the CPOs (weekdays 9-5ish).

You keep wearing that stupid contraption. I'm not. Serves no purpose. And don't spit out that "Delta brand" BS. We went 8 months without it and NPS didn't take a hit.

Someone made a good point in another thread about our regional feeders (Sky West, Endeavor, Republic) pilots seem to wear quite the combinations from sweaters to trench coats to black to dark blue navy. Some wear hats, I guess those are endeavor pilots??? Others not. Our customers don't seem to care.

Anyway, as they said its the "Delta brand" and they are not marching around in DBJ and funky looking hats (our hats look terrible BTW, really poor choice of manufacturers).

What our customers really care about is getting form A to B, safely, on time with their baggage too. Our surveys clearly convey that FACT.
You completely missed the part I bolded, and thus the entire point.
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