Feb 14th Eagle Class...who's in?

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Quote: My thoughts exactly! These guys have been looking at 121 for years and building time to get here and when they do...it's all about, "don't tell me how it works" and, "I've paid my dues". Look FNGs, listen to these LINE pilots and stop with the goatee and facial hair questions. A little slice of Humble Pie can go a long way. And please, never say what my sim partner stated to his IOE CA. Oh I think it was something along the lines of, "This ain't my first rodeo!" Great way to fornicate yourself right out of the gate!
While I hear what you're saying, I don't understand what the facial hair/goatee questions have to do with it? Sounds to me like these guys are just trying to make sure they are within the code of professional conduct when they show up for class the first day
I would hope common sense would prevail, but I'm sure that is asking too much.
Quote: I would hope common sense would prevail, but I'm sure that is asking too much.
Never assume with common sense... thats why everything you ever touch has a warning label on it; some idiot has tried to do something that most people wouldnt do if a loaded gun was pointed at them.

For instance: the warning label on a package of iron-on t-shirt transfer sheets states "Do not iron while wearing shirt"... hmmm wonder who that moron was?
Going to be in the feb 14th class with yall .... I am 29 looking for a spot on the CRJ
Quote: Going to be in the feb 14th class with yall .... I am 29 looking for a spot on the CRJ
If you cant get CRJ will you aim for ERJ NY?? One of the guys I interviewed with from PR is in the class, he is in his early to mid 20s and I know he wants MIA rather bad.
When you get your books, memorize the limitations, EPC memory items. Start on the first night. After the first week, once those are committed to memory, work on profiles. Put the poster on the wall. Get it down flat. Following thoses three things will have you well prepared for the Oral and Sim. The ground school will teach you the systems you will need to know for the other half of the oral.
You will get put in CASS in the first day or two. I would go home on the weekends. I did, and I come from BOS. You finish up ground school at around 3-4pm on fri. I hopped a flight home. Enjoy Sat at home, take the G.F./wife to dinner. I took the 6am out of BOS back to DFW on sun. Had all day Sun. Spent the pm relaxing and studying. You need a solid day off out of TX. Maybe i'm just a dammm Yankee but, I needed a break from dallas.
Pay wise, I was a MA resident at the time which means I got boned on taxes. Learned my lesson, i live in NH now.. No state income or sales tax.. So i'm not sure what the tax structure of Jersey is, if its like NH or MA. My pay check was a 64 hr guarantee and per diem. So it came to 970 bucks every two weeks. So bascially 2k a month take home. Now, I know through IAI, first year pay is around 25/hr. It was 23.43 an hour when I was hired. I also dealt with 6 percent state income tax. If jersey doesn't have income tax you could perhaps be at 1050 or maybe 1100 month take home. Just speculating. Its true you will find while it seems like a lot, its not. I'm about as fiscally conservative (cheap) as they come. For what we do and put up with its not nearly enough. I remember thinking it would be great at 35 bucks an hours, yet it was still not enough. I am getting ready to go on 40 bucks an hours and its enough but, really not enough. I made 46k last year, I definitly should end up somewhere in the neighborhood of 50k or better this year. Certainly enough to start building my house in month or so. In fact I can more than afford the mortgage I will have, I could live a lot easier too but, I pour everything extra into getting the mortgage paid off. Thats the number one most important thing to me. However, I could never afford to live in MA, or NY. No way. I live 2 1/2 hrs north of Boston in north central NH, near the white mountains, in the woods. Its about where I can afford to live and its a good thing I like it up here. Bottom line pay particulary FO pay needs to be more in line with our mainline partners.
So to conclude my piece of useless advice. Yes, it will be a pay raise for you. All regionals suck, some more some less. Eagle is mid pack. Our reserve system is not that great. You are a slave to crew sked. You can work the system to make more money, we had an FO make 80k a year. I do think we will get divested. It will be annouced in March. Not sure if it will be good or bad but, we better get a big carrot for it, in terms of AA numbers for everyone at Eagle. The union seems to be negoiating with APA. Also, trip and duty rigs. Don't let it distract you in training though, let chips fall where they may and good luck.
Quote: . I do think we will get divested. It will be annouced in March.
There have been no SEC filings for a spin-off, and none of the required procedures if they wanted to avoid a required SEC filing have been done either.

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Not sure if it will be good or bad but, we better get a big carrot for it, in terms of AA numbers for everyone at Eagle.
Why would you expect anything like that at all... assuming there actually was a spin off? What leverage do you have to even ask for it?

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The union seems to be negoiating with APA.
Funny, the last articles I read in Flightline were about the Eagle problem, not about welcoming some long lost brothers and sisters... but drink the koolaid if you like.

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Also, trip and duty rigs. Don't let it distract you in training though, let chips fall where they may and good luck.
At Eagle? come on now.

The remainder of your posting seemed fairly accurate
135 thanks.
[QUOTE=ERJ135;938951]When you get your books, memorize the limitations, EPC memory items. Start on the first night. After the first week, once those are committed to memory, work on profiles. Put the poster on the wall. Get it down flat. Following thoses three things will have you well prepared for the Oral and Sim. The ground school will teach you the systems you will need to know for the other half of the oral.

Well done, except I'm not sure how long ago you did this class. I have recently just got out of long term, and just finished with the sim. The new program with the CBT training at home really cuts down on ground school, and aircraft systems. The philosophy is you complete the CBT for five days before ground school, and you know the systems. Most of ground school is divided into FM1 stuff, a computer lab for the FMS, and CSI. A total of 12 days in class of which the last few days is like recurrent on the aircraft systems, and some oral review. Not like in days past where you had that extra five days in the class room to cover the material beyond the systems book.

So my suggestion is like yours, memory items, limitations down cold. Then finish that CBT asap, then dig in to the AOM2 hard, and well learn as much as you can on your own. The big thing for CA and FO on the oral is the cockpit safety scan and the final cockpit scan to be down. This is covered in CSI too.
2 wks left. Pressure is on. Lol
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