US Airways Window Closed Today

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Since it is a virtual certainty that Parker will attempt a merger/acquisition with AA, it IS very likely that is why hiring at U will cease for the summer. If they were to be successful in that attempt, it would likely result in furloughs anyway. I think they'll hold off hiring until they see what the outcome of their last ditch merger attempt is.
Quote: add another MD11 typed (as well as A320, 747, and 4 others), furloughed guy with 6000+ that got the SAME email...

not sure what USAir is looking for to be honest... and still waiting on this pilot shortage.
I don't follow why all these pilots feel slighted because they didn't get a call from Airways. Had this been Fedex, Southwest, or Delta and you didn't get a call would you feel slighted too? Seems like some thought "Airways sucks so if they are my only choice I'll go." Airways, no matter what is the only legacy at the time running classes.... So I'd not feel slighted at all by getting a thanks but no thanks email for the time we are currently at with no one else really hiring.....

Last class I know had 5 PSA pilots and 2 PDT... A mix of a single regional pilot from others too.... No real science behind why they got the call. I do know all the PSA captains that got the class and all are great pilots and people..... Their resumes I bet have 6000tt plus as well.....
Quote: I don't follow why all these pilots feel slighted because they didn't get a call from Airways. Had this been Fedex, Southwest, or Delta and you didn't get a call would you feel slighted too? Seems like some thought "Airways sucks so if they are my only choice I'll go." Airways, no matter what is the only legacy at the time running classes.... So I'd not feel slighted at all by getting a thanks but no thanks email for the time we are currently at with no one else really hiring.....

Last class I know had 5 PSA pilots and 2 PDT... A mix of a single regional pilot from others too.... No real science behind why they got the call. I do know all the PSA captains that got the class and all are great pilots and people..... Their resumes I bet have 6000tt plus as well.....
I think you're right, there is some of that, "Airways sucks, so if they are my only choice I'll go," attitude. We are probably the ONLY MAJOR AIRLINE that will do hiring in 2012. Alaska had the same problem back in the 90's. People went there while they waited to get on at United, etc. Now look at Alaska, it's one of the only decent airlines left to work at. Who knows what the future holds.

For those that really want to work here (maybe 1 person), once the other majors start hiring (maybe 2013), US will be hiring lots and they may not be able to attract pilots with 4 year degrees or high 121 PIC time.

Best of luck to all, these are exciting (terrifying) times!
Quote: We're owned by airways here at piedmont and airways took a handful of our guys but it seems they hired the guys in their low to mid 30's. Didn't touch any of our pilot group over 40 years of age to my knowledge...I think they're looking for a specific candidate and since they are the only major that was hiring they could afford to be picky. Hopefully it changes in the next few years industry wide

You THINK they were looking for a specific candidate?
Seems to me like they are using AGE Discrimination...." Didn't touch anyone in our Pilot Group OVER 40 years of YOUR Knowledge".

Never thought that an airline would have the audacity to request you fill out EEOC information....Tell you that It's NOT used in the hiring decision...but...blow off people over 40....

Can't be far off base because people under 35 usually DON'T have over 6000 Hours, multiple heavy type ratings, etc....

How many Airways New Hires that are in class right NOW are over 40?

It doesn't matter now anyway....Their WEBSITE SETTINGS selected WHO they wanted...and HR did the rest....

I don't think ANY Pilot Types were involved in the process....because Pilots just see good fellow pilots.....skill set and experience..not age....

I believe the selection Process has been just about taken out of the AIRWAYS Pilots/Check Airman's hands......

It's the computer settings, having friends in HR, and your age that seem to set the tone...
There have been many pilots over the age of 40 hired this year at Airways. There have also been many PDT and PSA pilots hired. No one really knows what they are looking for exactly, which is true at every airline.
Quote: It doesn't matter now anyway....Their WEBSITE SETTINGS selected WHO they wanted...and HR did the rest....

I don't think ANY Pilot Types were involved in the process....because Pilots just see good fellow pilots.....skill set and experience..not age....

I believe the selection Process has been just about taken out of the AIRWAYS Pilots/Check Airman's hands......

It's the computer settings, having friends in HR, and your age that seem to set the tone...

that's exactly what's happening!!
Quote: There have been many pilots over the age of 40 hired this year at Airways. There have also been many PDT and PSA pilots hired. No one really knows what they are looking for exactly, which is true at every airline.
Everyone in my new-hire class was 30-something, but that was just the luck of the draw (we were also all white, married, and male) ... I do NOT believe for a second that US is discriminating on any basis. There is no set formula that anyone can determine for who gets a call ... in fact, I believe the initial HR portion (phoning & setting up interviews) has been outsourced - when I was called for an interview, the call came from Chicago, not a place where US has any non-airport employees stationed - I would have expected it to come from PHX, CLT, or PIT.

The 2011/2012 new hires that I know of have come from multiple sources ... US Express carriers (both wholly-owned and FFD), other regionals, military, etc. They have been anywhere from late twenties to well over 40, male and female, and from a variety of backgrounds. Most have had turbine PIC experience (regional, military, etc.), but not all. The one thing that has, anecdotally at least, been mandatory thus far is a four-year college degree.

The window will open again. We will need lots of new blood on the property starting later this year when retirements pick up, and a merger (certainly with AA) will only delay that need a little, not eliminate it. In the meantime, we've hired less than 100 in 2011/2012, so you're not losing thousands of numbers if you don't get here for another year.

Best of luck ...

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