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Just out of curiosity I am not the only gloom and doomer here. There are many who write the same things as I (often in a strange defense of their position). I mean you all know what I write about and acknowledge it in other threads but when I bring those same issues to light you all are up in arms.

Quote: In my back yard there's a bee's nest. If I don't pay any attention to it, they won't bother me.

Wheres' the fun in that... Live life to it's fullest! Get out there and poke that bee's nest. Heck if you can't get out of that rocking chair get a BB gun, a big cigar, and a glass of scotch and let em have it. They might just be African Honey Bees waiting to catch you behind the shed!! By the way haven't seen RJ Lavender here lately.... Lot of BB's went his way

I think he gets out of his rocking chair a'plenty! - probably more than he cares to. I have a friend who use to fly with Fireman before he retired. He had a career that some of you youngsters can only dream of!
Quote: In my back yard there's a bee's nest. If I don't pay any attention to it, they won't bother me.

Wheres' the fun in that... Live life to it's fullest! Get out there and poke that bee's nest. Heck if you can't get out of that rocking chair get a BB gun, a big cigar, and a glass of scotch and let em have it. They might just be African Honey Bees waiting to catch you behind the shed!! By the way haven't seen RJ Lavender here lately.... Lot of BB's went his way
I think you've missed my point, or perhaps I didn't explain it as well as I could have.

If you don't like Sky High's post, don't respond. If all those who jump up and down sideways at his messages did the same, then there would be little that he would post. (This little bit of advice applies to me, also!)
Quote: Just out of curiosity I am not the only gloom and doomer here. There are many who write the same things as I (often in a strange defense of their position). I mean you all know what I write about and acknowledge it in other threads but when I bring those same issues to light you all are up in arms.


I don't believe the sky is falling, but I did manage to rack up 50K worth of student loan debt, exhausted my G.I. bill, and I'm too embarassed to say how much credit card debt I had back then. I worked two jobs (40 hours +) all the way through college until my last semester. I attended school year round taking the minimum hours to maintain full-time status and for five stinking years I worked so hard I didn't go on one single, solitary date. Not one. I didn't graduate (walk) because I was on a greyhound bus (28 hour ride) for more training. I worked another full time job, flight instructed, and occasionally worked another part time job when the weather was bad.

My first 'name brand' airline job paid me $412 every two weeks, so I went back to my part time job to make ends meet all the while driving a sagging duece Buick that had no heat, no A/C, windows didn't go up or down, had to use a pad lock and chain to lock the steering wheel to the break pedals to keep somebody from takng the car (they tried once), had to add oil every three days, water every day, but the straw that broke the camels back is when the radio went out. I can't live without my 80's. I drive that contraption two years.

I've been furloughed twice and man, it's been rough and royally depressing at times. I delayed having children and a wife for 'future' reward, but no the sky is not falling. I'm ok with all of the above. I don't know if it has made me a better person or a bitter person. I don't know really to be honest. Life is what you make it. Richard Pryor did a stand up routine of a giraffe running through the jungle with half its rearend chewed off from a lion's attack. In one of his patented voices he stated the giraffe was running like, "Hey, I'm alive!" I've been kicked and so have you, but ya gotta keep running man. This isn't the only industry where people have been kicked in the crotch.

I know you're going to say I'm proving you right, SkyHigh, but if I could turn back the hands of time, I'd have done it the same way again with two things different. I'd have finished my degree THEN joined the military hopefully getting a flight slot and made time for a few dates. Outside of that, I'm right where the Good Lord wants me to be.


Your story and mine are almost mirror images. I however can't find that same story acceptable. It isn't right.

Don't put off the better things in life. I have many friends who put off buying homes and turned away good marriage candidates all in the name of a "future" airline job. A job that often never materialized.

Don't get left holding an empty bag. An airline job, after all, is supposed to be a means of supporting a life not being one.

If I could go back I am uncertain if I would change things. I do however wish I had my money back.

Quote: Southerncowboyz,

Don't put off the better things in life. I have many friends who put off buying homes and turned away good marriage candidates all in the name of a "future" airline job. A job that often never materialized.

My only consolation is this. All of my buddies that were telling me I was 'missing out' on marraige are all divorced with child support payments. I figure I can't be worse off than them financially speaking. A grand a month goes a LONG ways towards retirement. Maybe that's not a good come back to what you're saying and I fully understand what you are saying. I'm a hopeless romantic and when I do find, "The one" it'll be for life. I think to many people rush into marriage, but that's another topic.

Let's look at the alternatives. I was working minimum wage at 3.35 an hour with a 3+ hour daily bus commute. That was dead end. I've worked factory jobs where I was on my feet all day, that sucked. Most every job I've had outside of flying has been pure crap. I longed to be in the air. I have missed out on a few good women, I can't lie about that ... It's called sacrafice. Should I have gone into a relationship using public transportation making barely above minimum wage? Nah. That was my reality and I chose to change it. I'm sure I'll make it back and hopefully get some guys underneath me so I don't experience furlough number 3. We'll see.

I do wish you the best, man. I'm not trying to sit here and preach, Skyhigh. If I told you I hadn't shed a tear or too since furlough, I'd be telling an untruth. I have not yet reaped a harvest on my investment.
Honestly, I found myself a couple of times telling kids this field sucks, but I explained why. I did tell them, however, that there was nothing else I'd rather do! I have to run. NO time to proof this. See ya soon!

Fireman, I got your point.. My point is the reciprocal of your's. If Sky High wants to keep posting his misery keep firing back on how good it is. Life with certainty for me is a life of boredom!! One of the best times in my life was when I was waiting to get the "call", unemployed, running out of money, but never down on myself, or the dream.. It is a crap shoot and many will never get the call, but to all the young dreamers out there it is a great job... If your looking for stability, security and total control of your life this is not a career for you.
Quote: If your looking for stability, security and total control of your life this is not a career for you.
What career DOES offer that? No industry is immune except maybe medicine and I've heard stories there too. I'll stick it out in aviation.

Quote: What career DOES offer that? No industry is immune except maybe medicine and I've heard stories there too. I'll stick it out in aviation.

Police and fire are very stable.

Quote: Well,

My only consolation is this. All of my buddies that were telling me I was 'missing out' on marraige are all divorced with child support payments. I figure I can't be worse off than them financially speaking. A grand a month goes a LONG ways towards retirement. Maybe that's not a good come back to what you're saying and I fully understand what you are saying. I'm a hopeless romantic and when I do find, "The one" it'll be for life. I think to many people rush into marriage, but that's another topic.

Let's look at the alternatives. I was working minimum wage at 3.35 an hour with a 3+ hour daily bus commute. That was dead end. I've worked factory jobs where I was on my feet all day, that sucked. Most every job I've had outside of flying has been pure crap. I longed to be in the air. I have missed out on a few good women, I can't lie about that ... It's called sacrafice. Should I have gone into a relationship using public transportation making barely above minimum wage? Nah. That was my reality and I chose to change it. I'm sure I'll make it back and hopefully get some guys underneath me so I don't experience furlough number 3. We'll see.

I do wish you the best, man. I'm not trying to sit here and preach, Skyhigh. If I told you I hadn't shed a tear or too since furlough, I'd be telling an untruth. I have not yet reaped a harvest on my investment.
Honestly, I found myself a couple of times telling kids this field sucks, but I explained why. I did tell them, however, that there was nothing else I'd rather do! I have to run. NO time to proof this. See ya soon!

Pilots love to jump to assumptions about alternatives. They assume that if aviation is this difficult then the outside world must be as well. In my estimation if you had the determination, mental ability and focus to get as far as you have as a pilot just think what you could have done elsewhere with your life.

Marriage is a peril filled venture. The life of an airline pilot I am sure doesnt help to foster healthy relationships.

You are right. An airline career requires an incredible amount of sacrifice. Far too much in my estimation. Often it seems that it pushes everything else out.

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