Doom and Gloom

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Construction Jobs
Quote: Skyhigh, do you blame Canada too?

I just find it funny how you lurk here and tell everyone to quit aviation. Many of my friends went into the construction business and have been out of work for years now. One in particular was making $92K a year at 19 years old doing land surveying with a union contracted job. That dried up quick, he's now welding making $12 hr at 26 years old. Another friend did similar construction work making $80k a year, he's been on unemployment for nearly 2 years. My cousin is an out of work electrician, I could keep going on...

They also had commutes that were sometimes over 100 miles each way, and had to be at the job sights sometimes as early as 4 AM. But they were home every night, to change clothes.

Aviation is not the only business in the world that has its ups and down's.

And you never answered my question, what is your goal here on this forum?

The difference is that your friends in construction have experienced a once in a lifetime economical downturn. Construction has been hit especially hard, however it will come back. Aviation does cycle however pilot wages and working conditions have been ratcheting downwards since the late 1970's.

Aviation has seen its heyday as a profession and now the only way pilots can differentiate themselves in the market is to work for less. When the economy comes back your friends will be back to work again and for far more than what they could have as a pilot.


I don't know what to say to you anymore. What are you getting out of this anyway? You seem to be on a pro-poverty, pro-company, anti-family platform. You just seem to blindly oppose everything I write for no reason. I am beginning to worry about you.

What do you support anyway? You talk about me not having any "balance".

In addition I was a county firefighter for almost a year. I was a volunteer for several years beyond that. In addition I was an air ambulance pilot and flew for the forest service in wild land fire suppression. While you sleep emergency services stand watch in case you need us. I hope you slept well.

An aviation career is a massive undertaking that requires the price of a starter house just to get trained and educated. People should carefully evaluate where it is that they want to go and if they are on the right path.

If all you want it to martyr yourself to the company then you have found the right place. However if a person wishes to have a family and a life of prosperity then they should be very careful.

Wages are very bad for those starting out and continue to be so for most. 70K as a regional captain sounds like good compensation but not when all the prior costs and lifelong career risks have been considered. The only way the financial aspects of an aviation career can be compensated for is if everyone could commonly expect to make it to a SWA, FedEx or UPS while still in their 20's.


I don't know what to say to you anymore. What are you getting out of this anyway? You seem to be on a pro-poverty, pro-company, anti-family platform. You just seem to blindly oppose everything I write for no reason. I am beginning to worry about you.
You are truly the best fiction writter on the forum Sky.
You can't pull ONE post where to show that I am Pro - anything that you mention or ANTI-family, unless you want to count PRO-military as Pro-company. Matter of fact - it is just an idiotic statement to say someone is PRO-poverty, or ANTI-family. I was the one telling you to help your parents when you were looking to make some tough decisions. Based on those posts it was looking like YOU might have been the one to be ANTI-family; at least you certainly aren't a fan of the expanded family concept. I truly hope that situation as worked out well for you though no matter our differences in opinion on the boards, I hate to see people put into those difficult situations.

What do you support anyway? You talk about me not having any "balance".
You are extremely negative. There are many posts to back this up and you have reveled in it over and over. Are you trying to make yourself over all of the sudden? I think not. What do I support? Easy - you not insulting an entire professional group. I am now and always have been right smack dab in the middle. If you want to get into the professional aviation business then do your due research and KNOW what you are getting into - the goods and bads. You forget the goods, or don't want to recognize any or why you say that you might get back into the business someday - and only espouse the negatives. You question MY balance? That's rich!

In addition I was a county firefighter for almost a year. I was a volunteer for several years beyond that. In addition I was an air ambulance pilot and flew for the forest service in wild land fire suppression. While you sleep emergency services stand watch in case you need us. I hope you slept well.
Am I am not the one calling those who give selfless service and who might have to spend time away from family and friends terrible spouses and parents. I RESPECT those people - YOU insult me and them - even those you worked with. I always sleep well Sky because I know the quality of people watching over me and they are GREAT spouses and parents!

You said it yourself - you are a bitter man - and everyone should know what kind of slant from which you give your (sometimes wonderful and right on the money) advice; but you should quit insulting anyone who doesn't agree with your predictions.


Why do you bother posting in this section? You obviously are NOT planning on leaving the career. Do you see it as your duty to protect the illusion of glamor and high pay for this job? Why not blow some smoke up the butts of a bunch of wannabe pilot at jetcareers?
I'll challenge you with the same thing I ask of Sky then Globetreker.
Find a post of mine where I "blow smoke up the butts...." of anyone and tell them that everything is rosey and rich.

It sounds to me like you don't like someone who doesn't believe in all the doom and gloom and hate it when someone actually has anything good to say about flying at all; just like the so-called "cheerleaders" that you and Sky rant about.

My purpose here is the same as Sky's - and maybe yours. To educate.

No - I don't plan on leaving the career. I just started!
Do you think that the Leaving the Career section is just a place for aviation bashing or do you think that it is a safe forum for insulting other professional pilots?
If you get mad at other points of views, why don't you and Sky start your own website and make sure that one of the conditions for acceptance is that they are just as bitter?
You are welcome to post your point of view here; but don't expect the ultra doom and gloom theatrics (sometimes applied to ALL facets of aviation) or insults to an entire working group to go unchallenged.

Some folks just don't like hearing the truth no matter how relevant it is. Skybox has a "one-sided" opinion regarding this field and even though he has some wonderful points, he has no balance. As I have said before, if you all negative on Aviation then you have no balance. Politics should work as well. Plus and minus equal balance. Think about it fellas!
Some get a bit of luck and some run a dry spell and it's just the nature of the beast and not a whole lot can be done about it .
When all is said and done life is what you make of it always has been and always will be .

Quote: Some folks just don't like hearing the truth no matter how relevant it is. Skybox has a "one-sided" opinion regarding this field and even though he has some wonderful points, he has no balance. As I have said before, if you all negative on Aviation then you have no balance. Politics should work as well. Plus and minus equal balance. Think about it fellas!
Skybox? That's funny. SkyHigh, we know you mean to educate and all but chill out for a bit. We're all in the same boat as middle class working Americans struggling to know what is the best path for us and what's right for the greater good. What's right for some may not be right for others. Try to get along now. Happy holidays if your family observes.
I think we covered all those points.
You seem to think that access should be restricted.
I (and the rest of APC) don't.
Heck - even our friend Skyhigh posts in OTHER sections of APC and he admits that he has nothing good to say.
Does your logic hold the same there?
Enjoy your UNrestricted posting Globe - and be sure to check out some of the other areas available at APC too - not just the 'Leaving the Career' section. There are lots of good discussions going on about a variety of topics.

Why do you insist on being you? Go hang out with Sky, both of you are perfect for each other. If the "posts" were strictly adhered to, the "mods" fingers would all fall off by noontime! Lighten up.
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