7 Jul Class

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Quote: Was that the guy that was specifically told not to go to LAS?
Maybe...but I think it was STL. They did specifically tell him not to...and then he did it anyways.
Quote: We had a guy fired from my new hire class. They told us no less than 20 times that you couldn't PS any place other than your home of record or your domicile. Poor Carlos had to press to test...good thing he never resigned from his previous employer. 8 years later, he is still there.
Wow - what a major integrity/judgement fail !

Big Ben kids parliament .......
also heard 2 or 3 fired during training for not properly following PS travel rules to/from training… and they were each warned multiple times before being let go by management. One was using to go to LAS and another going to Mexico and Caribbean… not sure of the other.
Another stupid question:

Business casual?
Suit without the tie, khakis and dress shirt, polo shirts, etc...? What do most wear?

What's the dress attire after indoc?
I'd say polo or button up, no jacket, khakis or conservative jeans, and topsiders or similar.
Also, don't be the Jack--- fired because he couldn't put his crack pipe(cell phone) down and had to check it during class and in the middle of simulators.
Quote: Also, don't be the Jack--- fired because he couldn't put his crack pipe(cell phone) down and had to check it during class and in the middle of simulators.
Unless its Delta calling...I would take that call.
Just saw that the July 21st class has their aircraft to select from (10x320, 9x737).

Anybody seen our drop yet?
Quote: Just saw that the July 21st class has their aircraft to select from (10x320, 9x737).

Anybody seen our drop yet?
I was wondering the same thing. How are people hearing about bases they will get to choose from before class starts?
Quote: Another stupid question:

Business casual?
Suit without the tie, khakis and dress shirt, polo shirts, etc...? What do most wear?

What's the dress attire after indoc?
Polo shirt w/ jeans - black shoes.........easy.
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