Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: I did the glock discount and bought a couple guns with it
I wasn't aware of that discount. Any info would be greatly appreciated?
Quote: If you could be so kind to educate us on a second question Carl. Prior to fNWA flight attendant's seeking self help in chapter 11, when has a U.S. District Court of Appeals ever prevented such self help????????????
That question had never been settled, because it had never been asked before from an airline in bankruptcy. Since it was unsettled law, the courts acted. A PEB and possible follow-on action by the Congress IS settled law. Even though the Congress has never done it before, they could. But that's beside the point of people here trying to frame a strike as an impossibility. It's just not true. The NMB is not a total blocking agent...witness the Spirit strike. PEB's do not stop a can only delay it a maximum of 60 days. Congress can intervene and impose a contract on a union...but they've never done so in history (that I know of anyway).

Quote: Honestly, I recommend no handguns, they can only get you into trouble. I like the home modifications to double barrelled shotguns, they are effective.

Scambo showing his inner redneck.

I don't think so...From my research so far I've been told that is all I need! I haven't ruled it out yet...
Quote: Awww shucks, I thought I was invited to the party. I guess you only want people of the same mindset posting in here? Sorry, didn't see that in TOS. Must be widebody syndrome. If you don't like someone's opinion tell to go pound sand huh? 777 and 747 hell of an echo chamber.........
I was responding to your concern/fear about something that never happened before. I can understand why you love our current MEC, risk aversion is something you share.
Quote: The Emperor Penguin. It has an upright and regal bearing as the name suggests. But, it is really just as awkward, gawky, and dirty as other penguins.

A bird by name only as it has wings... but for no apparent reason. This bird does not ever fly.
That's hilarious!!

Quote: I wasn't aware of that discount. Any info would be greatly appreciated?
3 of us NWA guys did it at the same time, $395 a piece, between the 3 of us we bought 9 guns. 3 each

At the time we just had to call glock and ask for a local distributor near our zip code. They gave us a few guys and after calling them and and asking if they did the airline pilot/Leo discount we were on our way. I had to give a copy of my ID to him and just placed my order.

That was 3-4 years ago so not sure what the deal is now but take it fwiw,

Good luck
Quote: Some might argue after going through many of your past posts that you are one of the alpa or company expectation managers mentioned here (just like "thrust normal", "sailing" ect. Ninety percent of your time seems to be spent trying to show why we should not get much improvement or the alaska airlines jv is good or the outsourced RJ's are a necessity for our business model ect ect. The other 10 percent saying what a real line pilot trying to regain what was stolen would say to maintain some street cred.

Que defiant "no I'm not!" response......3 2 1
Everybody on here has an opinion and 1 vote. I know I'm in a minority but I have always been a realist. I would love restoration but the reality to me is that under the RLA and going to the NMB, that isn't going to happen. Sailing came on here and said he wants 40% but then also stated that it will be a long struggle as the NMB has already hinted to DALPA that we won't get released for a long time (example 1, APA and AMR).
That's not managing expectations, that's reality. Reality is that DL has no incentive to sign a 1 billion plus cost increase for the pilots, period. If anybody can come on here and explain why our Mgmt team would do that I'm all ears. Our current Mgmt team is very aggressive about controlling costs and getting rid of routes that don't make money, sucks for us in the short run. SWAPA/SW is held up as our gold standard yet they are in bed together. Why do they get paid so much ?, maybe because SW makes money every year and they get a pay raise just about every year.
In my prior life I had an accounting degree and our (DL) data is still not pretty, improving but not good. I'm not managing expectations, its just reality.
I sound all doom and gloom but I still think we can get a good contract. It won't be easy and it won't be quick.
Quote: True enough. But I was saying it would take years to get to the PEB, not that the PEB would take years.
That's why I said this:

Quote: Just to clarify, if a US President invokes a Presidential Emergency Board (PEB), it only delays things 30 days. Then one more 30 day cooling off period begins, then a strike can happen. PEB's can only delay things 60 days.
From your post below, it certainly sounded like you were trying make the process sound impossible.

Quote: Once we go to the traditional model, we can pretty much park ourselves for a while, and wait for the endless mediation sessions before we can even think of getting released, only to get to a PEB. This could take years. At which point your prophecy of quitting might be open, but illegal self-help certainly won't: we'll just get UsAired.
Quote: I don't think so...From my research so far I've been told that is all I need! I haven't ruled it out yet...

both triggers 2 12 gauges - YouTube
Quote: Awww shucks, I thought I was invited to the party. I guess you only want people of the same mindset posting in here? Sorry, didn't see that in TOS. Must be widebody syndrome. If you don't like someone's opinion tell to go pound sand huh? 777 and 747 hell of an echo chamber.........
Scambo can defend himself, but he's clearly not part of any echo chamber. He was responding to your constant self-insertions of roadblocks on our path to an industry leading contract. Specifically, "the "NMB will block us...and if they don't, "we'll get a PEB"...and if we don't, "the federal courts will block us from striking". That certainly sounds to me like someone who is quaking in fear...exactly like scambo described.

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