Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: do you honestly think DALPA will negotiate for SWA payrates?

The opener stated industry leading. I take that to be at or above SWA rates in short order
Quote: You have to conclude that "time off" has dropped sharply in the list of things that pilots value.

It would seem that people no longer accept the concept of creating more jobs and advancement by limiting the hours of the existing workers.
I am surprised to hear so much support for working longer hours.
There have always been the 100 hour month guys in our pilot group but I hadn't realized just how widespread that attitude had become.
We're going to a minimum staffing and maximum productivity model and it apparently has the blessing of DALPA and a majority of pilots.

We are going to run this airline with fewer guys.
Big mistake in my opinion. It will shorten our lives. But I guess I'm outvoted.
I'm with you. I have found that no one wants to work 100 hours months or even 80 hour months. It just takes 80 hours of our current pay for most pilots to live paycheck to paycheck. The 100 hour guys are mostly captains that lost their pensions and are terrified of retiring without enough money. We are our own worst enemy. If we all fly 90-100 hours per month, most of us will be flying smaller equipment for a less hourly rate meaning more work for the same money. I think DALPA is going about this the completely wrong way. We want more money, not more work.
Quote: You have to conclude that "time off" has dropped sharply in the list of things that pilots value.

It would seem that people no longer accept the concept of creating more jobs and advancement by limiting the hours of the existing workers.
I am surprised to hear so much support for working longer hours.
There have always been the 100 hour month guys in our pilot group but I hadn't realized just how widespread that attitude had become.
We're going to a minimum staffing and maximum productivity model and it apparently has the blessing of DALPA and a majority of pilots.

We are going to run this airline with fewer guys.
Big mistake in my opinion. It will shorten our lives. But I guess I'm outvoted.

I would not say that. QOL and home time are very important to me. I want to see my kids grow up, not just bankroll them. Anything that sharply reduces my time at home is not something I will be fond of.

I want to see the rest of the deal. There are more and more dots connecting for me as to what DAL may be up to. These type of productivity increases make me wonder how much DAL's block hrs are going to be growing.
...but if you ask for a rise, it's no surprise that they're giving money away...
Does anyone think so much detail was released in order to rally the troops, stir us up for more leverage in the scope/pay negotiations? Just trying to see the angle. Maybe they realize they are getting their a$$es handed to them and need the company to see a TA will get shot down unless the pot is severely sweetened.

OTOH, I find it hard to believe this is being negotiated in a vacuum, irrespective of scope/pay. These are large concessions, imo. Why would we give anything at this point unless we were close to an end game on the most expensive parts of the contract. I think they are close on scope/pay or at a minimum are within a range in those areas to already put down concessions in the negotiators notepad.
Quote: Check;
I would not say that. QOL and home time are very important to me. I want to see my kids grow up, not just bankroll them. Anything that sharply reduces my time at home is not something I will be fond of.

I want to see the rest of the deal. There are more and more dots connecting for me as to what DAL may be up to. These type of productivity increases make me wonder how much DAL's block hrs are going to be growing.
Lol. The ever optimist.
Quote: Does anyone think so much detail was released in order to rally the troops, stir us up for more leverage in the scope/pay negotiations? Just trying to see the angle. Maybe they realize they are getting their a$$es handed to them and need the company to see a TA will get shot down unless the pot is severely sweetened.

OTOH, I find it hard to believe this is being negotiated in a vacuum, irrespective of scope/pay. These are large concessions, imo. Why would we give anything at this point unless we were close to an end game on the most expensive parts of the contract. I think they are close on scope/pay or at a minimum are within a range in those areas to already put down concessions in the negotiators notepad.
I don't. I think we are having our asses handed to us. I hope I am wrong.
I think DALPA made a mistake releasing the information. As you can see, you have guys ready to vote on something after 1 day of partial information. Then again, maybe it is your chance to provide feedback to your reps. I emailed mine on Saturday and they all responded within an hour.
Quote: I think DALPA made a mistake releasing the information. As you can see, you have guys ready to vote on something after 1 day of partial information. Then again, maybe it is your chance to provide feedback to your reps. I emailed mine on Saturday and they all responded within an hour.
Agreed. Depending on the second side of these changes, I see a way to pay us more without doming more work. Say a min day goes up by 15-25% and we get a Average Daily Credit. It will allow the same work but with more "time" thus allowing a slightly lower rate to pay is more.

It is also a way to make our productivity look very good in SLI negotiations. (Not saying we need it, just saying that there are many ways to look at this, and without the entire picture, drawing a final comprehensive conclusion is a disservice to you, your family, and your fellow pilots)

I talked to a Rep, and in the course of me mentioning the negativity on this board, he cautioned people to wait for the whole picture. Great advice.

Anyone wanna come down and help me lay 15 cu yds of Mulch?
Quote: ...but if you ask for a rise, it's no surprise that they're giving none away...
fixed it for ya..

Great album. I now have it on the headset...

Clapton is God?? naaaaaahh Gilmour da man.
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