Best way for recommendations at FedEx?

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Can anyone recommend a good way to meet FedEx guys to get a recommendation? I've got one, but he's about ready to retire, so I'll need at least 2, maybe 3 more if I don't hear anything soon.

I'm trying my best to network, but I haven't seen a FedEx jumpseater in about 4 years. I'm a regional Captain. Definately don't mind sitting at the panel.

Please feel free to reply or PM me.

If you know one FedEx pilot, he should be able to introduce you to other FedEx pilots. Most people come in for a "grip and grin" to meet at least a couple ACPs. Ask your friend to at least meet you in MEM and walk you through the AOC and possibly eat lunch with a couple guys. There's about 11000 applications in right now, quality recommendations (former ACPs, RCPs, respected senior pilots) definitely help.

Are there any pilots that used to work with you that are now with FedEx?

Also I'm pretty sure now your main sponsor has to have flown with you. (182s are included )

Good luck
Thanks for the reply. He's based in Anchorage and absolutely hates MEM. He hasn't been there in 13 years and I don't think will start just to introduce me to someone. Maybe I need to fly out there for another visit.

Unfortunately there is no one else I know working at FedEx.

Thanks for the suggestions.
J-Lu--I was in the same boat as you a year ago. I now work for UPS. Do whatever it takes. Swallow your pride and get over any hesitancy about cold calling folks you may not know well. Treat a career at FedEx as winning the lottery. A lot of folks are bashing FedEx and UPS because of the contract negot, but none of them would ever quit their jobs. Can you join a Reserve/Guard unit? If you really want FedEx you could always take a part time ground job to learn the company and make contacts. Good luck.
How would one go about making a cold call, exactly? I know at least half a dozen FexEx pilots as fairly remote acquaintances, but I haven't seen any of them in a while and am not comfortable with the idea of calling them up and asking them to vouch for me, which I consider to be kind of a big favor. Is that sort of thing a common practice in the industry?

I really don't think I'd know what to say: "Hey Dave, I know I haven't spoken with you in 8 months and we've only met a few times, but could you write a letter to your company and recommend that they hire me?" Silence on the other end... then me again: "Uh, I mean, you know, I checked you out in that 172 three years ago, so you've seen my stuff in the cockpit... Of course, I'm not trying to put any pressure on you or abuse your kindness just so I can get my dream job or whatever... Dave?" More silence, "Well, hey feel free to decline if this isn't cool or whatever, I just thought maybe..."

Sorry, I'm really not trying to be a wise guy here, but I feel totally inadequate to have that kind of conversation and just can't see how to go about it in an appropriate way that isn't going to leave me feeling like a groveling worm. And J-Lu mentioned the idea of putting the moves on a jumpseater - so now we're talking about asking for a recommendation from a total stranger. How can they recommend you, what if you're a total moron? Consider me an unlearned apprentice in need of much schooling in this mysterious craft. Thanks, and I'm looking forward to your replies.
Wannabe-- "Hey Dave, how are things going? I haven't seen you for a long time since that time I checked you out in the Cessna"

FedEx Pilot-- "Well pretty good. Yeah I remember that checkout. I took my bro flying after you checked me out and he had a blast."

Wannabe-- "How are things at FedEx? I heard you guys may be getting a big raise."

FedEx guy-- "Things are great. I have so much free time and extra cash. I only wish I could work at UPS."

Wannabe-- "I was wondering how you got hired there. I am finally qualified to apply and am interested in UPS, SWA, Air Tran, but I've done a lot of research and FedEx is by far my #1 choice."

FedEx guy-- "Well I had a few friends help me out. You really need someone who works here to help you..."

At this point FedEx guy knows you are fishing for some help so you don't really need to come right out and ask for the rec. Best case scenario is that he was just like Wannabe before he got hired and knows he was helped and feels an obligation to pass it on. Worst case scenario he feels a little annoyed because you are the 10th person to hit him up. As far as jumpseaters go, I would just try to create a dialogue where you could ask additional questions via email. Anything to make a connection that could grow. Just remember that UPS/FedEx/ABX are making record profits and all have contracts coming due. These jobs could secure your financial/professional future along with your kids and grandkids. Is a little groveling worth it? I thought so.

I called up 4 guys that I had not spoken to in almost 5 years. 4 of them hooked me up and the last 1 did not remember me. I got hired at UPS and SWA and was offered the grip and grin at FedEx after I had been at Brown for 5 months.
Well, that seems pretty effortless. Thanks. I'm not really above groveling, I just want to do it with a little class is all. My problem is that when I want something really bad, I'm afraid I'm going to drool all over the place and look like a complete idiot. But like you said, a job like that is worth sacrificing a little pride, so drool away I guess
I agree with everything Seinfeld said.
Also it's not all about the flying experience with your sponsor. It's more about the sponsor knowing what kind of person you are. He's putting his "recomendation reputation" on line for you. If you turn out to be a complete ass or decide to turn in you ID on the 7th day of newhire training to go to Delta (on May 2001, yes it happened), they'll also look at him (especially if he recommends someone else). If you're just an aquaintance, take him out to lunch, get to know him/her. The flying with your sponsor thing is so your cousin's, brother-in-law's, college roomate who once knew a guy who now flies at FedEx won't recommend someone he doesn't know at all.

Even though I had several recs, I still felt hesistant about calling on favors. But by putting myself in a slightly uncomfortable position, it got me where I wanted to be.

As far as the guy who hates MEM, he could take you in to see the Regional CP in ANC. There were a couple guys from the ANC area in my newhire class that had never been to MEM before the interview. A RCP has lots of pull in getting the call. Get up to AK and do a grip and grin with your buddy. I'd jump at the chance to ask a favor from a soon to be retired guy. He might have a retirement favor coming his way. If he knows you, he'll want good guys at the company to keep his retirement check coming .
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I'm definately in the mood for a trip to AK. I unfortunately don't know anyone else who has gotten hired at FedEx, or I would call them in a heartbeat.
You definately can go and meet our CP in ANC. He's a great guy. But keep a few things in mind... it won't go as fast. Joe waited 6 months to collect recs and info on his grip and grins, and gave them to Jack only when Jack happened to be in ANC for a visit. (last August.) Also, Joe doesn't sit in on those review boards that decide who to call for an interview. It is CP's in MEM. So you won't have your dog in the fight for you directly.

It is better to get to MEM. Maybe have another guy walk you in. And ANC guys can get trips to MEM. Your buddy should suck it up and help you out and visit the Planet.
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