United Indefinitely Postponing Future Hiring

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I got this email from HR today. I guess this makes it pretty clear where United is on hiring!

Dear Pilot Candidate,

As you know, you are currently scheduled for an interview at our Training Center in April.

We have just been informed of adjustments in our Training Schedule and have found it necessary to indefinitely postpone future Pilot New Hire Training Classes. Therefore, we are canceling all scheduled interviews at this time. We are very sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause you.

United, along with other U.S. airlines, has been managing to remain competitive in a difficult environment. However, we’ve seen a rapid escalation of fuel costs over the last six weeks. This, along with continued uncertainty about the overall U.S. economy, has put significant pressure on all U.S. carriers.

You should be receiving a phone call from someone on our staff to confirm your interview being canceled.

Once again, we are truly sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your interest in United.

Anyone have any thoughts or other information on future hiring at United?

Just got a call from the HR department to confirm they are postponing new hire interviews. She said they don't want to interview since they don't know when they wouldn't have any future training classes to put new hires into.

She also went on to say that it's because of the state of the industry and high fuel prices and the uncertainty right now.

Just a little more info for everyone.

High fuel prices, parking old aircraft, and now throw in age 65.

This is not just going to have an impact on United alone, all the Majors will be impacted.

Coming from a still furloughed pilot, sorry you are having to go through this and good luck with your career.
ERJ, I'm sorry to hear that for you and all others affected. Was Mar 17 the last class?
It is better to wait on the outside than on the bottom. I know I got the door shut in my face for six years. I was not happy at the time, but it sure beat going out and starting over at a regional or corporate gig .
"Hot off the press", out of the "horse's mouth"....
Just called them. And it seems I am not the only one "freaking out". Our class has a break, and seems like a few of us called today, and I (we) were told, training is going on, and will go on. They will be sending out emails to us to calm our nerves. Thanks to "D" in New Hire. She's the best (along with "S")
As far as interviews, I can't tell ya.
Also, the new hire who got beaten, was there @ 10:30 PM. The guy at the front desk at my dump, said it's not the best place to be walking after dark. And that was just to go across the steet to the WalMart. He was going to have someone DRIVE me over there. I waited unitl the next DAY!!!
The new hire will be alright though. Just A WHILE to heal. Bad eyes and jaw.
Thanks go out to the GENTLEMAN who stopped and helped out!
Thanks for posting that SBD.

And for what it's worth, I just got a call from HR yesterday around 5:30pm to move up a class. Not uncommon, I know, but I thought I pass that along because of the timing.


When did you interview and what class date are you moving up to?
Originally Posted by ERJcaptain
[I]I got this email from HR today. I guess this makes it pretty clear where United is on hiring!

Dear Pilot Candidate,

As you know, you are currently scheduled for an interview at our Training Center in April.

We have just been informed of adjustments in our Training Schedule and have found it necessary to indefinitely postpone future Pilot New Hire Training Classes. Therefore, we are canceling all scheduled interviews at this time. We are very sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause you.

United, along with other U.S. airlines, has been managing to remain competitive in a difficult environment. However, we’ve seen a rapid escalation of fuel costs over the last six weeks. This, along with continued uncertainty about the overall U.S. economy, has put significant pressure on all U.S. carriers.

You should be receiving a phone call from someone on our staff to confirm your interview being canceled.

Once again, we are truly sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your interest in United.

Anyone have any thoughts or other information on future hiring at United?

The email I posted came directly from HR at United. I wish I could make up stuff that good. They must use the word "Training" interchangeably with "New-Hire Interviewing". This definitely was a generic mass email but came directly from Human Resources. This email obviously only applies to Hiring and interviewing and not anyone currently in training!!

And yes it is better to wait it out at a Regional than go and have to start over again!

All joking aside on my part for quoting lines from cheesy movies...these forums can take a serious turn from time to time. Wether or not ERJ Captain postings are accurate, the events of today clearly show that with the state of our industry and the high pressure goals we set for our ourselves we tend to be hair triggered for bad news.

I have always kinda suspected that the reason our seasoned compatriots in the left seat barely rasie an eyebrow to innuendo and rumor is that they have been through the rumor mill a hundred times or more and are pressed flat like dry cleaning.

Building one's blood pressure over the whims of HQ is a sure way to a quick medical out or worse...especially when it comes from unreliable sources.

Lesson learned...good luck and good night.
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