I'm an AA pilot. We only have a last trip of the month cancellation policy (for Maintenance cancel only-all other last trip cancels are unpaid). If any other trip than that during the month cancels for any reason, we are not paid. We only get 64 hours.
To complicate this we have very restrictive duty free periods. So if any trip during the month cancels, and you then start a duty free period there is no way you can pick up a trip to get your time (pay) back.
Here's my question, what kind of duty free periods do you have. I'm pretty sure you and every other major airline have line guarantee. We don't. So we never ever know what we are going to be paid.
The reason I ask is on our union website there is a discussion of "would you like SWA's workrules?" I'd just like some firsthand info from an actual SWA pilot.
Thank you for whatever you may offer!
and Happy Holidays to all!
I have much to be thankful for