200-300 retiring near term ???

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Been hearing this number getting batted around, some due to badly eroding flight schedules (lean program crap) and other to health issues, age 65 not looking like a reality after all .......................
From where ? Airline specific ?
I heard a bunch starting next month @ FDX
Why would anyone retire (from FDX) before about October so as to get all the following year's vacation. I've never understood that...

Macguy- If one has 25+ years, age 60+ and always take summer vacations, May 16th is a good date. You will be paid for this years plus 50% of next years vacation, have the summer off and beat the rush in the fall. If you work til Oct 16th and burn this years vacation this summer, You will be paid for next years vacation only. It all depends on the individual situation. Dec 16th is a another good date 'cause vacation is then paid in Jan(tax purposes). (Please check with your own financial planner before relying on this post!) Back to thread....HUGE retirements in the next year and a half!
Quote: Been hearing this number getting batted around, some due to badly eroding flight schedules (lean program crap) and other to health issues, age 65 not looking like a reality after all .......................

Wait 'til they take their parkas and leather jackets away....
Quote: Been hearing this number getting batted around, some due to badly eroding flight schedules (lean program crap) and other to health issues, age 65 not looking like a reality after all .......................
Yes it is true. There will be 200 to 300 retiring in the future. Just look at the huge projections on the company's web site.
the question is, does this translate into more hiring/etc for non FDX'ers ?
Quote: From where ? Airline specific ?
That is a rhetorical question on the cargo forum.
Quote: Macguy- Back to thread....HUGE retirements in the next year and a half!
The retirement chart for purple only shows 161 total for the 2012 and 2013. Is there another source saying more will leave? Other than the standard rumor "500 could at any moment".
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