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So I have my private with an instrument rating, and I don't think that an Airline career would really fit me. What options would I have as far as non-flying aviation jobs? What are the reqs for an aircraft broker/ salesman?

I don't think there's a set career path for those folks, they're just GA or corporate pilots who get into sales. Salesmen/brokers can actually do demo flights with just a PPL, but I'm pretty sure you'd want at least a commercial for insurance purposes. That's for light GA airplanes.

For bizjets, you'd probably need some sort of bizjet flight experience and type rating(s).

I think the best way to approach that sort of career would be do the usual general aviation / corporate aviation career path until you get some bizjet PIC and then look into sales. Piston CFI experience would probably be enough if you just want to do light GA aircraft sales.

You also need natural sales skills (people skills).
Quote: So I have my private with an instrument rating, and I don't think that an Airline career would really fit me. What options would I have as far as non-flying aviation jobs? What are the reqs for an aircraft broker/ salesman?

A business degree and good networking skills. And a good economy helps.
Quote: So I have my private with an instrument rating, and I don't think that an Airline career would really fit me. What options would I have as far as non-flying aviation jobs? What are the reqs for an aircraft broker/ salesman?

You keep asking the same questions over and over. Must be a hundred threads like this that you've started. You may be the least committed person I've ever heard of in aviation. If you find yourself second guessing this much, it's definitely time to find a different career.
Quote: You keep asking the same questions over and over. Must be a hundred threads like this that you've started. You may be the least committed person I've ever heard of in aviation. If you find yourself second guessing this much, it's definitely time to find a different career.
This is the first time I've ever asked about aircraft sales/brokering, I love aviation, I know for sure I want to be in aviation no matter what my career ends up being. I'm sorry you have nothing better to do with your life than sitting around bashing people on forums.
Quote: You keep asking the same questions over and over. Must be a hundred threads like this that you've started. You may be the least committed person I've ever heard of in aviation. If you find yourself second guessing this much, it's definitely time to find a different career.
Yeah, I saw the same history of posts as well. Unreal. Trolling with bait......
Quote: This is the first time I've ever asked about aircraft sales/brokering, I love aviation, I know for sure I want to be in aviation no matter what my career ends up being. I'm sorry you have nothing better to do with your life than sitting around bashing people on forums.
It may be your first post asking about sales/brokering, but your trend is the same. To ask for counsel once or twice on a career future or where to train is one thing. You started numerous threads asking the same thing over and over, and an untold number of threads asking about the future of the industry...same question over and over and over. This is the same thing, couched slightly differently. In this case, you're saying you finally achieved pilot certification, but you're STILL not sure about the future of the industry.

Bashing? Hardly.

Here, you're telling us that you don't think the airlines are for you, though just a few days ago, you started yet ANOTHER thread stating that is is for you. It was immediately closed (again). Remember?

Do you have to be absolutely passionate about aviation to have an enjoyable career as a airline pilot? I don't exactly love flying but I think it would be a career that fits me. If not, should I get out of the aviation industry?

You're the one that keeps posting this material over and over. This isn't the first time you've been called on it. This isn't bashing. It's an observation of fact.

You believe this is your passion:
Quote: I am not in this for the money at all, I am also not in it because I think its an easy career. I am in this because I believe that this is my passion and I want it to be my passion more than anything in the world. I am just wondering why I am not feeling like it is my passion? I am not in this for the glamour or the pay.
On it goes. This is my passion. This is not my passion. I am dedicated to aviation. I don't think this is for me. Is this a good career? Will drones replace pilots? Should I quit? I'm passionate. I'm not passionate. I want to make this my life's work. I don't think this is for me.

There aren't many people I've told to get out of aviation because it's not for them. You'd be close to the top of the list. Such total lack of commitment will ensure that you won't make it.

Same thing I told my son before he signed up for the marine corps, and same thing I told my daughter for the same; either commit or don't. Do not approach it half way. If you're going to do it, then DO IT.

If you've got an honest question, ask it once, and be done with it. Asking the same thing ad infinitum is tiresome and does nobody any favors. It insults those who take the time to reply, as if you'll keep asking until you hear what you want, and this is the sentiment that numerous posters have said to you in previous threads. Enough.
Maybe I'd stop asking questions if people would actually respond
Quote: Maybe I'd stop asking questions if people would actually respond
Oh....they're responding alright.

Quote: Maybe I'd stop asking questions if people would actually respond
Nobody responds to your threads?

Ten responses to this thread.

None to this, because it was closed immediately when you posted: http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/ca...ml#post2027464

41 responses to this one: http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/ca...-shortage.html

Three responses to this one:http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/ca...tion-jobs.html

Twelve to this one. Are these people nobody? http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/fl...hours-ppl.html

Fourteen nobodies here, including captains, flight engineers, and first officers (working pilots): http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/fl...8838-solo.html

24 people responded to this one, even though it's the same question that you keep asking. Pretty generous of them, really: http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/ca...-aviation.html

Same question again, only two people involved and you were one; the moderators closed it immediately as it was more of the same: http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/fl...-continue.html

23 people in this thread. Are they all nobodies as well?: http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/fl...t-headset.html

Another thread by you, more about doubts, closed by the moderators after six posts, as it was more of the same, again: http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/fl...ng-doubts.html

Eighteen responses to you. Nobodies? http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/en...-replaced.html

ANOTHER thread by you advising that you're not motivated, closed after two replies.. http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/ca...ot-career.html

You again, this time with 32 replies, as you tell us that you think aviation may not be for you. This thread, like many others, was closed. Same story, over and over. http://www.airlinepilotforums.com/ca...-pilot-me.html

Lots of nobodies responding to you, as nobody responds to your threads. There might be more, if they didn't keep getting closed. Think about it.
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