Divorce help

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Quote: This is why I love this site. That's some kick ass advice right there
It was literally in the much hyped, nothing of a movie called "Marriage Story"
Quote: One last thing, I don't know how old you are, but perhaps you could take this as an opportunity to re-invent yourself. Look at your future as a blank slate now, and do the things you might not have been able to do with your ex. My ex hated to travel, and her idea of a great family vacation was crashing at her brother's place in rural Florida. To this day she has never left the United States. Since our divorce I have lived and worked on two additional continents, and visited 18 other countries. I have hiked in the Alps, enjoyed Argentinean wine in Buenos Aires, walked on the Great Wall, swam in the Persian Gulf, enjoyed St. Patrick's Day in Dublin, and countless other things that I would not have been able to do had I stayed married to her.
Greta will not be happy to hear this......
Quote: Greta will not be happy to hear this......
Considering she requires six crew members to fly every time she does her "zero carbon" ocean crossing, I don't really care too much.
Quote: .My ex burned me in every way. She called every office in town but two lawyers, obviously she had a better lawyer, she documented every thing, she lied and exaggerated as well.

She got the kids and the money. So there is some good advice on this thread you should follow. Because you can never underestimate a vindictive ex.

Don’t be like me and lose everything!!

But if you do lose everything like me:
Remember that after the loss of your kids, your assets, your loss of a family, the sense of guilt and failure. The feeling of wanting to eat a bullet and die—//—//—after all that passes divorce is the greatest thing in the world.

My ex is a fat cow now. I hit the gym after our divorce. I’ve had about 1000 years worth of married sex speaking quantitatively. I must have broken 10,000 years worth of married sex from a qualitative standpoint!!

I see my kids often (not an ideal amount but it’s better then it was)
I could not be happier!!

You will get through this brother. No matter what you can do it.
I'm glad I never got married. I wonder why so many people do. Just take a look at the divorce rate.
#1 Protect your health. The body fuels the mind. You can't make good decisions when you let yourself go.

#2 Protect your career. There are lots of ways this goes bad, both in and out of your control.

#3 Lawyer up. Find the best attorney for the job with a proven track record. The money you spend extra will be a pittance if you don't do this. If your soon-to-be ex makes more than you do, then of course they'll recommend to "settle". Many states now award alimony without regard, so play that card.

#4 Don't feel bad, have remorse, or ever think you're doing the wrong thing by going the full monty or protecting your kids. Not. For. A. Second.

#5 And this is most important: Play to win. If you want to feel sympathy, remorse, pity or whatever remaining emotional attachment you may have, do so after you win. THAT is the time to be magnanimous.
I’d get a little more prepared than listed here. Of course we don’t know all the particulars.


Go to link above, find “The List”, read & heed. I’d get cracking before any papers are served.
Just take more dumps.
Quote: Hey guys I’m most likely headed down that road. I’m heart broken and in shock. Any advice or thoughts on going through this as an airline pilot?
a go.....".........knjccfgbnjk mk
Quote: What does she think you did? Sorry to hear this...I think we flew together on 777. Weren’t you in DC?

If you are gonna go down that road...bid down to NB FO and fly a min schedule. Minimize your pay if you can afford to do it.

Divorce is gonna get cheaper on October 1st.
Alcohol is a depressant, if you drink then give it a break until you’re back on your feet again.
Quote: Alcohol is a depressant, if you drink then give it a break until you’re back on your feet again.
This is true. However, if she is willing to go deep sea fishing with you one last time ... Then a stiff drink will help the process for both of you.
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