News about AA

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Quote: where do AA pilots stand on leather jackets? Why don't we have them as a uniform option?
I think the consensus among the under 50 crowd is that they don’t look good. Particularly when you pair it on a layover with white NB sneakers, dad jeans hemmed a little too high, and a cell phone holster.
Quote: I think the consensus among the under 50 crowd is that they don’t look good. Particularly when you pair it on a layover with white NB sneakers, dad jeans hemmed a little too high, and a cell phone holster.

I’d like to see them come back because in the winter I don’t have the balls to ditch my blazer and go trench only. Walking into the terminal for a Starbucks in our outer coat makes me sweat like a pregnant nun at confession.

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Quote: I think the consensus among the under 50 crowd is that they don’t look good. Particularly when you pair it on a layover with white NB sneakers, dad jeans hemmed a little too high, and a cell phone holster.

Here's an over 50 guy that hates them.
damn, i was hoping to start a new movement on leather jacket warriros.
I’m under 50 and want the leather jacket back.
Quote: I’m under 50 and want the leather jacket back.
Quote: I’m under 50 and want the leather jacket back.
Thirds.......if that’s a thing?

Having to wear a blazer with an overcoat in the winter feels like I’m being water boarded with clothing.
Not as lame as sweaters and wearing the sweater underneath the blazer.
The sweaters are embarrassing to the profession. I can’t believe they are approved and the leather jackets got the boot. A skinny jean millennial must have been in charge of that decision.
The weirdest combo I’ve seen was a guy wearing the blazer with a leather jacket over it. Guy looked like he couldn’t move with all that on him
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