Will airlines force employees get vaccine??

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Quote: Anecdotally, died WITH Covid, OR of Covid?
Does anyone know if death certificates are still listing Covid for deaths due to car accidents? I know earlier hospitals were getting premium reimbursement for the same room if Covid was listed.
Quote: Does anyone know if death certificates are still listing Covid for deaths due to car accidents? I know earlier hospitals were getting premium reimbursement for the same room if Covid was listed.
Yes, any death within 60 days of a positive PCR test is a statistical Covid death. This probably skews the vaccine data as well, because a fully vaccinated Covid death requires you to die of a laboratory confirmed breakthrough case.
Speaking of statistics, if being double vaccinated doesn’t stop you from getting OR spreading COVID, what has become of the legal argument for mandating it? I mean yes, there is a 116 year old SCOTUS precedent that you could be fined $5 for not getting a smallpox immunization, but a smallpox immunization actually kept you from getting and/or spreading smallpox. We are now destroying people’s livelihood because they won’t be immunized by a vaccine that does neither.

Mandates have always been a stretch, but now…

Boiler - 11x of a small thing that effects a demographic I don’t belong to is a very small thing.

if I buy a power ball ticket, I have a 1 in 292,201,338 chance of winning. Bit of a long shot.

if by 11 tickets, I have 11x the chance of winning! Or a 11 in 292,201, 338 chance of winning.

still not quitting based on that.
Quote: All anecdotally…..without witnessing the jab and then a cold corpse, they didn’t die of the vaccine
Well if that’s the case in my mind nobody died of Covid. Not one person I know. Not one person with 1 degree of separation. My family all had it. Nobody sick for more than 2 days. Anecdotally Covid doesn’t kill anybody either.
Quote: Boiler - 11x of a small thing that effects a demographic I don’t belong to is a very small thing.

if I buy a power ball ticket, I have a 1 in 292,201,338 chance of winning. Bit of a long shot.

if by 11 tickets, I have 11x the chance of winning! Or a 11 in 292,201, 338 chance of winning.

still not quitting based on that.
I have no desire to try and sway your or anybody else's decisions or evaluation of risk with regards to COVID vaccination; I'm simply offering an infographic to the question of vaccination being "effective" or not.

Data clearly shows COVID vaccination is in fact effective at reducing both symptomatic disease and death, even with them being somewhat less effective in recent months than we were all told in December.

We're all entitled to our own opinions, but not our own set of facts...but hey, I'm cool with people viewing the same data and coming to different conclusions.
Quote: Boiler - 11x of a small thing that effects a demographic I don’t belong to is a very small thing.

if I buy a power ball ticket, I have a 1 in 292,201,338 chance of winning. Bit of a long shot.

if by 11 tickets, I have 11x the chance of winning! Or a 11 in 292,201, 338 chance of winning.

still not quitting based on that.

So, you know you have a one in 292,201,338 chance of getting COVID. Excellent. You’ll live forever. Even in your demographic, the chances are a bit higher, like several orders of magnitude higher.
Quote: So, you know you have a one in 292,201,338 chance of getting COVID. Excellent. You’ll live forever. Even in your demographic, the chances are a bit higher, like several orders of magnitude higher.
The current issue is not whether an individual ought or ought not to get immunized for their own sake. The effectiveness of the immunizations in mitigating the severity of COVID WHEN you get it is pretty easy to show.

The issue of THIS thread is whether it ought to be MANDATED by an employer for the purpose of protecting pax and other employees. It would appear there is little evidence to suggest that is effective, since vaccinated can STILL contract and SPREAD the virus.

From the Lancet:

To address the primary study outcome to establish the secondary attack rates (SARs) in household contacts, the vaccination statuses for 232 contacts exposed to 162 epidemiologically linked delta-variant-infected index cases were analysed. The SARs in household contacts exposed to the delta variant was 25% in vaccinated and 38% in unvaccinated contacts. These results underpin the key message that vaccinated contacts are better protected than the unvaccinated. All breakthrough infections were mild, and no hospitalisations and deaths were observed. But these results also highlight that breakthrough infections continue to occur in the vaccinated, with an attack rate of 25%. Time since vaccination in fully vaccination contacts was longer for those infected than those uninfected, suggesting that waning of protection might have occurred over time, although teasing out general waning versus reduced vaccine effectiveness due to delta is challenging owing to so many confounding factors.
SAR among household contacts exposed to fully vaccinated index cases (25%; 95% CI 15–35) was similar to household contacts exposed to unvaccinated index cases (23%; 15–31). Obviously, infection might also have occurred beyond the household level with unknown exposure in the community. Indeed, genomic and virological analysis confirmed only three index-contact pairs. Owing to the small sample size, the authors were not able to establish the vaccine effectiveness against asymptomatic infections versus symptomatic infections. This limitation together with the unconfirmed source of transmission in many of these index-contact pairs, suggests that the low SAR reported here should be interpreted with caution. Nevertheless, the findings raise concern that the effect of vaccination on reducing transmission might be lower for the delta variant compared with the variants that circulated in the UK before the emergence of delta.
Quote: The current issue is not whether an individual ought or ought not to get immunized for their own sake. The effectiveness of the immunizations in mitigating the severity of COVID WHEN you get it is pretty easy to show.

The issue of THIS thread is whether it ought to be MANDATED by an employer for the purpose of protecting pax and other employees. It would appear there is little evidence to suggest that is effective, since vaccinated can STILL contract and SPREAD the virus.

From the Lancet:

Am I reading that right, the vaccination reduces severity of infection but does little to nothing to prevent vaccinated people from spreading the disease? If so, vaccination is pointless for demographics with high probability of survival.
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