C11 Special Update: FO Rep Threatened

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According to the C34 update i got from a SFO buddy, Anne has a very loose relationship with the truth.

Definitely add her to the recall list.
Quote: According to the C34 update i got from a SFO buddy, Anne has a very loose relationship with the truth.

Definitely add her to the recall list.
Filing a false police report is a serious criminal offense. Making false counter accusations in LEC updates isn’t prosecutable:it only makes you look silly.
Quote: I know cable news has changed our sensibilities about this, but to be crystal clear, this isn’t proof. This is one person’s narrative that confirms what you already believe. It might be enough to convince you, but it certainly wouldn’t constitute proof in the pre 2014 world

Proof would be a video of the threatening behavior, or publishing a verified email between the two parties.
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I was more talking about how ALPA leadership will resort to almost anything to sell their substandard TAs.
Quote: Filing a false police report is a serious criminal offense. Making false counter accusations in LEC updates isn’t prosecutable:it only makes you look silly.
Funny how people in political positions that disagree with your take are opportunistic, self serving monsters and those who align with your views are martyrs for the cause.

Given all the cable news outrage we see today, I can’t understand how people arent more skeptical of their own beliefs and intuitions, especially when new “proof” is unsubstantiated and just happens to confirm what they already believe
Worster is clearly the worst.

Needs to go!

she acts exactly like majorie taylor greene. Lies to stir the pot and gain a disgruntled following.
Quote: Proof would be a video of the threatening behavior, or publishing a verified email between the two parties.
There is video of this interaction.
Quote: There is video of this interaction.
That’s great. Most of us who are not completely politically entrenched or emotionally attached to the individuals of this thing would want nothing more than the appropriate party can be held accountable for their actions
“Accosted” is the word she used, not assaulted. This can be a crime of intimidation in Illinois depending on what happened.

Definition: to approach and speak to (someone) in an often challenging or aggressive way

What does she expect would happen in person after a couple weeks of insulting the integrity of those who serve around the table and questioning their loyalty to the pilots instead of management? She thinks she can just say anything she wants in a communication to her Council and not be called out on it? Why does she continue to insult others so maliciously behind a keyboard? I bet she doesn’t do it to their faces. Then when she was likely confronted about her messages to the pilot group she gets offended? “Oh, I was attacked and feared so much for my life.”

Jerry insists there is a video. If there is and this rep backed her into a corner with no chance to escape anywhere and got closer and closer, then I’ll side with her. Otherwise an exchange of non-sexual, non-violent words in a hallway doesn’t exactly meet the definition under Illinois law which states, from a quick search online: “To be convicted of this crime, a defendant must have threatened to perform physical harm or execute physical confinement of an individual.” There are other provisions of this law which don’t readily apply to this situation (ex. committing another crime; accusing a person of another crime; encouraging hatred, ridicule or harassment of other individuals; boycott or strike).
What Are the Elements Required to Prove an Assault?
The defendant intended to cause the victim to become aware of or anticipate the possibility that they would suffer imminent harm;
The victim must reasonably believe that the defendant's conduct would be harmful or offensive to them;

Reportedly this person confronted another person in a similar manner earlier at the same MEC meeting.
So.. interesting times and TOPIC-

Some of you may have heard of my incident regarding the C5 Chairman, back on the 28th of Sept, 2020.
I was involved in a situation where I got into his personal space.
I was wrong, and the next day I apologized via ProStands.
That apology was not accepted..... (initially)

Mind you, this was at a union event, out of uniform and off company property.

What happened next is an eye opener about how both our company and our union work.
I was suspended (with pay) a week after! Immediately AFTER completing a required IOE event.

For 2 and a half months I was put through a circus with regards to an investigation, written report, and countless phones calls/conference calls.
It was only in mid December that I was "allowed" to be put back on line, though I was told the investigation was not over.

April of 21.. yes, over 6 moths later- was everything "dropped".

That our union allowed the company to not only get involved into union issues is troublesome. That our union allows the company to look into our personal, private lives is just as troublesome.

Not matter what your take or feel is about my incident or the incident that the C11VC just went through, there can be no doubt that the culture of our union is broken and needs to be changed.
But have no doubt, this did not happen over night. This started back in Oct 2018 when our union started to get into bed with management.
Having not spoken to either parties involved, we can only go with what has been posted. Trust me- I know!

But we will now see how our union and company handles an even more serious case than what I experienced.

Fly Safe, Fly Professionally and Fly the Contract
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