Congrats, we're the new Bud Light

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Quote: I actually found the document on Deltanet. This is a complete misrepresentaion of the guidance.

"communications teams follow the AP standard of lowercasing "white," similar to brown, in formal communications"
I also found it. It's not at all what the tweet claims, but then that doesn't make for good outrage.
Quote: Why would it be appropriate to menton race in internal correspondence to begin with?
I have no idea but now I know I'm not right handed, but rather my left hand is under represented in manually dexterous tasks.
Quote: I also found it. It's not at all what the tweet claims, but then that doesn't make for good outrage.
I found it too. The document does say to capitalize Black but not brown or white. The style note does not have that reference, however. Either the “X” poster faked it or Delta changed it. It looks pretty legitimate based on the style note I found as in same type face, graphics etc. would be pretty easy to fake if you had the original document.
It also says why. Essentially, "Black" is a proper noun, "brown" and "white" aren't.
Quote: $395 million in lost US sales is a recovery? Competition saw 50% sale increases in the same Beer category is a recovery? CEO claiming, listen to this, 40% of drinkers who boycotted Bud Light might be coming back is a recovery? That’s a hilariously sad claim to brag about to investors. But yeah sure the stock down almost 40% in 5 years has recovered and everyone has forgotten lmao.
They don't even sell it at the big stores around where I live anymore.
Quote: shockingly, ABinbev has recovered as the stupid rage has been forgotten.

Bud Light has not recovered. The stock price might have but sales are still way down. It is still mocked as the trans beer at bars. Hardly anyone orders it anymore. Walk down Broadway street in Nashville. You won’t see anyone drinking it.
Quote: Bud Light has not recovered. The stock price might have but sales are still way down. It is still mocked as the trans beer at bars. Hardly anyone orders it anymore. Walk down Broadway street in Nashville. You won’t see anyone drinking it.
Didn't you know? If you drink Bud Light, you become trans. Scary times
Quote: It also says why. Essentially, "Black" is a proper noun, "brown" and "white" aren't.
I don’t have a problem with capitalizing or not capitalizing but I don’t see in the document a reference to it being a proper noun but rather a formal ethnicity and thus the capitalization.
Man, I really grew up listening to you guys tell me not to believe everything you see in the Internet we are
Quote: Bud Light has not recovered. The stock price might have but sales are still way down. It is still mocked as the trans beer at bars. Hardly anyone orders it anymore. Walk down Broadway street in Nashville. You won’t see anyone drinking it.
What made me laugh is that they do serve it at Kid Rock's Big Ass Honky Tonk and Steakhouse and never stopped, along with Bud Light Lime.


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