FDX: How many pilots are going past 60

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I just don't understand how referring to over sixty guys as near deads is worse than referring to lawyer as a remora.
Quote: I just don't understand how referring to over sixty guys as near deads is worse than referring to lawyer as a remora.
It doesn't list remoras here, or lawyers, although certain subsets may be protected due to meeting some or all other criteria:
U.S. Department of Labor - Find It By Topic - Equal Employment Opportunity - Age Discrimination
Quote: Are you kidding me? What part of it was anywhere near the vulgarity of a racial slur??!!
FoxHunter emailed me to advise me that I was an "age bigot!" He suggested I watch myself in order to avoid descrimination charges? I told him he must be suffering from Alzheimers and suggested he check himself into a Nursing Home ASAP!
I thought someone would stick up for remoras before now.
Quote: FoxHunter emailed me to advise me that I was an "age bigot!" He suggested I watch myself in order to avoid descrimination charges? I told him he must be suffering from Alzheimers and suggested he check himself into a Nursing Home ASAP!

I'll have to talk to FoxHunter about his email to you, as I don't think he's suffering from Alzheimer's, but that his spell checker is not working. I don't think he meant to call you an "age bigot". I think he probably meant that you were just a "Big Idiot."
Quote: Mark,

I'll have to talk to FoxHunter about his email to you, as I don't think he's suffering from Alzheimer's, but that his spell checker is not working. I don't think he meant to call you an "age bigot". I think he probably meant that you were just a "Big Idiot."
ba dum bump!


Nice work!
Quote: If you look at our over 60 demographics there are many of them in blocks other than 1, 2, or 3, and many have less than 20, much less 25 years of service..........

.........But...the fact is many of the folks NOT retiring are not guys going beyond 25 years of service. I'm grateful to every single pilot who retires, but I'm not going to say a 60 year old with 16 years of service is "greedy" if he stays on longer. Its a personal choice now, and its the law.......
So, is a pilot who goes beyond 25 years of service, greedy? Is the pilot who only has 16 years of service with FedEx, but already has a full retirement from the military, greedy? We're all aware of the law, I was just wondering where your threshold was, since you opined with your two cents worth.
I hit 25 yrs at 50...if i can retire without penalties i will consider it....do i become greedy at 51?
Quote: I hit 25 yrs at 50...if i can retire without penalties i will consider it....do i become greedy at 51?
You'll be my hero if you retire at 50!!
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