FDX: Jumpseating on MLOA

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Happy to reply...even when on vacation...but I won't discuss policy, either ALPA or company, and how they relate on the forums...shoot me a personal email and I will explain your options. One thing I will say here is REMEMBER CASS is only for the cockpit...no matter what the airlines are letting it morph into...and the captain always has the final say in regard to 121.547 no matter where you sit. I will also say that USERRA does not apply to off line privileges. That might lend some insight to this forum debate. One thing for sure, this is an issue that ALPA is currently dealing with on a national level. CASS has become a fourth party in 121.547--and it is not really a good thing in this case.
Quote: If you are in CASS you can jumpseat... that is the only restriction, besides having a current medical.
The problem for FedEx guys is that the company takes you out of CASS when you're on LOA, or a number of other statuses, thereby in effect, revoking your ability to jumpseat.
You are removed from CASS the day your orders become effective. On a "case-by-case" basis, your ACP can approve your jumpseating on Fedex equipment. Dependent upon who your ACP is, this can either be relatively simple or comparable to a visit to the dentist. Try to call him, leave a voice mail, he'll call you back and ask you to put it in writing in the form of an email with an explanation of the "unusual circumstances" requiring your use of a jumpseat. And MOST airlines are now so oriented to knowing that if you are a pilot you SHOULD be in CASS system. So, be prepared for a big butt-pain when you show up at the counter and ask to jumpseat but you're not in CASS. Half the agents currently struggle to figure out how to get you listed through CASS and this is just another reason they'll have to fuss at you for making them work when you bring no revenue to their airline. Not a mode of transportation I would use if I only had a weekend or a 96. Orbitz/Priceline is much easier and you have a guaranteed seat. FWIW............
Quote: You are removed from CASS the day your orders become effective. On a "case-by-case" basis, your ACP can approve your jumpseating on Fedex equipment.
Not correct.
Quote: Not correct.
Seen it done....in person
I have jumpseated on FDX several times while on Mil Leave. All you have to do is call the jumpseat number and list that way. Any problems from them were quickly resolved by my ACP or his flight specialist. No problems.

Once on mil leave, you are removed from CASS and therefore can not JS on other carriers. That is a FDX computer issue. I have godd buddies as AA who can JS using CASS.
Also a factor unless it's been changed recently. You company credit card will be canceled. You have to remember to call to get it reactivated when you return.
"B" Fund Contribution
Speaking of FedEx MLOA "privileges", does anyone know what the company bases the B Fund contributions on while we're out working for Uncle Sugar? I did see the latest union correspondence addressing seat bids while on mil and seat position changes when returning from mil (kudos FDX Military Affairs!) so that explains the rate but what about the hours?

Do they take our historic pay hours from the previous year or maybe the reserve BLG for the months we're out? For the record, neither of these examples are based on facts or even rumor....just trying to clarify what I'm looking for.

I scrubbed the contract but there is very little guidance on MLOA and nothing that I can find about company contributions while we are on mil.

Any thoughts and/or references to the written word are appreciated.
CASS confusion drives me nuts.
Prior to 9/11 CASS didn't exist. As everyone knows, it came about to grant COCKPIT access. If you're NOT in CASS, you CAN still Jumpseat on offline carriers, but are restricted to the cabin. Plain and Simple.

While almost every airline out there is in CASS, there are still some that aren't. Those pilots and dispatchers are still eligible to Jumpseat on other carriers, but again, are restricted to the back.

I'll admit, sometimes it's a total pain in the rear trying to Jumpseat on offline carriers when they realize you're not in CASS, and as stated above, sometimes the gate agents don't have a clue how to list you. But it can be done, and is done everyday by folks that aren't in CASS.

B Fund
The contribution amount is based upon the AVERAGE of the previous 12 months. So if you've been dropping for mil all along you get hit on your average.
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