Long haul truck driver

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Quote: Trucks can run almost continously 24/7/365, so a million miles a year is not uncommon especially for team-driven trucks, and the amount of wear and tear is enormous. The major components of an OTR truck start wearing out after about 4 years of this kind of use. So, you dump them on the used market then and get brand new ones.
It's not that high. The average team will run 5000-6500 miles a week. So at 6,000 miles week that would be around 288,000 miles a year.
Watched a family member go broke trying to haul last year. They were in the west. The trips were along the NE corridor. And the hauling company didn't bother raising rates to cover the extreme fuel prices until too late.

There are good jobs out there. There are plenty more that are worse than being the new guy at a bottom feeder 134.5 outfit.
Quote: I have also decided to join the ranks of the trucking industry. I was a flight instructor with my 135 IFR mins, but can't get a job locally. With a wife and a newborn kid, it's a bit hard to move for any flight job, especially to get paid less than minimum wage.

Not only that, but my other profession, drafting, is drying up fast. There is just no need for experienced draftsmen anymore, when hungry (AKA cheap) architectural and engineering grads are taking over the market.

I heard the trucking industry is doing well from many sources and so I signed up for classes at the community college. It should be fun and the money should be sufficient to tide us over until my dreams of flying become a reality again.

Once the reality hit that I needed to make this change, I got really depressed, but am feeling optimistic now. You gotta do what you gotta do.

wow , you sound like you could be my twin. we are in the same boat.
oh btw, saw the pinch a nickle customer service rep job for kcpr listed at local work center yesterday. starting pay is 7.16 per hour but wait it increases 61 cents an hour after training and certification !
Just yesterday a business acquaintance offered me a job driving a truck. When he told me what the wages were I was shocked. At first he thought I was insulted by his offer when if fact I could not believe the money he was offering to drive a truck.

As soon as I can get my CDL I will start out at a pay scale that is higher than what most regional captains make. I would be home every night and would have total control over my schedule.

It is totally ironic that even after all my training, experience and education as a pilot I am still worth more as a truck driving prospect that needs to be trained.

But Sky you’re not going to take the job are you? Last time I asked, you said that you pull in the six figure range with your current job correct?
Kinda fun
Quote: But Sky you’re not going to take the job are you? Last time I asked, you said that you pull in the six figure range with your current job correct?
My company is busy in the summer but doesn't offer me much to do in the winter especially. In addition I have always thought it would be fun to try driving a big truck. If someone is willing to offer me good pay and free training why would I not do it? Sounds like fun.

well ive been in casper wyoming now for nearly 3 weeks. came here because wyoming is supposed to have the lowest unemployment rate in
the country. have been sending out and filling out dozens of resumes online and in person from security guard to sat dish installer to electric tech etc etc and so far not 1 interview , phone call or bite... ive given up trying to find something in aviation although i did send resumes to a job i saw in indonesia as a flight instructor, needless to say im sure they have recieved hundreds of applicants. angry and confused
Quote: well ive been in casper wyoming now for nearly 3 weeks. came here because wyoming is supposed to have the lowest unemployment rate in
the country. have been sending out and filling out dozens of resumes online and in person from security guard to sat dish installer to electric tech etc etc and so far not 1 interview , phone call or bite... ive given up trying to find something in aviation although i did send resumes to a job i saw in indonesia as a flight instructor, needless to say im sure they have recieved hundreds of applicants. angry and confused
Have you tried Hillsboro Aviation in Oregon? They were looking for instructors recently.

Once again, I can't believe no one else has picked this one up:

In addition there are all these prostitutes coming around knocking on doors.
So you're saying there are advantages! And another thing in common with aviation!
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