Got a UPS interview!

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Hey guys,
Sounds like you and browntail are on the same side now, how appropriate.
Lets see, if you are not bashing women you are bashing the guys who want to work past 60, and now I see that you have brought skin color to the table.
How very intelligent.........
Prejudism is the spawn of ignorance,for which a few of you seem to be truly "blessed" with..............
Quote: Relax Bethany.
Strike one! You apparently don't know her, because if you did, you would know she's not posting on here, but nice try.
Quote: There should be a graduated scale used with minorities requiring more time due to the proven fact that they are less proficient and are harder to train.

5K for white males
7.5K for other males
10K for females

BT, are you sure you don't have your white hood cinched up a little too tight? I think you've cut off the circulation to your brain.
You need to join OCRAP
Quote: Browntail...

I can tell you didn't get hired from the military...where was was that came from that gave you such a lack of people skills? You happen to be working for a company that is doing quite well now, so your zero sum gain attitude with other pilots is really incomprehensible. Count your lucky stars and thank whoever that you lucked into your position...


So what exactly are you getting at here? All of us civilians are slobbering idiots? I'll be sure to explain that I have no mil. experience so you can be sure to correct me on the proper way to fly and conduct myself.

Just don't act like browntail and you will be ok.


Quote: Relax Bethany.

Wrong girl....but nice try.
Quote: WOW!

BT, are you sure you don't have your white hood cinched up a little too tight? I think you've cut off the circulation to your brain.
ROTFLMAO! Good one!
Is that you Stingray? ......
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