CAL questions

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Quote: My mistake...I missed the part about you being on reserve. Aggressive pickup is a different story. Commuting to reserve does suck and I can see why you would pick up trips in that manner. I was thinking more along the lines of a lineholder flying extra on his off days.

No problem.
Quote: We have movable and immovable days off. If you are available for the entire month, you get 12 days off with 8 of those being immovable days off and 4 being movable days off. The 8 days of immovable MUST be in at least two blocks. You cannot bid for them all in one block because PBS will deny the request. So you need to bid a minimum of a block of 2/6 (or 3/5, 4/4). Can't have 1 immovable only.

There is a proration table listing the days off you get and how many immovable based on your days of actual availability. As an example, have training? Training counts as unavailable days. So if you have TRVL, SIM 1, SIM 2, then you are unavailable 3 days of a month and you are prorated down to only 10 days off in a month with I believe 7 of those being immovable. Vacation works the same way.

crap that s pretty bad!!
so can they just call you the night before on a day off and expect you to show up the next morning? what if you commute? how much notice do they have to give you? do you have to answer your phone on your days off then?

so if they assign you something on that day off do they just give you another day off of their choosing or can you pick one?

that **** s gotta go in the joint contract!!
Quote: you can be sitting at the airport looking at your commute flight home hoping that they won't call you during your last few minutes of reserve availability, when they call to extend you another day. Never heard of them extending to the front of the reserve period, just extending a day at the end.
That has gotta go!!!! We had movable days on our domestic reserve but we got rid of it as it's abusive as heck to the poor guys on reserve.
Quote: crap that s pretty bad!!
so can they just call you the night before on a day off and expect you to show up the next morning? what if you commute? how much notice do they have to give you? do you have to answer your phone on your days off then?

so if they assign you something on that day off do they just give you another day off of their choosing or can you pick one?

that **** s gotta go in the joint contract!!
Here is the deal:

Your days off are your days off....if you are already on them!

If you are on reserve, you are either A reserve (9 hour call to report) or B reserve (2 hour call to report). B reserves do not know their call block for the reserve days before the days actually begin. In other words, they are not bid for on a monthly basis. So when you get your schedule for the month, all you will see are your days off (movable and immovable) and your reserve days (with no call times).

Each day there are two aggressive pick up windows for trips starting the next day. From 0900-1100 local base time, A reserves may aggressive pick up available trips which match their days. From 1100-1200 LBT, Scheduling can then assign the available trips to available A reserves. From 1200-1300, B reserves may aggressive pick up available trips which match their days (again a 5 or 6 day guy may pick up 4 day trips only). Then from 1300-1500 LBT, Scheduling cleans everything up by assigning the remaining trips to the reserves and assigning the call blocks to the reserves coming on duty or changing the call blocks of reserves already on their stretch of days.

So, if you are on a day off, you may take advantage of the aggressive pick up window while on reserve. If you don't want to pick up a trip or there is nothing available, you will check your schedule at or after 1500 LBT each day (starting with your last day off) to find out your assignment for the next day. It will either show a trip or a call block. It must be checked after 1500 each day in the event that scheduling changes your call block in the middle of a stretch or changes a pilot from A (long call) reserve to B (short call reserve).

Any trip that comes up in open time after 1500 each day, scheduling will assign the trip and IS REQUIRED TO CALL THE PILOT.

Yes, you are required to check your schedule for the next day on your last day off to verify your call block or assignment. No, you will not need to answer a call from scheduling on your day off. But, they may call to give you a heads up about an early AM show and let you know you can check in for it or they will call back first thing in the morning when you go on duty.

An A reserve goes off phone availability at 1200 LBT before a day off. A B reserve goes off phone availability at 1800 LBT before a day off. If you get in from a trip after these times prior to an immovable day, you are automatically released and are not required to check your schedule. However, if your trip ends after these times prior to a movable day, you are required to check the schedule to see if your day off has been "rolled" on your master schedule.

Hope that is clear.
Quote: Sadly, this is true. I recently gave one of your very senior 777 FO's a ride to work. He was heading to EWR because he had picked up an open time trip. Not cool w/ guys on the street.
I hope you placed him on your never ride the (your) JS list again! I have 13 CAL pilots on mine. And if a pilot shows up in this day and age without an ALPA card/pin he is not going. Simple as that!
Quote: I hope you placed him on your never ride the (your) JS list again! I have 13 CAL pilots on mine. And if a pilot shows up in this day and age without an ALPA card/pin he is not going. Simple as that!
So just to be clear. You won't give a ride to a UPS guy? Or are you talking about CAL guys needing a pin or a card?
Quote: I hope you placed him on your never ride the (your) JS list again! I have 13 CAL pilots on mine. And if a pilot shows up in this day and age without an ALPA card/pin he is not going. Simple as that!
You must deny a lot of jumpseats then. I continue to be amazed by the number of slick ties at CAL. If I had to guess, I'd say close to 40%. My UAL buddies are shocked when I tell them this. (and it's not just scabs - sometimes they wear more ALPA ornaments than anyone). I've offered pins to guys I fly with and they look at me like I'm speaking in tongues. Is there some history (aside from '83) that I'm missing?
Denying a jumpseat to an ALPA member for not wearing a pin is BS in my opinion. I have been a member in good standing at three airlines for over 20 years and there have been many times that I have been ****ed off enough at ALPA to remove my 20 year pin. Take a look at how our ALPA brothers and sisters at United treated the furloughees compared to Delta, enough said. You may want to invite them in and hear their story before turning them away.
Quote: I hope you placed him on your never ride the (your) JS list again! I have 13 CAL pilots on mine. And if a pilot shows up in this day and age without an ALPA card/pin he is not going. Simple as that!
Question: Who has the RIGHT to turn down any pilot for a jumpseat because they are not a member of ALPA or any union or because they are not wearing a certain pin?

Answer: Nobody.

This point is NOT arguable.....simple as that. ALPA's ability to coerce and intimidate is GONE!


....simple as that.
Jumpseat denial
I always wear my 30 ALPA pin on my tie while working. If I travel for personal reasons I never carry my uniform tie. So I won't get the jumpseat ?
But even having said that...
The Captain has the final say in who gets to ride or who doesn't
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