ASA PBS Awards..........

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The awards are to be posted at 1700 on the 20th. Why are they consistently late every month? Capt awards are out close to ontime, still nothing for FO's.

It's bad enough we have to wait until the 20th. The bids were due on the 14th, what were they doing for the last week? Contrary to popular belief we do have lives to plan.

Any awnsers?
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What does it matter...PBS is nothing but a way to make you work more for less. So much for predicting 363 lines for the CRJ fo and I am around the mid 330's and yet still have rsv next month. I have lost all motivation for this place. Weak language of a contract and now same weak language trickles down to the PBS loa since the union won't do sh!t about it being late but a "I'm sorry" letter.
I'm at just at 70% on the -200 FO side and got 5 3-days, 83 hours, trip reports are all after 10AM and only one night has less than 10 hours of rest. While I'd love weekends, realistically I can't expect them anyway. Although the pairings built aren't the greatest to choose from, I couldn't have gotten anything close to this schedule under regular line bidding.

BTW, the lines being late is absolute BS, but KH is not responsible there. You'll notice it takes nearly the full 6 days to agree on captain lines but our 'representation' spends less than a day before they sign off on the FO lines.
Quote: So much for predicting 363 lines for the CRJ fo and I am around the mid 330's and yet still have rsv next month.

Yea, I was wondering if that happened at ATL too.
Haha, just noticed the flurry of emails. I guess I wasn't the only ****ed off FO... It's still unacceptable, no matter what the excuse. Fix it, start earlier, whatever!

Trying to get a doctor/dentist/pediatrician appt when we don't know our schedules until the 20th, is absolutely ridiculous!
I feel worse for the guys on reserve that don't know their schedule until the 27th!!!!

That is just stupid.
Think its bad in ATL? Take a look at the DTW award. #1 guy got min days off, one weekend and a 5 day and 6 day trip thrown in the mix. Reserve started at just about half way up the list. Granted there are still quite a few new hires still in the sims, but it would have been nice to get a little heads up. I can't decide who failed us worse, the union or the company. I just hope its a growing pain.
Quote: What does it matter...PBS is nothing but a way to make you work more for less. So much for predicting 363 lines for the CRJ fo and I am around the mid 330's and yet still have rsv next month. I have lost all motivation for this place. Weak language of a contract and now same weak language trickles down to the PBS loa since the union won't do sh!t about it being late but a "I'm sorry" letter.
Unfortunately you got screwed with the LCA bidding. They predicted 360 lines but also said that they were withholding 30 lines for LCA bidding. It is a bunch of BS, but unfortunately we gave that up last contract. Hopefully next month they take less lines for LCA's.

You are absolutely correct about pathetic weak language and the union is as worthless as the company. Hopefully XJT's union guys can take over and show our guys how to run the union with a pair. I also think that this I'm sorry the bids are late again BS is beyond ridiculous. I think we need some sort of language that says every time the bids are late, for whatever reason, they pay every pilot $100. If it starts costing them, then they will make an effort to improve. Until that happens, they just say FU. I think if you look over the past 3 years, but bids have been delayed almost 50% of the time. That is absurd!!!
Quote: Think its bad in ATL? Take a look at the DTW award. #1 guy got min days off, one weekend and a 5 day and 6 day trip thrown in the mix.
Does the ASA CBA allow 5 and 6 day trips? Or did he simply get something like a 3 day a day back to back and two 3 days back to back?
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