Pure Entertainment. My SLI SWAG.

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Quote: Not wound tight, not taking it seriously, it's just pointless. Kind of like Jerry Springer with two trailer trash hillbillies (no offense to hillbillies) fighting on stage over Darla Jean. Paternity test anyone?

Special Tracking....... You ARE the Father! (In best Maury voice)
Iz ain't takin no dang lie detectur test niether!
It's pure entertainment.

Quote: It's pure entertainment.

I don't know...I thought he was kind of cute..
Quote: Not wound tight, not taking it seriously, it's just pointless. Kind of like Jerry Springer with two trailer trash hillbillies (no offense to hillbillies) fighting on stage over Darla Jean. Paternity test anyone?

During this whole charade, when does Sunvox's Pet-Midget pop out from behind the curtain & start doing monkey rolls across the stage as "Steve" follows close in chase???

Quote: 98% of all active pilots end up within 1% of their current relative sr at the announcement of merger.
Which would be a huge win for the CAL side. Being 60% at an airline, and then merging with an airline with 3 times as many widebody aircraft and then still being 60% would be huge.

There is no reason someone with 16 years of active continuous longevity PLUS they come from the airline with far more large aircraft should become equivalent in seniority from the 737 predominate airline that only has 6 or 7 years of longevity.

If I were on the CAL side I would be thrilled with strict relative seniority.
Quote: This is meaningless and pure entertainment so nobody should get bent out of shape if they don't like my thoughts. Make your own guess and we'll have a pool to see who get's closest to guessing their number on the new ISL.

I begin with my summation of the relevant discussion in the US Air/Am West and DAL/NWA award.

US Air/Am West
  • US Air was going out of business so career expectations were almost nil.
  • Putting furloughees in with active pilots would be unfair to Am West junior pilots and subject them to risk of furlough.
  • US Air does bring large planes and foreign routes so they get credit for category and class ratios.

  • Career expectations were mostly the same.
  • NWA did have 747 which is coveted by pilots.
  • NWA was set to lose older pilots faster than DAL.
  • No evidence that NWA was "right sized" for merger so no furloughee credit.
  • WB/NB ratio similar.

then a summary of the actual award:

US Air
  • ratios like 2:1 for WB then 1:1 for NB
  • top couple hundred US Air guys go on top because of A330
  • only "active" pilots in the list

  • "pull and plug" gave "super seniority" to those expecting a 400 bid in the near future.
  • ratio distribution based on WB/NB gave slight boost to NWA.

Likely UAL/CAL logic based on history and ALPA policy:

  • UAL gets some pilots at the top for 747, then the first couple thousand pilots are mixed in a ratio around 2:1. Then the remaining pilots are mixed on an even ratio that represents the remaining numbers.


here's the kicker that I think will be different. I think the list will include some of the UAL furloughees, and here's my logic:

  • Looking at the 2 companies block hour ratios pre-merger it is plain to see that UAL represents a predominantly WB international network and CAL a predominantly NB national network, but together the synergies are enormous.
  • In 2010, DAL, AA, and CAL (the remaining legacy carriers) all had NB replacement and/or growth orders. Only UAL did not. Obviously UAL was counting on the CAL side to fulfill their future NB need, and that along with industry rationalization was why UAL 737 were removed with no replacement.
  • Unlike NWA, UAL did not dramatically increase RJ feeder flying or order 76 seaters prior to the merger.
  • Unlike NWA, UAL DID announce major alliance shifts to include coordinating NB feed with CAL prior to the merger.
  • Immediately following the merger CAL hired 1/3 of all UAL furloughees to staff their 737 fleet, and only about 40% of UAL furloughees are accepting recall and half of them are at CAL so the UAL pilots flying for CAL today represent half the number of pilots that can be expected to return.
  • Unlike US Air, UAL HAD the POTENTIAL to operate independently as their costs were among the lowest in the industry and their global network was second only to DAL post BK so furloughees had cause to expect future advancement.

SO . . . .

the list gets integrated as follows based on a ratio of 111 WB/359 versus 46 WB/335, approximately 400 747 pilots, and about 18 WB pilots per plane.

UAL 0 to 400 to 1800 to 6400 (5400 to 6400 are furloughees)
CAL 0 to 000 to 0850 to 4800

based on my current number of 4322 I end up at:


and I match up with a CAL guy:

(4322-1800)/(6400-1800)*(4800-850)+850 = 3022

so I'm a 4/1996 hire and I end up next to a 1/2001 hire and I'm 67% in L-UAL and I end up 66% in the ISL.

so I predict my new seniority number will be 7352.

The only guys that get "screwed" are the CAL guys hired after the fall of 2006 starting around number 3950 who are merged with the UAL furloughees, and before you say ALPA policy doesn't allow this it only says you can't leap frog someone on your own companies list so in this case UAL furloughees do not leap frog any UAL pilots, and the fact remains for CAL post '06 hires, their W2 stays the same, they don't get bumped, and have essentially the same career expectations as before, but the furloughees get some tiny credit for longevity and working for a predominantly WB company pre-merger.

Anyways, this is totally worthless as it has no bearing on anything and is merely an exercise in mental gymnastics that you can hate or love or whatever, but I had fun going thru the numbers.
I'm not sure if I follow your SWAG, but me thinks that your current 67% at UAL includes all 1400+ furloughs as active...
Quote: I'm not sure if I follow your SWAG, but me thinks that your current 67% at UAL includes all 1400+ furloughs as active...
I just looked at the integrated relative list that was put out a couple years ago when the merger was announced. An april 96 hire counting ALL furloughees would be the equivalent to a CAL 98 hire in relative seniority.

Excluding the furloughees, and only counting active pilots, an April 96 hire is the same relative seniority to the 2001 CAL hires.

I don't think he used either list though, he just started at the top counting down with the method he came up with.

Remember that in the last couple years the relative seniority has changed because of new hires being put on the CAL side and not the UAL side, so whatever today's relative seniority looks like, is mostly meaningless because those UAL pilots flying at CAL aren't going to be placed at the bottom like they are now.
Quote: There is no reason someone with 16 years of active continuous longevity PLUS they come from the airline with far more large aircraft should become equivalent in seniority from the 737 predominate airline that only has 6 or 7 years of longevity.
Sure, there is a reason .... because there WAS a merger, and the old UAL is dead, so your expectations now rest in the now merged new UAL ... both MCs will do there best to bring history to bear and sway the arbitrators ... but in the end, all of our expectations will be altered as a result of the merger. I will have to live with my decision to go to work for CAL, just as you will have to live with your choice ... remember, it only has to be "fair" to the 3 arbitrators, and no one else.
Quote: I'm not sure if I follow your SWAG, but me thinks that your current 67% at UAL includes all 1400+ furloughs as active...
And no, an April 96 hire is at 56% on the UAL list including the 1400+ furloughs and 67% NOT including them.
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